Why do Australians hate us so much?

Why do Australians hate us so much?

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Idk but they also talk shit about Canadians and it’s annoying. Shut the fuck up and go pick another fight with New Zealand. No one likes Australia.


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EVERYBODY hates you

>it's a Brazilian makes an attention whoring comment on a thread completely unrelated to Brazil episode

They're just mouthy in general.
A common joke here is;
'Why are Australians so well balanced? Because they have a chip on each shoulder'.
Kind of dumb, but you get the point.

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What makes them mad all the time? The climate?

Dude we're far from being the only ones they mouth off, they mouth everyone off. It's what makes them Australian.
Well if Brazil is saying that I guess it's a good thing.
It's literally just muh banter.

One called me tubby the other day but I was too busy eating to say anything back.

I would had totally kicked his ass though he was skinny.

They have an unwarranted sense of self importance, and an eternal underdog complex.
It's a toxic mix.

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So funny

thats literally every single country though.
its tall poppy syndrome. If somebody talks down to you/implies they're better then theres an urge top cut them back down. And when we avoided 2008 and have pretty equal wealth distribution(not for long lol) pretty much every country except for a few is worse to live in.
So America does it a lot plus their imprialism, plus Australian are more left wing in general. Not in the corporate manufactured sjw way necessarily.
Still nothing gets me going like China or India talking down Australia though when they literally poo in the streets still. You can't say that as openly though because of muh racism but America''s always fair game.

not really hate more like laughing at how stupid you are

>(not for long lol)
what's happening


the usual. Labour being devalued by immigration and outsourcing and having the economy based off a housing bubble and selling coal and iron.

What's a tubby?

FUCK australians. suck my BBCC (big black Canadian cock)

I’ve noticed it too,
Honestly all countries hate us,
but Australia’s posts seem more hateful

Yeah, I think it's pretty weird, too, cause it's not like we really interact with them. So why so much hate?

jealously probably they live in a retarded country

Just really love rainwater lads.

they're not australians, they're chinese diaspora or spiritual chinese diaspora

REAL australians (white ones, abos don't count because the only thing they do/did is huff gasoline and hit each other on the head with rocks) are at worst ambivalent about the US

>spiritual chinese diaspora
What is that?

they have the soul of an insect

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Stupid all the way to the bank and the possession of nukes and the moon (I personally participated in and benefitted by all of these).

>(I personally participated in and benefitted by all of these).

they aren't mad they just like to shit talk basically.
aussies and kiwis shit on our own countries just as much tbqh

yeah I would say aus is pretty unique in that its pretty left leaning, while also still shittin on immigrants and abo's.

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they are eternall upset

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what's the background on this?

also tons of conservatism in not wanting to change. We've got a lot more moderating things in our system than a lot of other western countries. Which is a pretty interesting mix with union but not marxist left.
but yeah it's getting Americansied into corporate prostitute identity politics, thats why people generally have disdain for them.