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My anus is ready, daddy.

Do I buy back in now at a 2000 coin loss or hold off??

Hard to say, it keeps breaking all sell walls

I've been holding so many bags for so long. Bought at .29 - are we ever going to make it back?

ATH here we come!

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Fuuuuck I really don't want to buy back in at a loss, surely a small correction is due we've got a little while till mainnet release

It’ll most likely correct in the next 24 hours, I’m waiting for that to buy back in



> a small correction is due
> mainnet release

pick one

When the f-ck was it ever that high?

Could someone explain me why is this mooning?


Be careful, BCH is already getting dumped on. That means EOS is next and then TRON.

Mainnet release in five weeks and people want to get in early. I tried to tell you guys at 500 sats but you were all too busy chasing other pumps instead of settling down for a guaranteed 3x

Read all the recent releases on Twitter and medium. Also main net end of May.

It’s not too far-fetched to think whales will take profits before then and then buy back in after people inevitably follow suit thinking the pump is over.


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I bought at 0.25 still not selling until i break even, this was my first and last FOMO coin, leason learned

Damn bro, I bought in at .08 and thought I had it rough. Hope it recovers to your level bud

This is why I don't trust this coin. Wasn't that a huge PnD that made it a scamcoin? What's changed now

>Be careful, BCH is already getting dumped on. That means EOS is next and then TRON.

You're probably right, but they will all be back in a day or two. Trying to time the top and bottom is a fool's game, just eat the temporary loss and wait for new ATH.

Who, me? I just answered for that other guy. My first buy order for tron was under 100 sats :)

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Should I get 20,000 TRX or 5000 REQ?

>tfw bought in at 3 cents and sold at 27 after it peaked at 30
Literally best decision of my life to dump those bags.

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I listened

Planning my California vacation as we speak.

As much as I love req and the project, I'd say at this point trx has better short term

Mine looks better

>thinking something will PUMP on a mainnet release
The abolaute state of this Georgian pear coring board

>people unironically buying a shitcoin during a pump


Is this literally your first day in crypto or something?
Yes coins pump enormously before events such as a testnet or mainnet. Literally without fail. Tron will 2x in sats from here.

Enjoy you Link, though.

I listened. Thanks!

Of course they pump before you brainlet, I said pump ON release

It's probably going to dump hard on release, but pump leading up to it. Everybody knows that. Why are you telling us? You should be telling your friends on R*ddit.

>”mainnet release in 5 weeks and people want to get in early”
You make it sound like people are buying to hold through mainnet. People buying now aren’t getting in early, we are welllll into the pump. I think we are on the same page user

>Of course they pump before you brainlet, I said pump ON release

Good, well I didn't say it will pump ON release, either. The pump comes before the event, as literally everyone knows.

I'm glad we understand each other.

We're pulling out.

God speed Anons.

>You make it sound like people are buying to hold through mainnet.

Do I? How do I make it sound like that without writing it or anything even remotely similar to it?

> People buying now aren’t getting in early, we are welllll into the pump.

I can't see why we won't go to 1500 sats in the next month. You think the pump will finish weeks before the event? Naw.

We are. Now let's ride this shit rocket into the sky and bail before it does a perfect impression of the Challenger shuttle!

Come on push this bitch down I’m ready to buy back in


invested like 20 buck that's why i'm not flypping my shit over it but still had to hodl kek

how are you storing it what with it changing over to its own thing?

When that time comes you should have already sold. I've never actually taken Tron off of Binance though.

ok, that's what i figured. i just see so many people say "don't keep stuff on exchanges" i'm getting paranoid.

Take valuable, long term holds of exchanges. Leave shitcoins on exchanges. You never know when you will have to dump them at a moment's notice, and having to take the time to transfer out of a wallet can cost you bigly.

lots of hype for tron, but no hype for their partner . the went from .05 cents on the 17th to .25 cents now. did you guys miss it?

i don't have valuable stuff so i'm good i guess