How do you feel about this migrant crisis in The Mediterranean...

How do you feel about this migrant crisis in The Mediterranean? How do you feel about European boats essentially providing transport to those to arrive at their desired destination?

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I honestly can't understand why the heck people agree with this open borders shit. Why don't Italians do anything to stop this madness? If I were to decide I'd shoot and sink these boats. It is literally an invasion from Africa going on in front of us.

t. country from which millions of people emigrate

White niggers > niggers

polish diaspora has been worse than niggers for now

I lold

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>Why don't Italians do anything to stop this madness?
Italy is paying Libya's Coast Guard to capture the boats and keep the refugees in Libya.

Emigrate and go back like myself. Also we are Europeans and if there is no difference for you between a native European emigrant and an African one then no wonder why you are becoming an African enclave somewhere midst Europe.

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Not true though is it. Polish people at least work, generally respect the laws and culture. Blacks are lazy, entitled sacks of shit. They go around thieving and stealing, groping and raping. Shit in the streets and then start crying racism when people dare speak out against them.

It'd be fun if some Jow Forumsakoid rammed them on a trireme calling it wrath of Poseidon

It is good from an economic and demographics standpoint. Native Europeans have low birthrates and this will keep the workforce young and dynamic.
It is also good from a humanitarian aspect since many of these people would drown or get hurt in the dangerous conditions of their journey. Also most of them are genuine refugees from war torn countries and we can and should help them.

>It is good from a demographics standpoint.

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Do you think we can just shoot them or let them drown? There are things called rules of the sea

How about you take them, put them in some temporary camp, prepare a boat back to Libya, send them back and send a bill to other EU countries to participate in costs? I'd gladly pay for such solution.


>It is good from a demographics standpoint.

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That's what we tried to do, but during the worst of the crisis there were hundreds of thousands of them. Also, you have to sift through them to find the actual refugees, and they constantly try to escape. The rest of the EU basically said it was our problem
What we really need is a common border guard for the EU. It isn't Italy's border, it's the EU's border

>Also most of them are genuine refugees from war torn countries
I have some magic beans that I would like to sell you.

I wish I could arrive in Europe on the boat like a nigger and get access to their education while being paid money for it.

Take them back to the Libyan coast.

We could if they were economic migrants, but they are refugees

Send those lazy blacks back

old webm but

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>but they are refugees
Behave yourself.

I mean, maybe one every ten is a refugee
Still you can't just get them back, I don't make the rules

fuck France
fuck Spain

Lybia is our only trustworthy ally

And there is the fucking problem.

>Also, you have to sift through them to find the actual refugees, and they constantly try to escape.
I disagree. In my opinion if there is a crisis like that all of them should go back wherever they came from.

> The rest of the EU basically said it was our problem

This is actually angering me because I feel that the EU border is Poland's border as well and this problem is every EU country problem. I don't like when our government says "we won't take any immigrants to Poland" and they propose nothing in return, no other solutions at all.

>What we really need is a common border guard for the EU. It isn't Italy's border, it's the EU's border
Agreed 100%. I think Italy should be speaking about this problem more often and insist on better border protection. Also delegalize all these ships that usually come from Germany or the Netherlands who actively help these people to safely land in Europe.

>all with the blessing of the authorities

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why not?

everyone is currently going apeshit because we refused landing to ONE (1) of those ships

Good. Stay strong and ignore what mama Merkel and uncle Macron say about it.

You're saying we should just shoot those boats?

>I disagree. In my opinion if there is a crisis like that all of them should go back wherever they came from.
I don't make the rules

The problem is that our government is actually responsible for this. The same "based and redpilled" guys in the government now were in power when Italy voted for the Dublin agreement, which forces the country where the migrants land to sift through them and regularize their flux, even give them citizenship if needed. I really can't fathom why they voted such a thing, it's not like we're in the first line of the migration crisis. That's why I'm very doubtful they are going to do something. They profit over immigrants because it scares people and if people are scared they vote for populists.
What Italy should do would be to ask for MORE Europe, not threaten to leave. That would be incredibly retarded. But since our politicians are cucks that only care about their personal gain this will never happen
I'm not against a better border protection, but it has to be a common problem. It's unfair to blame Italy if we don't save them and then put the army at the borders when they try to cross to Austria or France

I applaud Salvini for his stance. Would suck him off if he ever came to North Yorkshire.

Because if they refugees they have rights of asylum. Also you can't just let them drown in the sea
I just wish it was a land border, it would be 100 times easier

>You're saying we should just shoot those boats?


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Salvini is an absolute cuck. Do you think sending back a boat will be useful long term?

>Also you can't just let them drown in the sea
You can though return them to the Libyan coast.

in case you didn't notice, Europe doesn't care

Finally we said stop
And now someone is trying to throw salvini on a judge for saying no

It is a part of a much larger disease called the jewish problem.

It's the rules of the sea. If the boat is going down you save whoever is inside, or at least attempt to
Where they will most likely be killed or kept in concentration camps
I'm not a leftie, but it's simply not a black/white situation

Oh absolutely. When Europe starts taking a hardline approach to this issue rather than just fucking gifting these people free transport into Europe, then we will see it resolved.

Just let them come in.

Their home countries will become uninhabitable to normal humans in less than a century due to global warming, juts leting the, die, first form starvation, then form overheating would be inhuman. Their influx will cause massive damage to europe’s economy and stability, but will not destroy it and we might even emerge stronger in the long term if he play our cards right.

Then we should make them care. Everything else is just propaganda to get more votes the next time, because saying muh evil Europe it's easy and you don't have to actually do anything

yea instead we should just let them in ;')
fuck off nigger

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>It's the rules of the sea. If the boat is going down you save whoever is inside, or at least attempt to
That is fine. You then return them to the closest African port.

That seems like the best thing to do here.

Conte should just go to the EU parliament with an ultimatum, asking for a reform of the treaties
But apparently it's too much work, better to send back a boat and be called redpilled than actually do something to fix the problem

Fucking disgusting isn't it. It's almost like "they" want us to go full fash.

Didn't you already land one with even more aboard earlier on today? Is even ITALIAN media against this? FML

cuck approach, we should send all those currently in Italy to France/Germany, completely block NGOs and bring the boats back to Africa

>muh based Salvini
Tell me how this is going to fix the problem long-term
Why did Salvini vote for the Dublin treaty?

>we might even emerge stronger in the long term if he play our cards right.
Stronger how exactly FFS? How is importing millions and millions of fucking backward sub-Saharan Africans ever going to make Europe stronger?

>complaining about immigrants

Ironic isn’t it. You poeple emigrate from your country in large numbers. And you complain about immigrants. Your kind needs to be genocided.

International government still own the government of Hong Kong quite a bit of money for being the frontline of handling Vietnamese refugees

How many are coming from war zones compared to how many are just going there to get out of shit countries?

That doesn't help anyone. They would just close Schengen and keep them here, while blaming Italy
What we need are new treaties, which would be easy to negotiate if anyone in the government actually had balls

that was a navy ship

fuck off, PD's whining tactics never worked

Wrong you wish to leave to the eu, you aren’t European your are a filthy hypocritical pollack.

>fuck off, PD's whining tactics never worked
Salvini is whining all the same. Both PD and Salvini are cucks only focused on the next elections

I really feel bad about it. These cunts are using us as their port.

I must have hit the nerve, a*erigoblins.

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illegally smuggle them, give them visas or something

Salvini is the first one to actually do something, and hopefully he'll keep doing so.


>which would be easy to negotiate if anyone in the government actually had ball
ha ha ha
You need a Lega majority next time. We need to coup Theresa for the sake of the world.

>Salvini is the first one to actually do something, and hopefully he'll keep doing so.
So based and redpilled! #closetheports
He makes a lot of noise and hardly solves anything

I thought Malta had always taken a pretty harsh stance and missed the worst of it.
Mind you, such a small island, everything is proportionate. How many niggers are there?

confused mostly
why do europeans hate themselves so much they're willing to wipe out their entire civilization?

>sending boats away is nothing

it's all that matters, send them all back

Lega are just Putin-bankrolled cucks. They would actually like to have more immigrants here, it helps with elections

Yet at least he's actually doing something? Give the man a fucking chance holy shit.

While other regions depopulate either due to climate change or due to cultural shift, europe would still have a lot of people and thus potential for strong internal market, meanwhile places like Japan would have to be export oriented as robots won’t buy cars and houses. We are talking about eventual benefit manifesting after more than a century shit will suck meanwhile.

>crime is surging in my city, what do?
>just buy a better door dude :^)

Because A does X, doesn't justify that B does X too.

Ok, opinion disgarded.
Farage - too - is Putins shill.
Waa-Waa I need more Frankfurt School politicians and Rothschild bankers protecting me from the big bad Russians ;__;

buying a door is the first step

I am. But so far this government has been a complete shame
They are all full of themselves when they need to get elected, once in power they turn into spineless cucks

>lefty obsessed with economics
What a surprise.

I don't know the exact numbers, but we've got thousands of them. They're everywhere. We used to take boats but since this current government was elected, "something" happened
and Italy started taking them instead.

diversity is our strength

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Then what's the next step of his master plan?
He should've went to Bruxelles the first day and slept there until a solution was agreed on

keep sending them back while working on a diplomatic solution

Not him, but even by your optimistic stance, it's a god awful idea.
And every single person who indocrinated us to think we needed to bring in foreigners because muh aging population (we were taught this at school.. who taught the teachers) needs to hang.

Japan is exactly the model we should aim for. Constant growth is entirely unnatural.

Yeah, but he's not working on a diplomatic solution, because it works with his narrative
We'll see what happens, but I'm pretty discouraged

of course you are, you'd gladly welcome 600.000 more boat people while crying at Macron and Merkel, who will never give a fuck and keep using us as a dump.

Stop the fucking flow, then we'll talk

They've been in for what.. 2 weeks? Isn't the PM a (((banker))) from neither party, as elected by your (((President)))?

Don't hate the player, hate the game.

When did the party get elected? 16 or so? I swear Malta avoided the worst of it.. But I'm so sorry to hear you had to encounter that in the first place. I thought your PM was a biiiig Europhile.

Identity is highly maleable, our descendants century form now will have little in common with us aside form superficial stuff like language and general religion just like we are very different from our ancestors who lived mere century ago.

Valenciafag here, I'm ok with this, our town is famous for taking refugees for centuries and we have developed a help system to take all this people and support them, our cat food factory can help this people getting a job and mingle in our society, it has happened for years now, they stay here in our factory until they decide to go and believe me they always disappear, probably move elsewhere, who knows...

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Speak for yourself.

wtf I'll start feeding my kitties exclusively on Valencian cat food going forward :DD

>Constant growth is entirely unnatural.

Nope. In nature, things grow untill they reach their limit.

Because leaving the EU won't turn us into an even worse dump, with now the excuse of closing the borders while we are out of Schengen? Genius move
Even if he were to stop the flow he doesn't have a clue to what to do next

>They've been in for what.. 2 weeks? Isn't the PM a (((banker))) from neither party, as elected by your (((President)))?
He is a lawyer, and proposed by the two main parties

that's what he said

I only have disgust and contempt for my people and my government.

>leaving the EU

they don't even want to leave the Euro, stop with this bullshit and reply to my post seriously

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How do you ensure your great grandson won’t become qeer cyborg with detachable genitalia and horsecock implanted on xis forehead, considering you’ll be dead and buried by then?

And how well do you know your great grandfather?

>they don't even want to leave the Euro
>reply to my post seriously
I did

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>When did the party get elected? 16 or so?
The party was first elected in 2013 and then it got re-elected a year ago.
> I swear Malta avoided the worst of it.. But I'm so sorry to hear you had to encounter that in the first place.
Yeah I guess. Some people need to understand that we are literally full, we're really overpopulated.
>I thought your PM was a biiiig Europhile.
I don't know, he kinda is. We didn't accept the boat only because by some international law apparently it was Italy's job to take it. What's funny is that back when we had the referendum whether we should join the EU or not,
he was a journalist for the labour's media and he would tell the people to either nullify their vote, or vote no. How things change.

>And how well do you know your great grandfather?
Very well in fact seeing as he's still going at the age of 98

that was just propaganda for the elections, the government already said that they won't try leaving the Eurozone let alone the EU. Conte even said that during his debut, how fucking dense are you

Oh so the second biggest point of their propaganda during the elections, on which they broke our balls for months, was just a big joke, they never meant to do it? Just a big publicity stunt?
And I should trust these people to come up with a solution? Fuck off