>be f*rstoid
>have no real problems
>whine about made up problems instead
>yep! I found a way to be unhappy in my perfect conditions and heavenly society! I am so DEPRESSED now! Please, give me attention!
Be f*rstoid
Fuck first worlders
First worlders do have real problems though:
>everyone expects your teeth to be perfect so your parents force you to go to the orthodontist before you're old enough to have a say in anything and fuck up your jaw for life even though you complained
>get your foreskin cut off and have an ugly scar running up from your scrotum to the head of your penis because of a bad job
>nearly die every day on the freeway because of stupid old people and women who don't know how to drive
>higher risk of cancer because of all the smog in the air all the time
>begging niggers getting ready to beat the shit out of you for your cash if no one's around
fuck off animefaggot
>be f*rstoid
>Complain that boss made me work for 3 hours straight
>tfw 3rd worlders has to work 12 hours for an hour of my rate
>lists America’s problems
Yeah, I was talking about first world, not America
>america's not first world
*gets shot*
*gets fat*
*gets SPIC’d*
*gets mixed*
Dios mio...
w-well you hate f*Rstoids so does that mean you'll be my friend?
Ofc, my friend, America is a good ally against f*rstoid menace. You flooded their lands with rapefugees which are blessed warriors of the third world. I admire you as a fighter for a f*rstie-free future
That sounds pretty mean though, I don't know...
Literally nothing is too mean against f*rst worlders
Don't worry, soon we will be third-world and we'll understand your pain
I understand you
Italy is f*rst world
(You must still suffer)
reminder that firstoids want to spread their faggotry and degeneracy to our countries in exchange for developing money
pls bully me more nagatoro
I want Nagatoro to bully me until I snap and am at the verge of raping her.
F*rsties should be punished
You probably live better than 90% of Earth, so that firstoid insult goes to you too.
I still live in third world country, among real people with real problems, unlike delusional f*rsties, I’ve seen it all, and their “”””problems”””” are nothing
Sauce on the manga?
Don’t bully me, Nagatoro-san
look at this firstlet loser hahahaha
The poorest countries (Africa) are the happiest though. Hapinesss is relative.
>be first worlder
>jump off the bridge because you spilled your soylent
you still going huh you worldlet sap
>le noble savage
African countries have the highest rate of depression, why do you think they all want to move to Europe if hapiness is relative ?