S-s-s-some of your states have non-whites

>s-s-s-some of your states have non-whites
>s-s-s-s-so y-y-y-you can't be white

how mad do you have to be?

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how mad do you have to be to make a post like this?

only the shit states

>no rebuttal
every time


The states in which Whites are the great majority, like Montana or Wyoming, are low populated desu.

>A-America is white if you ignore the parts where everyone lives!

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and Israel has a low population relative to other nations

what is your point ?

>he doesn't know how to contain and control (aka properly exploit) subhumans

as expected for someone with an ethnic background in crime and not a proper brit/german

The more you post about this shit the more you'll see those kind of posts

When a mexican has a higher IQ than OP

>no rebuttal
>assblasted non-human non-white thirdie

what was the argument again?


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díos mio...

The only relevant metrics of whiteness are local (city or somtimes state).

Nation is absolutely irrelevent. In fact, it is good for a nation to be a mixture since it dissolves the cancer known as socialism and high rates of taxation at bay.

My taxes are low because people who don't desrve healthcare don't get it.

Your taxes are high because you have to pay for the welfare and healthcare of muzzie immigrants and other subhumans

We've just figured out life better than you have.

Nothing personal

>non-human non-white thirdies
every time

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How mad do you have to be to keep making this post?

>yet ANOTHER thirdie

getting more youvotes than the cartel gets mexiscalps

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What is your ethnicity?

>inb4 more than one

>s-s-s-s-s-s-s-stop m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-making threads

it's ez yous from mad non-whites

why stop? my arguments are unassailable

>y-y-you can't mix white nations (German, British and Nordic)


>What is your ethnicity?
North West European. (Genetically Proven)
Aka Good Europe.

hello mccarthy

lel can't wait till the whites are a minority in the USA.

el goblino...

take a dna test then faggit

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enjoy your oppressive taxation and chink owners

i'd bet good money you are a non-human rent cuckold paying off zhang's mortage

I wake up early and this is the state of Jow Forums
I'm going back to bed.

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>STILL doesn't grok the concept of Good States and bad states

the reason europe is falling apart is because you do not understand how to properly oppress and contain minorities (muzzies, in your case)

it's really quite sad to see once great nations fall


>t-t-t-they're not actually American!
>It's the worst states!
Why are Americans always on damage control?

well you're not wrong at all, the current state of chinese private ownership in australia is astoundingly bad and the last two places i've rented have been owned by chinese. it's not something that can be helped but i have no choice if i want to live. besides, i also agree with mixed nations halting the progress of socialism but i don't agree it's a cancer, it should be what nations strive for hence why i disagree with mass immigration because i know it's just a ploy by corporate autocrats to boost the economy with cheap as fuck labour (slave labour essentially). ayn rand sucks by the way

deep in your heart you know i'm right

the town you grew up in is probably still as white as it ever was, but your nation is becoming "non-white" because of immigration to containment cities

unfortunately for you you have improper ecnomic and social policies which allow them to leach the hard-earned money of Good People.

furthermore you pile it on by letting them live amongst you, and disarming yourself, AND making it a crime to call spades a spade

you just don't know how to properly handle an outbreak

no fucking wonder you all almost died of the bubonic plague

>only the shit states
You mean the only relevant ones.

They're not mad as in angry. The shitheads here are literally madmen.

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>well you're not wrong at all
correct, i am never wrong. this really miffs 4chanians

too bad you have national sorry day and have been gigacucked

i have no sympathy or support for your nation tho. this website has confirmed that everyone hates everyone and always rub things in -- especially any acts of mass murder or terrorism or other suffering.

probably the jews actually did succeed in splitting up all of us based on this, but whatever, i'm not going to extend an olive branch unless it's got time-delayed napalm in it

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What is your pre and post tax income, and how much do you pay in rent?

Is it really worth what boils down to nothing more than an empty sense of superiority on the internet?

There's a reason i've made more in 7 years than you'll make in 70

you seem very narcissistic and paranoid.

depressive realism my illiterate coposter

>depressive realism
what? another ayn rand philosophy you are blindly parroting?

>anything i don't like is le evil libertarianism :^(

are you extremely stupid or just drunk and regular stupid

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how did libertarianism come into this?

just wait to you see the ohononon haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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>mention ayn rand literally out of nowhere
>"where did libertarianism come from?!?!"

Get yourself to a hospital user.

>income tax is the only tax

how's that VAT (aka tax on things cis-het white males buy) and fuel tax treating ya

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>supporting a neoliberal proponent of Laissez-faire means you're automatically a libertarian
i never implied such, you don't have to be a libertarian to support liberalisation of an economy.

Well my point is that the states that are seen as White have rather low population compared to the medium and high populated states which are more diverse.

don't forget to pay Noseburgs workers for him for a service you've already bought