Reagan is the reason America became shit

Reagan is the reason America became shit
>removed metric system
>gave birth to Modern Conservitism
>fucked up the economy

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Ronnie the Actor

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This is all true. He nearly tripled the national deficit.

Either way, this isn't Jow Forums related, so fuck off.

who permanently fucked america beyond repair more, reagan or nixon?

Reagan introduced massive tax cuts for the rich and lead a had crack down on unions

>voodoo "trickle down" economics
>busting organized labour
>intensifying the war on drugs, creating harsher sentances and empowering the prison industry
>increasing defense spending and empowering the military industrial complex
>escalating the cold war, damaging Nicaragua and other small nations
>Vetoing a fucking anti-apartheid law

Attached: trickle down economics.jpg (750x763, 47K)

Voters deserve who they elect.

>granted amnesty to illegals, permanently turning california blue and ensuring the next generation of SJWs
shit president desu

>in a column entitled “Reagan was no neocon,” I argued that, despite their retrospective affection for Reagan, neoconservatives in the 1980s were bitterly disappointed by his foreign policy.

under Reagan, federal spending actually increased from 23 percent to 24 percent of gross national product, while payroll tax increases resulted in a net tax increase for most Americans.

Not only did Reagan renege on his promise to abolish President Carter’s new Cabinet departments, Education and Energy, he appointed secretaries dedicated to their preservation.

Carter did more than Reagan to deregulate the economy.

>a glass which enlarges itself to fit any amount of liquid
I want it.

This is true to an extent, but to be fair, they doom us pretty early with the "schools" here

nixon was based except for the war on drugs. nixon kissinger was GOAT. if you disagree, I will pummel your ignorant ass into the ground

Nixon was a greasy, authoritarian crook.

Nixon was good, but not Goldwater.

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meant for

What the problem?

Don't forget the large central american immigration after he caused chaos in central america. And the gun bans lmao.

Converting to the metric system is a retarded idea that only neckbeards on reddit believe in.
It would cost an incredible amount of money for very little benefits.
I get it, the metric system is better. But having a better system cost too money and wouldn't actually yield very many benefits

So, so much this.

Every nation gets the government they deserve.

so what? its not a really constructive statement. just trying to look smart by bashing your peers

>removed metric system
what ? that's reeeeally retarded

Americans treat "the government" like some sort of abstract entity that exists in another dimension, and not a group of people who we elect.

not a surprise, given that youre elections doesnt affect your everyday life too much. not even as much as in europe i think. the original sentence is still just saying that you mutts are stupid nothing more than that. shallow but popular opinion