Press P to pray for me
X100 short, liquidation at 9780
I love these threads, but only with proof so show or gtfo faggot. I want to feel the fear in your NEET ass.
Press C to call user a fucking idiot
You'll be liquidated by midnight
you deserve it
Press SPV to shit, piss and vomit on OP's grave
Get liqd fucking bearfag
press CUNT to call OP a stupid fucking imbecile
No. I'm gonna win. It can't go up forever. Look at the 4 hour chart, 8 green candles in a row. Impossible. Statistically it can't hold that trend. It must go down now. I am going to win.
you silly bitch
Bears already forgot to never short the BTC bulls. RIP
post proof, smartypants. won't it be funny if your shitposting is correct, it dips, but you didn't actually make the call?
>assumes the laughing position
I believe in you OP
Balls of steel. Good luck
P to pahmp et
How are you going to tell your wife and kids that you have to move into the park across the street?
Uh-oh it's going up, OP.
fuckk should I close it??
Prepare the lube, btc breaking 10k tonight
no you faggot. I need closure
close that shit while you can
Bearfags ftw
Bearish divergence on volume oscillator shorting eth/btc
>Double down
No. This is not sustainable. It CANNO'T physically pump any more. It needs to correct. I will win.
>Value 4.1540 XBT
No, I wanna see you on BitmexRekt. Don't blueball me, faggot.
Yes you fucking moron. Set stops from here down to 9600, so at least you can get rid of some of it. Then go 50x long at the entry point of your choosing. We're going above 10k before we go back down .
> I will win.
*starts inhaling*
Heavenly Father
Please Please don't let me get liquidated
Correct me if wrong, new to this, but Didnt op hit his mark according to charts? He posted this at 21:36 est and his mark was 9629 which it went below around 21:53 est. Did he winned?
looks like you got a good short entry mate.
this market is completely insane though so taking profit wouldn't be the dumbest idea in the world in-case it randomly pumps again.
11PM EST you will be liquidated.
Here comes soros pumping
lol nvm looks like it's pumping right now mate.
don't get rekt user. i dont want you to lose your money
better fucking close
you actually are retarded
you fuck'd yet?
if so, good.
If you’re not LARPing, then oooooooooooof
what went wrong in your life user?
don't you want OP to be happy and get in on the gains?
we can all make it.
9700 and climbing
goodluck retard if u didnt get liquidated already
>A wild OP appears
>He uses Gambler's fallacy!
>It's not effective
>betting against BTC while it's bullish af
>doing so using X100 margin!?
no, I want OP to just stop being a fucking dullard for a while.
>Live look in at OP
Oof, now that’s a spicy projection. Sorry for your loss OP
Hasn't hit yet, OP should be fine.
Tick tock, OP.
Damn it must be weird to just watch this freight train come at your face while you wait to be hit
Are you liquidated OP? Give us an update
A fool and his money are soon parted
niggas fucked mate look at bullmex go
Time can bring you down, time can bend your knees
Time can break your heart, have you begging please, begging please
Beyond the door there's peace I'm sure
And I know there'll be no more tears in heaven
liquidation fucking sucks.
really feels like walking out of a casino, broke.
anyone using anything over x10 leverage on bitmex, against the trend. will learn eventually
You're not even risking that much relax.
Mark price is still 50 bucks short.
it hasn't hit his entry point, high so far is 9722.
Just hit 9747 on bitstamp you ded op?
user it's a bull market...I...
Right with you user, only 3x though....because this train may well not stop til 10k.
Yep. 3x short right now - we should retrace a little....but fuck the fomo is strong today.
How you holding up OP?
inb4 it dumps right after
we just broke upwards out of an ascending wedge in the daily chart
Congrats OP
Congratulations. I hope you didnt close your position before the dump
Holy shieeet the absolute madman.
Did you get liquidated?
You're analysis was still shit though. Don't gamble you money like that again.
Should be good now.
I'd claim profit now
Good job, OP. I legitimately thought you were going to lose. Don't get too greedy though. It doesn't matter how good you are at predicting BTC, high leverage like 100x is pretty much gambling.
Still, congrats.
OP i just wanted you to know i believed in you the whole time
Most retarded headline ever.
1. The bubble burst so he was right
2. Just because you think something's a bubble doesn't mean you can't traded it. In fact the people who DON'T think it's a bubble are the ones losing money
Aaaaaand.....we plunged. Thanks for the TA though, much appreciated.