I want the EU to become a single federalized country but only because I want to see how butthurt Germans and other...

I want the EU to become a single federalized country but only because I want to see how butthurt Germans and other Westerner Europeans will get when Eastern Euros start voting on mass for what are considered far-rigth parties in their political spectrum.

Anyone else want a European Federation?

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>I support X but only because it would make leftards cry

Very American post.

They will ensure that doesn't happen. They will probably make sure that the leadership process remains the same.

I want all Germans to cry, not just the leftists

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I want those who are against European federalization no matter its implementation to explain how the idea of a union is favoring America/China/Russia at the expense of Europeans. America/China/Russia should be the ones afraid of a strong united Europe they can no longer push around. It's interesting how much overlap there is between anti-federalists and Russia apologists and I've got to wonder if these people aren't just falling for propaganda spread by the countries that don't want a strong Europe.

>I prefer to be a vassal of some other country which makes all the decisions for me instead of an independent nation

Very Australian post

Ah yes, full federated moorinos and france/belg/nls negrification and sandnigga conquest of Europe

Europeans are cucks who are still addicted to Monarchy.

East European EU states combined are 100 million
West European states (without UK) are 340 million

If anyone is going to cry it's East Europeans.

It is realized by strong leadership.

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It depends on how federalism is implemented. If the nations are expected to give up their control of their border and answer to an unelected president of the EU who commands the EU army

that implies Eastern Euros matter.

They're leeches sucking on Germany/westerm Europe for money and military protection.

If you want to see what eastern europe would have been like without the west, look at Ukraine and Russia.

Eastern Eurocucks thinking they matter or implying they're even on part with westerners makes me laugh.

I don't think that European federalisation is possible. At best, you'd have a bicameral leadership, or maybe a bloc, consisting of Eastern Euros and Western Euros.
Maybe that would be a step back from what we've got going on right now, but I'm not seeing a perfect union any time soon, the East and the West are just too different.

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Are you really Canadian?? or is this a proxy
>explan how the idea of a union is favoring Germans/French/Brussles at the expense of national sovereignty
Many Europeans don't regard themselves as European but as Spanish or Greek.

Because America/China or Russia can never exert as much control as EU could if federalized. I prefer small scale retardation to large scale retardation and EU with all the idiot do-gooders in charge would be a disaster. Plus, the richest and most populous country in the EU is Germany. Germans are idiots. Their track record since their unification includes two world wars, banning the cleanest and most reliable source of electricity and filling their country with mudslime trash. The other countries are not much better. The South's modus operandi for economics is to borrow as much as they can and then go bankrupt when they can't anymore. Frenchies strike whenever their government takes away one of their many gibs. Juncker is a cryptocommie. The whole thing reeks of centralism and planned economy and no, thanks, we already had that and it sucked.

nobody will have a say when a federal EU is made, it will be a disaster

If Eastern Europeand vote far right parties that want to get rid of the niggers, then I'm all for ot

>western Europe
>military protection
Poland could occupy Germany with a bit of luck

The West is the reason why EE was stuck with Russia in the first place.

I want a federal EU so the west can actually split into two major blocs and the US has more competition.

Yes but without the yellow parts on the map and the Greeks can fck off too

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I wish EU was a unitary country, where everyone spoke Esperanto, Lojban or Ithkuil and there were no borders or anything like that.

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>Anyone else want a European Federation?
No one with a functioning brain does.