sup poorfags
bitcoin cash is the real bitcoin
sup poorfags
bitcoin cash is the real bitcoin
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Not sure why I'm even holding Link tbqh
Haven't kept up with the project lately cause of life stuff, but I bought a fat stack of LINK during presale last September. We rose from 9 cents to 50 cents in the span of a month, and then hovered around 40 cents for a good amount of time. BTC was 4500ish or thereabouts
it's been 7 fucking months and the price is exactly the same. Periodically I check Jow Forums and see the obligatory, "Tonight!" threads, or just general charting threads. Why? What the fuck are you celebrating. With the exception of the temporary bubble, this shit has been trading in the same channel for nearly a goddamn year.
And what the fuck do we have? Still no medium updates. No marketing director as promised. All of the Assblaster posts have been proven LARPs. None of the secret developments all of these Sherlock holmes autists post about have come to fruition. Not one.
Woo we get ropsten next month. You just know there will be bugs and all sorts of complications. And what about adoption? No word from SWIFT. No word from anybody. *maybe* JNT will LOOK at it. Fucking docusign? Really? Yet some of you idiots still cling to the delusion that mainnet will go live and all of these banks will be diving right in. Bull fucking shit.
and it's not even as if LINK is the chosen one anymore. Oracles are popping up left and right. This team is severely outclassed.
How fucking long are we supposed to hold for? Most of us are in our 20s. You get what, maybe 15 years more of prime living? And we've already pissed damn near 10% of that away, waiting for absolutely nothing. Jesus fucking christ
Get laid, lmao
We know. Every user here knows. Core shills have been parroting here for over a year and drowning everyone else out. Don't think normal anons here have actually started to believe Core.
nice just bought 100k of the real bitocin (BTC)
lol fag
>bitcoin cash is the real bitcoin because I made more money on it
now you can afford a helium tank to die painlessly
been in bitcoin since 2012. traded all my BTCuck for real bitcoins
cashie paid shills targeting link now
Once key pairings get more widespread Core is fucked. Kucoin is about the only exchange with bch pairings.
Its posta, retard. is good too. Only trades BCH/alt pairs
I'll have to check it out.
I think the pairing argument is a red herring. No reason a coin can't have a higher market cap just because some it has less pairings.
BCH/BTC will over time increase regardless of what exchanges do.
Does BCash have the longest proof of work chain user? Yes or no
This is true, BTC has more work done. Doesn't mean it will definitely stay that way though.
No, but it will. Bcore is worthless.
Both BTC and BCH are legacy shitcoins, and only the former will succeed due to brand recognition. BCH also looks like a scam to normies due to deceptive techniques like pretending it's actually bitcoin, and hijacking the domain to shill it
So BCash is going to not only increase its chain velocity far enough above Bitcoin's to catch up, but also maintain that velocity into perpetuity to the point where it can actually end up longer than Bitcoin in the longrun, despite being significantly behind Bitcoin in chain velocity right now, with the gap widening further each day in favor of Bitcoin?
Okay. Keep holding on to your failed forks, Satoshi specifically discussed this in the whitepaper. You reap what you sow.
Cores chain is going to die, dude. It simply cannot deal with transactional demand.
Corecucks are running out of arguments. jesus christ this is pathetic
>m-muh chain is longer!!11
>Satoshi literally defines Bitcoin as the longest PoW chain
>Haha corecucks on suicide watch, they actually think their chain is the real Bitcoin just because it has the longest PoW chain?
What satoshi defines is kind of irrelevant. satoshi isn't God. Appealing constantly to what satoshi says is a substitute for a lack of thought
He also defines bitcoin as a series of timestamped transactional digital signatures. Segwit removes digital signatures from transactions. Btc isnt even technically a blockchain at this point.
Stay informed anons
nonono, is all wrong
is totally market manipulation from Roger Ver and his infinite money bag
I'm sure that when Bitcoin (BCH)'s chain becomes the longest in terms of work done the goal posts will have completely changed. This is what happens when you're chasing vain moving targets that are completely decided by Blockstream.
Fun fact: If Blockstream had simply invested their seed money into Bitcoin they'd be sitting on billions of dollars of pure profit. They're not after money, they're trying to kill cryptocurrency on behalf of AXA/Mastercard wasn't hijacked. They said that if Segwit2x failed they would put all their weight behind Bitcoin Cash.
Segwit 2x failed, so they kept their word.
>First line
>"Awarded first patent for..."
>He thinks patents matter in the open source cryptocurrency community
This is how I know you're mentally deficient
This goalpost was decided by Satoshi, and if BCH ends up with the longest PoW chain it will by definition be the real Bitcoin and I will start supporting it
I am literally the cash chad in this image
longer chain is a simple fact - the cashie paid shillers are the ones desperate to trick normies into thinking bcash is something that it isn't. now that's pathetic faggotry for you
Segwit already invalidates Cores claim to be bitcoin, bch wins by default.
>cashie paidsjillers pretending there is only going to be one crypto.
do cashies think normies are that stupid?
>Routing algorithm
Cashies are all the same
>He actually believes Blockstream can copy patented ideas/processes and remain solvent.
You'll never support Bitcoin (BCH) because you're either a deluded corecuck or another member of Blockstream's pajeet department
>if BCH ends up with the longest PoW chain it will by definition be the real Bitcoin and I will start supporting it
That is a dick stance to take. Supporting a coin just based on how much work has been done on the chain, not based on the protocol/tech itself. It's like choosing to vote for the candidate who has the highest ratings on polls, not based on who you yourself think is the best candidate.
Longest chain doesn't apply here, because bitcoin cash nodes do not inter-operate with bitcoin core nodes. They run different software and work on blocks from different blockchains.
>Calls everyone a cuck
>Wants big daddy government to step in and protect their beloved BCash through patents
Pick one faggot
>Listing Craig's papers like they're a positive.
>valid issues
>smug anime girl
Corecucks are delusional.
The longest chain is how nodes on a single network (either BTC or BCH) determine which chain tip is the valid one and which one to work on.
The longest chain argument doesn't decide which of multiple forks adheres closest to the idea of Bitcoin as laid out in the whitepaper
Yeah about that faggot
It applies because BCash is a fork of Bitcoin retard
So used to be nothing related to Bitcoin, and then someone bought it and made it into a site about bitcoin. big fucking deal is unrelated to Bitcoin newfag. Learn to read.
says a bcash paid shiller.... yawn
Businesses protect their patents, what the fuck is your argument?
oh look, a bcash paid shill with incorrect shilling info from reddit... on biz... hoping to influence normies with disinformation.
>worthless software patent
>hundreds of millions of worthless software patents in the world
>still no actual working code
bcsh paid shillers told this is a good talling point for nomie persuasion
cashie here, anime girls are the best thing ever, fuck off.
>bcash bcash bcash
>I'm not a paid shiller, you are you big dumb goy
So is BCash a business or a distributed open source network protocol like Bitcoin is?
Fucking retard honestly
Don't think this shilling here has changed anyone to start loving the Core. Over a year already of this small block stuff narrative has been pushed onto Jow Forums, but no one is believing this shit. Maybe some trolls and newfags have gone along with the flow, but as soon as the board slowed down for some weeks, it was pretty obvious that everyone who stayed believed in Bitcoin Cash.
Is coblee = Charlie Lee, creator of Litecoin, a "bcash paid shill" ?
Weren't you coretards running to the fbi crying about where the bad evil man touched you on yesterday by pointing out the simple truth that BCH is bitcoin?
And now you're trying to take the ancap high ground?
Check any ancap conference you like. There's no contest at all amongst the anti-state aligned. Practically everyone there hates what core have done and are pro bch, hell Roger was an ancap basically sent to prison for his political beliefs. If you want the coin that will fuck the state there's no doubt which it is.
Not sure why I'm even holding Link tbqh
Haven't kept up with the project lately cause of life stuff, but I bought a fat stack of LINK during presale last September. We rose from 9 cents to 50 cents in the span of a month, and then hovered around 40 cents for a good amount of time. BTC was 4500ish or thereabouts
it's been 7 fucking months and the price is exactly the same. Periodically I check Jow Forums and see the obligatory, "Tonight!" threads, or just general charting threads. Why? What the fuck are you celebrating. With the exception of the temporary bubble, this shit has been trading in the same channel for nearly a goddamn year.
And what the fuck do we have? Still no medium updates. No marketing director as promised. All of the Assblaster posts have been proven LARPs. None of the secret developments all of these Sherlock holmes autists post about have come to fruition. Not one.
Woo we get ropsten next month. You just know there will be bugs and all sorts of complications. And what about adoption? No word from SWIFT. No word from anybody. *maybe* JNT will LOOK at it. Fucking docusign? Really? Yet some of you idiots still cling to the delusion that mainnet will go live and all of these banks will be diving right in. Bull fucking shit.
and it's not even as if LINK is the chosen one anymore. Oracles are popping up left and right. This team is severely outclassed.
How fucking long are we supposed to hold for? Most of us are in our 20s. You get what, maybe 15 years more of prime living? And we've already pissed damn near 10% of that away, waiting for absolutely nothing. Jesus fucking christ
You are a moron and a liar. As a holder with a "fat stack" you'd know it rose to 40c, only to plummet through the valley of death between 15-20c when BTC went to ath, while afterwards it peaked at 1.40$ on 8th January when the bull run was nearing its end.
If you bought in the valley of death you'd have an easy x5 to x10 if you sold the top.
Cashies are the worst . Anyone who buys bch goes straight to hell. Even Tony Montana wouldn't touch that shit
If Pepsi rebranded as Coca Cola Drink, would cashies claim it's the real Coca Cola?
If coca cola started selling nerve gas and calling it coca cola after ceding the recipe to pepsi, would coretards still insist it's coca cola and gas themselves? Because by your analogy we all agree they really should.
the hero we deserve.
It's Bitcoin Cash, not BCash.
Stop with this shit and yes, BCH is as much of a Bitcoin as current BTC is.
Dang son, my screen started melting after it scrolled to this reply
>financially independently
Now that's a spicy bant.
posts like this... bcash shillers getting desperate for victory
You don't seem to understand. BCH won the moment segwit2x was cancelled. The rest is just the world catching up to that reality, it's already over, you just don't know it yet.
Dat 7 day doe
So how is your shitcoin fork working out as soon as BTC burps randomly?
>loses way more than BTC
>recovers more than BTC, but is still shit
>instantly loses 20% as soon as BTC makes a fart
Muh, new Bitcoin.
Hey shillfany, nice shilling you doing there. Wanna get a drink tonight?
I'm shorting bitcoin cash like it's an expensive coke habit and going long on neo and sky.
Where u at senpai
That would be one instance of corekek-ery where I wouldn't object to what they're doing.