I wonder how it must have felt to be a soldier in ww2. In pictures they look happy but the massive casulties rates say otherwise
I wonder how it must have felt to be a soldier in ww2...
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>Massive casualties rates say otherwise
I'm sure they're bragging about their K/D ratio in Valhalla preparing to be reborn and charge into the next battle.
Swedes cowered from the fray. No Swede knew the complexity of war, nor did any Swede brag about their K/D. It is useless and distasteful for modern Swedes to imagine themselves in a different era doing anything but bending over for the Nazis, and later, Americans.
I guess most of them had the idea of marching unopposed, and the enemy crumbling as they went.
Of course nothing of that happened.
WW1 was far worse.
hivemind bydlo like 'people'
For soldiers fighting on the western front, maybe, but WW2 saw extreme cruelty and brutality on the eastern and Asian fronts and the suffering of the civilian population was worse too I'd say
I wouldn't want to decide between Verdun and Stalingrad
Blame the turks who didn't help you from the South
Meh, I'd blame my people for not putting an end to our retarded leaders themselves
i admire germans for having the guts to stand up and fought commies
bet they started feeling a lot less happy by about 1944 desu
>be German
>be taken POW by the US Army
>be sent to the US to pick vegetables, have the freedom to travel anywhere you want (because it's not as if you were going to swim across the Atlantic and escape back home)
>sometimes even fall in love and marry American women
>be German
>be taken POW by the Soviet army
>be sent to prison camp in Siberia or Kazakhstan
>eat food they wouldn't give to animals
>perform forced labor in extreme heat and cold
>be subjected to mandatory political reeducation and forced to write confessions that you waged war on the peaceful Soviet people
>die of exhaustion, malnutrition, and pneumonia
>be Russian
>be taken POW by the German army
>be put in concentration camp or simply executed on the spot
>be anybody
>be taken prisoner by the Japanese army
>be subjected to assorted brutal treatment because surrendering is shamefuru dispray and you deserve it
>be subjected to human experimentation in Unit 731
>be American
>be taken POW by the German army
>put in dirty prison camps with bad food, not really subjected to physical abuse, but told that you shouldn't be fighting Germany, they're really your friends and the Jews made you do it and you should be joining forces with them to fight Bolshevism instead
Read about the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact
Hitler gladly allied with the Commies when it suited him
You can admire individuals who didn't participate in the atrocities but the leadership was pretty much as evil as it can get
It's how brainwashing works. Look at anons there. Most are happy if there will be a war.
based MAGA
It was brutal between the Germans and the Russian because the USSR didn't sign the Geneva convention and didn't recognize POWs iirc
Americans weren't treated nearly that bad in German camps
Hitler allied with Stalin for the sole purpose of neutralizing the western front so he could attack the USSR. You're really dumb if you think he really allied with the USSR
Japanese usually just committed suicide rather than be captured so they were rarely taken prisoner.
I guess I have to interject here because Russians on the internet were fairly happy when the attack on Ukraine started.
My grandfather's uncle was put into a concentration camp and later shot
i admire germans, not the nazi leader.
>Molotov-Ribbentrop pact
>Hitler gladly allied with the Commies when it suited him
the same thing goes for stalin. He allied with the nazis even though he obviously knew that Hitler is anti commie
>Nazi leadership was pretty much as evil as it can get
Desu if I was a german living in under Hitler leadership I would've support him due to his great brainwashing techniques.
>Americans weren't treated nearly that bad in German camps
Yeah except if they weren't Jewish. Oh and don't foget the Malmedy.
And brainwashed retards always say "It's not we want war, but they want war, so we have to fight and destroy them". You do want to fight with Russia, because it's "bad"? Tell honestly
>Hitler allow commie to take over part of eastern europe
>but it's okay because they planned an attack on them they had no chance of winning!
He allied with Stalin before the western front was a thing. He did that pact to split eastern Europe between him and the USSR. I know he planned to attack the USSR anyways, but he still did it.
Yeah, I don't know about that
Still can't grasp how so many could support him
> Attack on Ukraine
French & Brits & Hitler allowed Poland to take over a part of Czechoslovakia.
>>be German
>>be taken POW by the US Army
>>be sent to the US to pick vegetables, have the freedom to travel anywhere you want (because it's not as if you were going to swim across the Atlantic and escape back home)
>>sometimes even fall in love and marry American women
yeah if you ignore the cases where you outright killed surrendering unarmed soldiers and butchered and paraded them like pigs, sure.
>You do want to fight with Russia, because it's "bad"? Tell honestly
I'm a huge so called russorealist and absolutely I don't want to fight Russia because it's bad. It's a shame for the nations in Russian Federation and they don't deserve it but obviously I don't want war with Russia. How would I even benefit from that?
Doesn't meant that I'm not an active reservist or wouldn't fight for my country.
it seriously fucks me up thinking about if i was born during ww1 or ww2 in Europe how straight out of school you get conscripted to run into machine guns until an entire generation of young men is dead.
There weren't any 18 or 19 years old left in Russia. There was a kid in ww1 France who was sick and wasn't levied and out of his class of 26 everyone else was dead at the battle of the frontiers.
The university students turkey quickly conscripted that counter attacked Gallipoli and wee machine gunned taking out all their future intellectuals.
>Still can't grasp how so many could support him
He makes germans feels proud and have faith in their nation after what they've gone through after ww1.
Yes sometimes soldiers went nuts and shot captives, it's unfortunate but everyone on both sides did it sometimes. In the heat of battle when your adrenaline is rushing, sometimes you don't have very rational judgement and if your best friend had just been killed, you often aren't in the most friendly mood towards the enemy. It's one of those things that you can't really understand unless you've been in combat.
This this this
Read up on the Munich agreement, Poland took over a little region too
Yeah but the other parties were patriotic too
I guess many were out for revenge
Very nice monument. We should have one of the people that died here in Europe as well. Just because the nazis were evil doesn't mean we should remember their fallen as well
>I guess many were out for revenge
That's right, revenge. That's what hitler did that makes the germans support him.
why your flag looks like the american one
Malaysia is literally asian version of america
"I suppose America did not suffer greatly in the war. Only three from my graduating class did not return from France and the colleges contributed a higher proportion to the army than the general population. On the other hand, men of my age do not exist in Europe. I have searched for them but they are 25 years gone."
>we should
We shouldn't*
About the dumbest thing you could do was be firing at the enemy, then immediately drop your weapon and attempt to surrender. Soldiers who did this seldom ever saw a POW cage.
>Most are happy if there will be a war.
I would be happy only if a nuclear war occur and wipe out the entire mankind.
German prisoners who were sent to the Southern US often expressed shock and dismay at Jim Crow. It was unfortunate that we would be fighting against the world's greatest racists with a segregated army.
when yanks were in the UK, soldier got into fights with the Brits, who weren't happy about how they treated black soldiers
At one concentration camp, the guards made a sport of dunking Russian POWs and Jews in ice water in cold weather and take bets as to which ones would succumb to hypothermia first. Since they reasoned that the Jews were the weaker of the two, a handicap system was used to even out the odds.
The Nazi penchant for excessive cruelty was quite possibly because Germany lacked Russia's 500 year tradition of state political police. Bestial atrocities tended to compensate for the lack of more sophisticated methods of totalitarian thought control.
>muh evil commies
Are you saying you'd take degenerate anglo-american mutt culture over pure white soviet ordnung?
They were germans this perfectlh justify their inhumans cruelty. Versaille should have been a genocide.
There's a reason why Red Orchestra 2 only shows your kills and not your deaths.
You'd want to be in Verdun over Stalingrad, at least artillery would make your death quick.
And then the cold war ended.
RO2 is one of the best games I ever played.
I remember being a tank driver once and the other crewmen getting absolutely annihalated, only bloody stumps left.
Was amazing driving for my life.
Overall though, the Anglo cunts were unmatched as far as overall humane conduct of the war and treatment of prisoners, particularly compared against the appalling savagery perpetrated by the Germany, Soviet, and Japanese armies.
IIRC it was mentioned in Stephen Ambrose's "Citizen Soldiers".
>In pictures they look happy but the massive casulties rates say otherwise
Ever heard of a thing called propaganda? Check out this one:
>Definitely not an arranged or posed picture and therefore a rather rare example. These three men obviously return from a very recent fight, in which the officer in the middle has been wounded on his right hand or arm. Note the blood stains over the uniforms and the very agitated look in their eyes. They don’t seem to like being photographed at this very moment. The men to the side are armed with K98k’s with walnut stocks and flat buttplates, while the officer is carrying an MP38 submachine gun on his shoulder. These are army uniforms, not SS ones, the eagle is on the right chest, not the left upper sleeve. Location unknown.
>pure white soviet ordnung
Also the first experiments with gassing captives at Auschwitz were not done on Jews, but actually Soviet POWs. In September 1941, 600 POWs were gassed with Zyklon-B along with 150 other inmates deemed unsuitable for forced labor. With gassing thus proven as a viable method of mass executions, the way was cleared to use it on other "undesirables".
Thanks, couldn't find anything on homogle
Could only find human testing with ice water by docotor staff, but nothing like guards playing with them in ice water
The initial invasion of the USSR had proven that mass shooting were an unfeasible method of removing prisoners. Not only was it very slow and tedious, but the men doing the shootings could only psychologically handle so much of it. Often they experienced mental breakdowns and there were even cases where they went berserk and shot at their friends.
At Mauthausen in Austria, so many POWs were shot that the rivers in the town were contaminated with blood and locals began to complain about it. At Flossenburg, Soviet POWs were buried alive and at Gross-Rosen, they were starved by being fed a thin soup of grass, water, and salt that caused them to eventually succumb to malnutrition.
On the immediate hitlist were Jews, political commissars, intellectuals, and any other "potentially dangerous" elements. However, by early 1942, it was decided to utilize POWs for forced labor and so the survival rate of them increased a little until the latter part of the war when it rose again.
Soviet POWs who survived the war often found that their troubles were only beginning. They were not welcomed home by their countrymen and instead often accused of being traitors and of collaborating with the enemy. Many were tried and sent to the Gulag Archipelago, not being freed until after Stalin's death in 1953.
Not a Jow Forumstard, just leaving this here
I reckon it must have felt great. Imagine waking up everyday and killing Fr*nchman and other assorted animals.
fuck off
It's because they're Germans
War is in their blood, they love to kill, of course they enjoy it
What do you mean? They were shocked that black people were there or were they shocked because of the segregation?
The brits weren't happy about how americans treated blacks? Pretty ironic
The latter. They would say Africans in the pre-WWI German colonies were not treated so poorly as this.
They were just forced to fight regardless of their will, putting their lives on the line so basically they must've been more depressed and unhappy than anyone. I can tell it cos I felt this way during my 2 years of mandatory military service even though I didn't have to fight a war
>They would say Africans in the pre-WWI German colonies were not treated so poorly as this.
aside from the Herero genocide that is kek
>France has been in wars
wow surprising
Just like every country
Pretty funny how it's a German accusing the French of all people to be warlike
>In pictures they look happy but the massive casulties rates say otherwise
Newsflash, it was war, not a photoshoot for a commercial. Which pictures? There are thousands of photos from WW2.
>prosecution presents broadcasts of hitler saying he won't invade belgium, netherlands, poland, etc....
>prosecution chronologically shows all the events that lead to WW2 and the policies signed off by nazi officials
>trial allows goring to autistically screech "IS THAT AN ARGUMENT? BECAUSE HAH, IT'S NOT! XD" as his defense
>shock and horror seen on defendants faces when shown video reels of the holocaust
>not a fucking thing said, jokes from fatass goring stop
>12 of 24 g*rman defendants walk free.
the g*rmans got mercy they didn't deserve while denying it to every country they got their treacherous hands on.
Pretty weird from Germans
this doesn't make sense
It was common for the local population to deny any knowledge of concentration camps and the goings on in them. The US Army often forced them to go to the camps and see for themselves. In the town of Bergen, home to the Bergen-Belsen camp, locals were made to go to a movie theater and watch a film about the camp. It is recounted that two teenage girls giggled at the movie; for this, they were made to go back and watch it again.
>history starts in 1871
France has waged more wars than any other European country, your entire history is based on eastward aggression
Japan somehow got off easier than Germany.
>how it feel
Terrible, you will.die.
yeah that's not an argument
we fucked up badly in both world wars, and that's not excusable, but portraying yourself as some kind of saint is absolutely laughable
your country (& its history)
>goings on
Kill yourself holocauster hollywood propagandizer.
their leadership actually owned up to all the awful things they did.
even that slant eyed fuck tojo admitted to what he did.
Would have been really shit
Youre trash kid.
>>> /jidf/
You sound exactly like a script reader and political propagandist.
That was exactly what happened. The only oposition they had was waves after waves of slavic soldiers who could not last more than a few minutes in battle. Logistic problems and external help was the only thing opposing them.
Yeah no, just ask Hitler...
Ideologies apart, both nazis and commies were fighting the same people: international capitalists. Also, if you go in depth Hitler always knew they would eventually have to destroy the USRR to conquest the lebensraum. The reason for the pact is that, at the time, the nazis could not fight france, england, poland and USRR. It was made to gain time.
Yes, anyone who doesn't deny the mass murder of millions of human beings is a shill.
Turn off the proxy James...