ITT: angry etherscan pajets demanding repayment for hacks
ITT: angry etherscan pajets demanding repayment for hacks
guys dont click this link all my LINK is gone
Did they send ether to this address after being promised that they would get 1.5X sent back? Surely there is a reason that the comments are populated solely by third-worlders.
Probably, I found it by looking through complaints on Kucoin's eth address
I know the MEW hack guy was using dummy begging accounts just to send himself ETH and confuse his actual accounts with randoms. It's brilliant in way. Send large amounts of money to random people and also to yourself.
No, there was a very sophisticated hack that just happened that hijacked DNS for 2 hours leading people to a fake myetherwallet
DNS poisoning attack
But from what I understand the fake site had invalid SSL certs so anyone who actually clicked passed the warning is fucking retarded and deserves to loose their money
Although this may have also been a hack, these are from 3 months ago. I still have to find some from today's hack
Imagine clicking passed invalid SSL warning on
I want a report of what types of coins were stolen.
I don't want anything in common with people who clicked past "invalid cert" warnings when dealing with crypto.
samous is clearly from Jow Forums or Jow Forums lel
>crypto is safe and more secure than gold and fiat!
Dude, the hack that just happened could have happened to any site on the internet.
Fuck off goldcuck
fiat and gold is stolen every minute of the day, the only difference is the bank or whatever will cover your losses. if crypto goes anywhere traditional banks will literally be providing all these same services but for bit coins or whatever, it makes no real difference to their business what the currency actually is. the only thing that really changes is you now have a choice not to deal with them at your own risk, just like cash under the mattress.
Good luck getting any bank to cover the losses of some home invader robbing you of your gold, lel
absolute goldmine
please stop derailing the thread with your meme opinions
Why didn't MEW have HSTS?
I set up a joke pyramid scheme website and even that's got HSTS.
>mfw these idiots would install an old-ass browser just to get scammed out of their Ether
jesus christ senpai.
you are retarded