Sell me this pen

Sell me this pen.

Attached: leonardo-dicaprio.jpg (305x440, 28K)

Other urls found in this thread:

It's not TRX.


It's actually a Ven.
>customer orders 100k

You can sell it for 1000% ROI in a year to some brainlet.

It was used by Leonardo DiCaprio


Nah, fuck off it's not for sale.

that is a smoking instrument

Pen "blockchain"

What kind of pen are you in the market for?

You fail.

You fail.

Too good to be true.
You fail.


You fail.

You fail.

You fail.

Too complicated to understand.
You fail.

A good one.

I've been in sales longer than you senpai
I'm real fucking good at what I do

This pen costs one penny.

I asked for a good pen.
Not your lecture.
You fail.

Is it good?


>You win a costumer.
>But you lose your profits since that pen was worth 1 dollar. That's a .99 cent lost.
>A 99% loss makes you go bankrupt
You fail.

It will make your dick fucking huge


You fail

>You win a costumer.
>A lawsuit is filed for false clam
>You lose the lawsuit
>You go bankrupt
You fail.

There's a 99.99999% chance it will make your dick fucking huge.

do you hate money sirs?
use this to list your gainz!

>You fail.
Fail what, you butthurt nopener? You haven't convinced me to sell.

>You win a costumer.
>A lawsuit is filed for false clam
>You lose the lawsuit
>You go bankrupt
You fail.

You don't poo in the loo.
And you fail.

Still sold 2 pens.

it kills niggers

ummm it's u-uh a r-real noice can like write wif it and stuff

sign here for your aids test results


Attached: not gonna make it.png (1261x717, 282K)

This pen does not merely write - once lit you get to enjoy the warm embrace of chilled smoke from the finest marijuana this chan has to offer, drawn smoothly through a candied exterior coated cooling channel with interior fins for maximum surface area to chill the flavorful yields. The bounty provides a window of enhanced creativity, reaching its peak as indicated by a sweet tickle moving up the body to the ears.

With your new found creativity at hand - you turn the now glowing embers to the parchment, where you no longer simply write, but permanently scorch the very canvas at your pleasure. This pen has been called a gateway to evil. Those who utter this these words would seek to keep you from your true potential; to hoard the creative bounty for themselves - but you friend, have the opportunity to taste true freedom of the mind; To free yourself from the mental chains that limit your ability to shape the world around you with profound creativity as opposed to living within the confines of the world those that would keep you from this pen have created; A World designed to strangle your ability to look beyond what is imaginary, and see the truth that lies beyond, that your mind, when unchained and without self doubt, can alter the very reality that surrounds us all.

I am giving you one opportunity to share in this enlightenment. The price of this pen is such that you cannot afford it in your current state. user, I believe so completely in your ability to shape the world, I will give you this pen - and when your freed mind leads you with down the path of plentiful wealth, as it most certainly will - only then will you repay me, at which time you will know the price. Please user, I caution you but one thing. There are no refunds. You cannot come back from freedom of mind. There is no return to the simple life you once enjoyed. The choice becomes easy, however - as I know and you know, the joy has gone. Take the pen user.

You posted a picture of him holding it you fucking nigger

>Too complicated to understand.
That's the point. Why do you think the crypto market is where it is?
Fucking idiot

Why don't you do me a favor and write your name down on that napkin for me.

Great team, partnerships, sitting on heaps of ndas, real world usage, solves problems, scales to a trilion transactions

You fail.

You fail.

ayyy girl, suck ma cock.

You fail.

You fail.

You fail.

That's me.
You fail.

You fail.

I don't want to give a stranger my name.
You fail.

None of this benefits me.
You fail.

Do you have any other pens?

Because as far as I can see you don't have any other pens on you. As a fellow businessman I have this one you could purchase just so you're not without.

No good to be without a pen on a board like this

See this chick? She looooves pens up her ass. But not just any pen. It just so happens that she has a particular interest in the pen that I just happen to have on me. She's in the next room waiting with her ass up in the air. But only for the next 7 minutes. I take cash or bitcoin.

Attached: 069ffe14225b33da236c42fe6d7c7b03.jpg (789x1153, 797K)

Pen has been in pooper. Please buy good sirs

I refuse to sell you this pen.

shart braaaap

I watched this one countless times over a decade ago. Thanks for the reminder bro.

Attached: 1523398957669.png (720x644, 822K)

Sold, I win, I win.

The pen was used by Leonardo DiCaprio.
Here's a picture of him with the pen. Unlike regular pens, it also serves as a tobacco pipe.

I can use it to kill you, or kill 6 million jews

Why do you need a pen? I mean, what are you looking for here, what will you be doing with this pen?

Salty Nocoiner, tell me your secrets to wealth

easy as fuck bro

If it's costing you a dollar to make a pen, you're the loser.

So you came here to have sex with this 10 year old girl? There's a dozen officers waiting outside... that is unless you sign this document denying that this you and affirming your true identity. Oh you don't have a pen? This one's for sale.