Biz i have finished accumulating the most promising coin for EOY gains. I'm holding 8 coins in my portfolio, and this is the one im most excited about over the next 6-12 months.
Enough about me... There is a coin that will be swapping 1:1 in the next 4-5 months. An old, forgotten dead shit coin will come back to life and explode in value. It will be re branded then swapped over to a new private block chain. A sleek 1% of biz will get rich off a dead forgotten shitcoin brought back to life. Get on the train early.
Oh user why are you telling me this now the swap isn't for another 4-5 months wake me up in two months! Check this out the staking on the old coin is 100% yearly. Thats .27% daily staking rewards. The staking will significantly decrease on the new coin. Guys I'm pulling down about 28$ a day staking and loving every minute of it. I will be making that every day until the swap happens. Gains from day 1 its great!. I will almost get my initial investment back just from staking if the coin goes 100% before swap, and believe me it will.
This coin is creating a great community and the telegram chat is super helpful and quick to respond. This coin is building a strong community. It honestly reminds me of the early days in pivx chat. In the two and a half weeks i have been in the telegram it honestly is in my top 2 chats to read. Great community vibe.
Just to generate some suspense i will reveal the name of the coin when someone rolls dubs.
TLDR 1:1 swap coming to a new private chain with master nodes.
Extreme shitcoin with deadly inflation getting shilled all over Facebook because muh community takeover.
Good luck streetshitters.
Jace Johnson
Robert Gomez
inb4 larp
Chase Butler
Sebastian Cox
double dubbs
Jaxson Smith
Enjoy your massive gains if your willing to hold through swap and into 2019. The 1 SAT wall has been cut in half from 120btc to 60btc since i starting making my position in the coin. Its falling.
DAPS Project set to fix trust issues in anonymous transactions Decentralized Anonymous Payment System (DAPS), a transition project that was initially PeepCoin(PCN) has set out on a mission to make become the best privacy project to date. Although in its early stages, the team at DAPS has started laying the groundwork to develop a new protocol named Harpocrates with features like Masternodes, POS, Trustless, and Mandatory Stealth. Mandatory Stealth is currently not a feature on any of the other top privacy projects like Verge, Monero, ZCASH, and DASH.
Thats not even true. All the shilling is being done on telegram at the moment. There isnt shit on facebook.
John Martinez
Total shitcoin with paid shill all around fb and now Jow Forums
Christopher Harris
Yours is even the second or third DAPS shill thread today in here.
PCN was a crap coin that inflated to death and now they are trying to unload bags on new idiots. They want to ad 10 - 50 BILLION new coins. Guess what happsn to the price?