If your not holding p3d, why are you even in crypto?


Attached: fomo3d_rainbow_v1.03.png (1920x1080, 561K)

who fucking knows man

p3d is literally the weirdest meme currency i've ever seen and yet it works so well.

and now the devs are advertising their next token is going to be an exit scam, it's so surreal that they're actually producing joke currencies that are making me rich.

Attached: discord teaser.jpg (1896x956, 1.14M)

All the ads are for dapps now great

So ethereum smart contracts are the future?

Because if me wanted 4 hold ponzi coin me would just make me own

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Guess im in some non quazi pyramid/ponzi coins

P3D is so fucking real.
The rest are hot garbage.
Bill Gates.


They do make pretty spicy memes

Attached: powh new logo.png (1920x1080, 2.25M)

why does p3d have better art than every other currency?

Attached: let your holdings carry you txt.png (1600x1000, 1.88M)

i mean i just go and look and this shit is so good in the shill kit.

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The clones are stealing p3d art and putting it on their fucking Jow Forums ads

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i duno what to do with my hands

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just dont sell man

you cant lose if you don't sell, you'll get dividends forever.


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Attached: day of the divs text.png (2560x1600, 2.2M)

>They didnt sold at 19k
>They didnt sold at 14k
>8k and they still not selling

wtf is wrong with you guys

i dont think you understand how this thing works man,

the price is not linear based on eth in contract, so at 20k the token value was 8$, and at 8k the token value is 7$

and you get dividends on everyone between 20k and 8k that sold.

It's a ridiculously reliable and stable investment that pays dividends.

Attached: a pit of fuckery v3.png (1920x1080, 2.54M)