Corsica is French
Corsica is French
No, it's italian
Give it to us, it's full of terrorists anyways, we can deal with them.
Is Napoleon Italian?
Yes and I hope at the end Corsica will go to Italy
>The ancestors of Napoleon descended from minor Italian nobility of Tuscan origin who had come to Corsica from Liguria in the 16th century.[10][11]
Corsica je Srbia
Yeah I suppose they remained the same for 200 years
Corsica remained genoese during that time so..
supposed italian heritage but he obviously identified as a frog and im fine with that
mafia shithole, we already have many
fuck off it's yours now
no, it's my land, God gave it to me
Genoa was not Italy retard
I suggest we just drop a nuke on it.
Frasnce doesn't want Corsica. Italy wants Corsica. Why does the French government claim Corsica?
Parigot subhumans hate Corsicans because they get beaten up by Corsicans. Serve them right!
No one cares about Corica
But Corsica is beautiful!
It hurts a little every time since Corsica is linguistically, geographically, culturally, tectonically Italian and I'm from Genova so I feel a little responsible
Corsicans are pretty violent and they hate France and Italy equally, this confirms they would make a perfect fit in Italy
to be honest, anyway, it's mostly rocks and Tusc*ns
a nuke would vastly improve the quality of the island
France has a lot of territory that should not belong to France. But that's what makes our country unique.
So does Spain
Are there many Occitan separatists?
And UK
Is Italy, dare I say it, the only country in the world which doesn't own disputed land with its neighbours? Are we the ultimate good guys?
P.S.: ignore south tyrol, they're subhumans LARPing as austrians
Is South Tyrol really all that contended?
unironically no, they want to """""secede""""" despite already paying close to no taxes; and join Austria, but ironically it's Austria who doesnt want them because they view them as we view terroni
There's an occitan party that nobody cares about, and that's it.
Occitania is a meme anyway, it doesn't exist and never existed as a country
Is this historical document good representation of Corsica?
>have it
>fuck off' it's yours!
Basically all of Europe is rightfully Italian as they are the true successors of Rome
I never heard an italian complain that Corsica isn't Italy
I doubt people even knoe about its existence
t. Sneaky Shitalian who wants to delegitimize French claim
it's barely populated and it's all rocks
pic related would be enough tbqhfam
>malta annexed
>but san marino is still a safe haven for tax evaders
>and meme pope state still exists
>and meme monaco still exists
>and meme molise still on the map even if it doesn't exist
something doesn't add up
Unironically yes
Truth be told, the pope, san marino and monaco being independent each serve a purpose, whereas malta is an extremely strategic outpost which has always been rather un-subservant despite being barely comparable to flea relative to us. We oughta extend our suzerainty upon them.
Also, the map is missing tunisia, lybia, albania, corfù, crete, rhodes and cyprus.
>Province of Foligno and Spoleto
I need to know who and why made this map