WTF I love black people now!?!?

WTF I love black people now!?!?

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rodman is white


Rodman's been a cool black guy since the NBA days and when he was in the fifth Element

Okay, this is epic

Thanks Kanye! Very Cool!

based and redpilled

I honestly think Dennis Rodman is insane.

he just doesnt give a fuck, very interesting person

yeah, because he's insane

Isn't it funny how North Koreans are somehow less racist than South Koreans at the end of the day.

>the man with fifty holes in his face crying about the President meeting Kim Jong-Un on the news is insane
no fucking shit

Thank you Kanye! Very cool!


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Based and redpilled

yeah hes fucking crazy.

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He stopped chasing rebounds and decided to chase world peace. Really makes you think.

Based black man

Another day, another trump tweet that ages like milk in the Sahara.

For those who may not know, Rodman was the consummate basketball defender and hustler, who tirelessly gave it all on the court, despite his eccentric look and behavior this fucker gave it ALL

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Why haven't Michael Jordan or Scottie Pippen done anything to help advance world peace?

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You are really retarded? 4 years passed since that tweet

Why would Jordan do anything like that? He's not broke, he makes so much money of his air jardanz he literally gives no fuck about anything or anyone. Jordan is a certified asshole irl, look up the chamillionare and jordan story on youtube.

You are arguing that the tweet didn't age poorly?

>be private citizen
>don't want to go to North Korea
>be President of the United States
>meet the leader of North Korea in Singapore
>"dude look what a hypocrite blumpfydumpfy is lmao"
there are so many tweets which are legitimately hypocritical, but don't go full retard

How? It was 2014, he was not President, why would he want to go to country that despises Americans. He was put in different situation when he got elected and he acted accordingly, props to him

rodman is special brand of ugly

I felt bad for him when he started crying

> Rodman
> black

will do

>chamillionare and jordan

My experience with Mos Def was like that. Chuck D is dope though, I have many pictures with him.

>My experience with Mos Def
what happen

I mean, if we're being honest here everyone who voted for the orange cheeto millionaire that doesn't do anything besides rob people is probably insane

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He has a white daughter.

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Damn dude hot take


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