I prefer them than those countries around us (France, Germany,netherlands etc)

I prefer them than those countries around us (France, Germany,netherlands etc)

Any Spaniard like me?

Attached: South-America-Map.png (751x1000, 66K)

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You wouldnt want filth peruvians around you, they literally lick lhamas ass

No. You're delusional and/or a sudaca.

How does Spanish America view Spain and vice-versa?

>How does Spanish America view Spain?
madrilenians are snotty cuntfaces and the rest of Spain agrees with us so we're on very good terms
not to mention we received a whole bunch of them in the 1930s

t. chicano

Incorrect, a sudaca would prefer France Germany and Netherlands as neighbors instead of fellow sudacas

We generally don't care much about Spain, we think they have a silly accent but if you ask someone they'll say they like Spain. (Unless they're some blind commie nationalist)

No,i am Spaniard and my family too

> Spain
> accent

What do Spanish accents sound like to Mexicans and vice-versa? Is it like UK v.s. US English where they sound "posh" and we sound like hillbillies?

Brazil is as shitty as PerĂº.

If you ignore slang, accents in Spanish are mainly differences in intonation, not an outright different pronunciation of the same words and sequence of letters, aside from the "th" sound for c and z in Spain.


For example, in the video, "British vs American accents" are not only differences in intonation, but outright different sounds and pronunciations of the same letters.

good lads, though bit degenerate on here

what about portugal and italy?

We just think it sounds like a lisp.

But both can be as shit as Chile, thats for sure

Peru is better than brazil

Spanish America is an acceptable term

If you really try, your countries can be as shitty as 2018's chile, in 20 years.

No, Peru is quite better than Brazil.

T. Dirty Peruvian migrants making Chile more shitty

But they are right, Peru is a lot better than Brazil

but peru is better than brazil