How much do you wanna bet he manages to fuck this up and we end up going to war with Korea?

How much do you wanna bet he manages to fuck this up and we end up going to war with Korea?

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Not war, just a return to the status quo except people now empathize with norks now.

I just want the chubby son of a bitch to launch the nukes already. The pissing contest is old

when are you going to seek treatment for your TDS?

Trump's a tad unpredictable, there is no use over thinking it.
At worst he'll drop some bombs on NK and start WW3. At best they'll make some goofy pictures together, sign a worthless "agreement" and we're back to business as usual.

Well we have China backing us up so it'll probably end up in our favor. That'll still not be enough to please anybody on the left but nothing ever will. Unless he is completely abdicated and queen hillary is put in his place.

Trump has not the power to launch nukes (I hope)

>How much do you wanna bet he manages to fuck this up and we end up going to war with Korea?

I bet he doesn't, you're way off.

He does, but I imagine he has to jump through hoops. But I don't care at this point, one of them needs to launch something.

He obviously tried to derail the talks more than once. He is clearly intent on fucking shit up. Don't ask me why, but he clearly is.


This has seriously reached mental health crisis status.
It's not even funny any more, at first it was.

I trust there is at least on guy with a pair in your government that would put a halt to his madness if he ever thinks about that.

>his madness

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Pretty sure standard protocol is that he can't launch them unless someone else does first.

There are a few. IIRC some senators have introduced a bill taking away his nuclear powers.

They have also voted for impeachment a few times, impotent rage all the way

The same unpredictably that led to the summit will also be a crutch in these talks.
Trump’s shown a tendency to renege on promises and break longstanding American deals. NK tentatively agreed to denuclearize but the issue is timing. Will it take 5,7,10 years? How do you trust a guy like Trump who retracts statements as soon as he’s on the plane out of G7?
No matter what this summit holds it’ll be surprising.

Will be interesting to see

We are good with any result.
If US and NK summit went OK, then it's good for our trade with NK.
If it went bad, then we entering the scene.
If it went really bad and DRUMPF nuke NK, then war at Asia will make Japan, China and S Korea weak, and it will be good for us again.

how do the russians keep getting away with it

>war with Korea
You're even more stupid than average american. China will not let you

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We have no ideology.

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The way I see it, 50-50 odds we go to war with South Korea.

10000^1000d chess

>Well we have China backing us up


0% chance of war

Lol. Mutts are delusional.

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That won't happen, he probably bribed China with ZTE for the summit.

Pretty sure Trump just hires the most retarded people he can find.

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>Trump insults and makes jokes of Kim
>Kim bombs America
On the scale from 1 to 10 what is the possibility of this scenario?



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Trump can make jokes, but China will not let NK to start WW3



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>If it went bad, then we entering the scene.
We're already in the scene. Trump was very jelous, when Lavrov met Kim recently. So Kim already backed both by China and Russia.

We can enter the scene even more!

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>Navarro added that the joint G-7 communique, a statement of shared beliefs that usually accompanies the close of the meeting, was a "socialist document."
Who knew the G7 was actually the third internationale? Any trump supporters willing to explain that one?

The point of Trump supporters
>Thanks to the guidance of Canada’s leftwing government, for example, the leaders will devote great attention to climate change and gender equality.
>Putting Russia back in the mix of members presumably would mean less progressive nonsense and more discussion of actual strategic issues.

>climate change isn't important
Fuck off

Pst...Russia...wanna make a G-2?

>climate change

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When you are ready.

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literally nothing will happen, and he'll act like he solved the war
then in a month everyone will have forgotten about it

>climate change isnt directly related to industry

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But murrican people will feel like they won a war, dude.
Like you know ww2, cold war, Saddam, Kosovo.
But now nobody will be hurt, isn't that great?