does anyone know the reason?
Why did Jow Forums break today?
Other urls found in this thread:
it was all of Jow Forums, go back from which you came
Same thing happened yesterday too
chinkmoot doing typical chink shit
was down for 10 hours or something yesterday too
i don't read Jow Forums just Jow Forums
Edgy faggots writing edgy manifestos and all that bullshit probably causing this frequent downtime.
If they're so butthurt about life, fucking overcome those obstacles and show the world the finger by becoming a successful person.
But that actually takes effort so faggots go to Jow Forums making life threatening posts or self-harm.
site isn't profitable so nobody cares about maintaining it to high standards anymore
Jow Forums = US infrastructure from 1960 at this point
also minorities took our jobs (moot)
I've experienced Jow Forums breaking four fucking times the last month.. Both today and yesterday as well
This is such a shitty site, but the alternative is r/crypto so fuck that
Damn today while Jow Forums was down I worked out, did some yardwork, and played my guitar for a while. They should shut this thing down like 8 hours a day so we can live better lives.
Me hope these faggots don't ruined me guro posting
Am start to hear "mass shoot have dark porn and wrote violence fantasy on computers"
Fuck them for give guro bad press
Is this thread still alive?
Can an user invest in my startup?
I have crippling depression but its manageable.
At least Reddit has actual opinions that don't try to deliberately fuck you over. This place is probably 30% good advice and the rest memes/pajeeting
Is there really any good advice in the crypto world? 99% of it is a bullshit scam show. We're here to make money and jet. Trolling and bad advice is just part of the fun.
The FBI was investigating the site because the Toronto driver terrorist has ties to r9k
You're welcome
Wow plz stay in Reddit. Someone's gaslighted so far up his ass to realize he's been bag holding for reddit shills.
That sandnigger was ugly as fuck, apparently he was only 25 and yet he looks like he was fucking 40.
I imagine most of r9k is more attractive than him
some autist probably killed someone again for the glory of supreme gentleman
god this video is so fucking stupid
Coming from the guy who most likely makes people feel insecure about missing "moon missions". I\m here because I love the memes but I'm not gonna deny that it's one massive attempt at getting people to buy your bags
>was only 25
25 is old as shit
y does q keep predanked dis?
Q, this shit better be real. Or we'll lynch you.
All I see is a loser blaming others for his poor trading decisions. If you're that easily swayed by Jow Forums shills you deserve to lose everything.
btw I don't shill coins, I tell people no one is out there to help you make money.
What did he mean by this?
Biz is the main reason I got into VEN, HST and several other massive gainers already in november. The main reason I got Lambden and Payfair at ICO too.
There are a lot of bad advice too, but more good than bad
Where did I say anywhere that I made poor trades?
Tired of this trip now
I mean you could have thrown a dart at most low volume coins in Nov and made some nice ass gains, but yeah I agree the ICO threads are a pretty good saving face of this site
>At least Reddit has actual opinions that don't try to deliberately fuck you over.
>Coming from the guy who most likely makes people feel insecure about missing "moon missions".
Keep projecting
Reddit is unironically worse than biz for market sentiment. They have no bullshit filter.
As long as you're polite you can bot the most outrageous shilly shit right to the top of the frontpage of cc.
The individual crypto subs are very good for information eg specs and release dates etc.