White women are precious

White women are precious.

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Too bad you'll never get your monkey paws on one, João

only when they fart

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>taking white women over castizo women

lmao at you

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>implying castizo women aren't white

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>brown eyes, brown skin, brown hair

white skin, brown hair, brown eyes
white (skin)

I live in Alabama. I'm surrounded by northern european chicks and black people (we don't even have hispanics in this state, seriously look it up).

I prefer the mediterranean look.

I suffer.

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pic unrelated?

ariana is plastic tho

>mixed women

they sure as fuck don't look like any white women I have ever met in my life, maybe in Italy but that isn't really what I think people think of when they say "white woman"

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>mixed can't be white
>100% of white people are mixed with Neanderthals, Middle Easterners and other shitskins
>conclusion: nobody is white
Nice logic there
She's not blonde but she's white

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What the fuck does that even mean, when people think of white people they think of people who look like me, not swarthy Italians

white is whatever you want it to be, so if you wanna call Hispanics and yourself white because you are whiter than niggers, that's fine, but don't expect me to change my pretty normie view on these things

you act like I said blonde and blue eyes are only white, I said no such thing, but this is not a white woman in my eyes, she is hispanic

These sexy bitches are retarded and only deserve to be fuck toys. Doesn't matter what their race are

the spanish were the first who used the word white

Jow Forums is full of retards

>the spanish were the first who used the word white
>white is whatever you want it to be

I think I covered that. Anglos considered only themselves as true whites. It's not really a concept in history that is well defined. Arabs also called themselves white in relation to their darker southern neighbors.

All of these people can be white in one context or the other, but the current view of what white means is pic related

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wh*Te women are property

Didn't Anglos consider Germans non-white at some point? and even the Irish too.

"White" is really subjective.

"Caucasoid" would probably be a better term I think.

This is a semantic discussion and it's more complex than that, but yes, there were times when ethnicity meant your race, and the British saw themselves as the true whites.

People forget that the British Empire was fiercely nationalistic and that they really viewed themselves as the only true civilization. Not that strange considering the rest of Europe was not engaged in empire building except for the Catholic nations which were seen as inferior by the British.

A good anecdote from a modern book that illustrates this is a conversation in the novel The Terror. A death of a French crewmen is reported as hitting the crew harder than a Inuit death, but not as hard as the death of a true white, a British man. It is a modern book but it describes the hierarchy of the Brits in a good way. It was not racialism in the sense that you see today, though there was an aspect of it obviously.

Caucasoid, white etc are all terms that are difficult to define. Sephardic Jews from North Africa and Portugal were granted citizenship as 'free white man' in the first Naturalization Act of 1790. Sephardic Jews would not be considered white by today's standard, but in the new world white back then would have meant pretty much anyone from the Old World who had some affiliation with the colonies. Obviously, the character and later formalization of the Nordic character of America caused a nativist sentiment in the 'old blood' of America but this was never properly formalized until Indians (from India) started to apply for citizenship as part of the wider 'white race'.
I don't have the court documents for the landmark case that formalized this, but there was a proper judicial process of formalizing 'white' and kindred people to be roughly the area of civilization in European and near Eastern areas. Keep in mind that the vast majority of the few immigrants who came from places like Syria were Christians and thus would have been under influence of the Eurosphere.

whos the niggerhole?

>ruh roh

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I´ll give you an white woman for Anzu

some instagram slut from "MUH SOUTH" probably, google it and find out

caucasoid is a skull shape
ethiopians are rightfully caucasoids, on some other thread an idiot asked if they're not just dark italians
we all corrected him: italians are bleached ethiopians of course

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damn idris whats going on big guy?

All woman are queen.