Can't tell if LINK has potential or is just a shitcoin Jow Forums uses to fuck with newcomers

Can't tell if LINK has potential or is just a shitcoin Jow Forums uses to fuck with newcomers.

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huge potential, read the whitepaper, google it, youtube, whatever, this will blow up.

It was a coin with potential that it never lived up to or will live up to and is now just a meme for people deluded and still holding or pissed off and sold at a massive loss to troll each other.

absolute shitcoin, im glad i sold at the sibos pump
this is going straight below ico price

Question: which cryptocurrency projects are mentioned by name in a book recently written by the President of the International Monetary Fund?

Answers: Bitcoin, Ethereum, and... CHAINLINK, by name, were the only three cryptocurrency projects named outright in that book.

Show me one other coin liek that.

citation needed

Yeah, I'm gonna need a citation on that. If you have one ill actually get out a loan to buy more link.

it's just a forced meme, invented as a viral marketing campagin, and maintained here both by shills and by ordinary bored people for lulz.

Sauce this right now or get the fuck out.


SO MUCH NEWFAGS GTFO the book is called : the fourth indistrial revolution u fucksticks and is named in it, not chainlink but yeah the website of chainlink gets a mention u fucking brainlets.


dont tell him to btfo u newfag.

I mean the founder of the world economic forum did mention chainlink in his book called the fourth industrial revolution. Chainlink is not a joke man.

Id rather get btfod and have knowledge than be ignorant, thanks for the source.

what a retard lol to lazy to find the pdf, last time i spoonfeed ur newfag ass.

dear chaincucks...

If that's true, and unless he attacked Link, then him mentioning Link is negative, not positive. The fucking (((IMF))), come on! Their endorsement would be a clear signal to stay the fuck away from Link.

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So by the same token we all should dump ETH and BTC.

It wasnt chainlink it was but its definitely in there.

it's a well known shoop no one here who doesn't shit on a street is unaware of.

Attached: bedbugsonuranus.png (1920x1080, 320K)

Kys normie

you too

The audacity of newfriends posting

Hmm is LINK is a shitcoin?

>Would a shitcoin own ""

>Would a shitcoin have a multi million dollar hedge fund

>Would a shitcoin have a be invited to present at SIBIOS twice

>Would a shitcoin have a religious following of autistics who've researched every nook and cranny

If you can't figure it out you deserve to stay fucking poor

Come on stop making these threads.


They've clearly done no research on ChainLink, and have wrote it off as a meme.

They do not deserve to make it.

Ive been holding since a few months after sibos, I check their gitter/pivotal regularly. Im not on Jow Forums enough so I must have missed the book mention

>the shift in action

kill all no-linkers

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the only reason chainlink's value goes up is, all the holders of it, commit suicide 1 by 1 each dip and ath.. locking the links away forever...

no technology, no usecase...

it's the suicide token.

Just ask whenever, some people are just really autistic.

The reason I asked is because I knew they had mentioned smartcontracts but chainlink itself was never namedropped specifically. If the other guy had an example of them mentioning it explicitly and I had missed this, I wanted to see it for myself. I have 54k link and can guarantee I know more about how it works than you do, so stop barking at me you stupid nigger.