Who here /donateplasma'n'trade/?
Who here /donateplasma'n'trade/?
>no socks
Are you begging us for munnies?
Bongs can't donate plasma because of risk of mad cow disease.
Enjoy the passive gains for me user
How long does it take? What tests do I have to take before I'm cleared to "donate" (I'm assuming you're being paid)? Can I have AIDs?
No because i dont want to give my blood to a nigger or a other shitskin
Might as well rattle around a ton can. Pathetic
>How long does it take?
Depends, there's usually lines full of nigger and premed students but the actual blood drain is anywhere between 25 and 90 minutes depending on how dehydrated you are.
>What tests do I have to take before I'm cleared to "donate" (I'm assuming you're being paid)?
They test it for you, the usual stuff like HIV, heathy metals, water ratio, blood sugar, but they're not the most thorough
and yes, we do get paid
>Can I have AIDs?
They use new, disposable tubes and needles that they throw away when finished
More likely, a rich Boomer who hasn't taken care of himself.
But hey, it could be going to someone's mom, or daughter with cancer
How much do you get paid? That's a 90 mins is a long time to bleed out.
They say there's a weight limit of 110, I am a manlet midget and my current weight is healthy (for my height) but below 110. Would they let me donate?
The first two is $80 each but then it throttles down to $25. They also have promotions to get a few extra bucks kek
only if you bring a ladder
Put pl8s in your pants
I did this in high school, not a bad way to make money as long as the center you go to isn't packed with people. I stopped doing it because it was giving me scars and I would always be hungry afterwards, but it's like an extra $200 a month at least
Holy shit dude, probably not. You could try donating sperm?
I kid, I kid
Me /receive plasma & trade/
Ty fir donate your plasma it keep me alive longer
>reluctant haemophiliac girl
>this is the way of vitalik literally telling Jow Forums about plasma upgrade
>this is also why he is a skelly
Here pic of me get plasma infused
Me have for have every month or me die x.x
Ty again all plasma donation!
cut your fucking nails off
Guy on the right looks like he's injecting heroine
>what is hygiene
>penis without pubes
its just against natural selection
Normally nails painted and trimmed but can't b4 infused bc risk of bleed 4 death
; )
Hands perfect clean kek
They splotchy because of internal bleeding
It's a resource for the betterment of your community. Wait till you or your mom gets sick, then fuck your natural selection. Some basic health functions a modern society should be able to provide
Fuck natural selection
Why must race always go to swift?
Or fight always go to strong?
Or life always go to healthy?
You have a pretty hand
Lmao top the fedora harder faggot
Good job, user. Here in Jacksonville, FL, there's an outfit called Octapharma. Pay out is like $300 a month! I used to go there before my crypto gains piled up so much I didn't need it anymore. If any anons live around here, that's the place to go.