The owner of this restaurant in France is a racist. They served me a raw uncooked hamburger and spit in my food because I was not from France.

I tried to leave the restaurant and they locked me in and took my wallet because I am apparently a 'Disgusting Black American', even though I'm British and just a tan white guy...

They took money out of my wallet and gave my wallet back and then shoved me out the door.


Au Vieux Grenier and sometimes called Le Vieux Grenier

google.co.uk/maps/place/Au Vieux Grenier/@45.3146169,6.5388081,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m7!3m6!1s0x0:0x300989834bfb1107!8m2!3d45.3146169!4d6.5409968!9m1!1b1

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shoo shoo go away nigger

Fuck off nigger

gonna give them 5 star review, based


>white man harassed and robbed
>"fuck off nigger"

Post skin, nigger.

In France you are known as La Migger.

Attached: tumblr_ncvt7sELcK1rhaxyho1_500.gif (480x360, 990K)

falling into inverse psychology

France is for French blood you nigger.

you sound like a nigger.

Thanks. Just bought $100k worth of baguettes.

holy shit
I cant believe this board is so racist...
I'd expect this out of Jow Forums but here??

s m h

i do not care enough about you to go out of my way and spend those 2 minutes 1starring a restaurant in france

go complain to or we don't give a fuck about this kind of thing here

not your personal army nigger

France is like that to everyone but French.
Try being Italian American they have made me drive around France instead of go through which is a difference of 6 hours that’s after the searched all are bag. No offense grammom. There that way to everyone

Go be a nigger elsewhere

I desperetely want to do opposite of what OP wants me to do, but as I can't say if he is reverse psychologing us or in fact a guy who had spit on.

Just gonna ignore your stupid ass, that will teach you a lesson.

Like the great Thomas Sowell says...

"The word racism is like ketchup, you can put it on practically anything - and demanding evidence makes you a racist."

Black people hate white people cuz of govt and media propaganda to make them think white people are the cause of their problems when it is really the govt fucking them.

Stupid white people will say things like.... "no, it's blacks who are the REAL racists."

Not realizing that blacks (to their credit) don't give a fuck if white people call them racist. It is only pansy ass white people who are petrified to be called the oh so scary R-word. As if lightning will strike them down if someone labels them a racist.

And that's the point to get whites to shut up more and more, give up more and more and submit more and more into our eventual extinction. Has nothing do with "equality" but calling us "racist" is used as a power play to eventually get rid of us. Blacks know whites have become weak.

All humans are inherently racist, it's simply nature to segregate and familiarize based on people who are visually and culturally different than yourself. It's only """"shocking"""" to you because everyone on Jow Forums speaks their mind without remorse and you probably grew up in a culturally diverse cesspool.

In conclusion: eat a dick niggerfaggot

This is not wakanda KFC dumb nigger.


>shoo shoo go away nigger
>Fuck off nigger
>Post skin, nigger.
>In France you are known as La Migger.
>France is for French blood you nigger.
>you sound like a nigger.
>not your personal army nigger
>Go be a nigger elsewhere
Damn, biz is better than pol

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that pick should be recoloured


go pick a fight with a cop and get good, nigger.

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>post yfw when some random user b8ed us into giving his restaurant 5 star reviews

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found the brainlet

The true nature of people comes out with anonymity, you fucking nigger.

Nice argument. Go to a part of the world where the indigenous people rarely come in contact with people of your race. You'll instantly notice the stares, everyone on edge around you, and crying/fear of small children when you speak in a different language.

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Thank you my Führer.

Eine Hautfarbe, ein Gedanke, ein Feind und was eines Tages von diesem übrig bleibt !


read a book

Fuck off nigger! We're not your personnel army and im pretty sure you're lying.

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for Au Vieux Grenier

>just a tan white guy..

Attached: 56.png (241x263, 13K)

Sure, which book?

Attached: aBook.jpg (332x499, 40K)

How I envy his facial aesthetics

fuckin retards falling for this honeypot. that said, op is a fuckin nigger

Well you fucking joke.
biz plays with you and pol joins slowly in.

Lets report us and give US 1star in your creepy nigger world.

OH wait, the mods wouldnt ban us because YOU breaking the rules here.

Reported and deported for being BLACK

Attached: 1524612877723.jpg (800x450, 61K)

Did anyone actually look at the restaurant? it looks cozy af

Kys nigger. If your not in Africa you deserve to be lynched.

>going to France
>expecting good service as a foreigner
>expecting good service period

France is probably the biggest piece of shit country I've ever had the displeasure of visiting. The French are even worse than Slavs when it comes to manners. Why the fuck do they get so triggered if you speak to them in English? Why are they stuck so far up their own assholes? They are also one of the worst people to do business with, because they seem to have some kind of protectionist autistic attitude. They seem to favor dealing with other French or French Canadians as a worst case scenario. And they are probably the 2nd worst English speaking people, after Slavs.

It's too bad, they used to make some good movies in the late 90s and early 2000s.

Why the fuck would anyone go to that faggot country anyway

go away nigger