Am I the only one worried that in the near future (next few decades) the US and the EU might go to war?
It seems like the US has no interest in compromise. They always want everything for themselves. Isn't this the exact scenario that eventually leads to war?
Am I the only one worried that in the near future (next few decades) the US and the EU might go to war?
Not an hot war
Maybe a trade war or another cold war
Yes, you're retarded.
No that's stupid Europe is home to some of our greatest allies.
Now Russia or China, that is possible
>uk out of eu
>war on mainland europe
again? why does this shit keep happening
You went to war with yourselves, lol. Don't believe for a second that you wouldn't go to war with us given the right situation.
I think a cold war is already brewing. The European defense force proposal is obviously for this exact reason. So in that sense we are already there.
You can't keep spitting on your allies and expect they will stay your allies forever.
The only way another civil war would happen is if we did something as stupid as go to war with Europe. The government doesn't want that and the people don't especially. I mean hell people are getting pissy about us bombing ISIS in Syria can you imagine the outrage if we started another war with another country, especially a first world one that people give a shit about?
>greatest allies
Vassals. Too weak to disagree so we are "allies" even though we get the short end of the stick all the time. We are starting to become equals now with more EU integration and suddenly we are starting to disagree more. It remains to be seen whether we are actually allies.