Whats the right choice? I keep thinking about this shit for some reason

Whats the right choice? I keep thinking about this shit for some reason.

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Internet, booze, drugs, tobacco = 30 points.

Find someone on the Internet to break you out of the basement. Pay them in booze, drugs and alcohol.

Halve payout = 35 points
Kitchen 6p
Skylight 2p
Library 4p
Gf 18p
Doc 3p

2p left... adding in the Garden


Money up front
The chick
Unlimited drugs


I'll take the gun and a dox of OP

>not escaping down the trash chute

>Kitchen 6p
>Skylight 2p
don't need this if you have vit D supplements from kitchen
>Library 4p
internet is better
>Gf 18p
you will hate each other after 3 months
>Doc 3p
don't need doc if you're eating healthy from the kitchen

no food?

Its more about not going insane senpai.
This scenario actually goes in my head - what if I become financial independent? With the ability to do everything, will I chose to do nothing?

Dude that library alone should be 30 points, the ancient texts found in there and the space it takes up would be worth more than 10 mil. You could make a total kickass life down there I think this is just to see how neety everybody is. Dont get an annoying gf youll get sick of her, get a pupper and become the wisest man on earth

surround music thing
i'll come out of that basement a fucking god

he was gonna od at some point anyway...

Only virgins would pick the girl over internet.

If it was a new 9/10 18y/o every day, maybe the girl package.

But the same girl for 10 years in your basement? Fuck off.

+1 doctor
Half your time because spending 5 years in the greatest library mankind has ever seen will make that monetary amount nothing.

If you would be more productive in a situation where your freedom or choice is taken away from you, do you really deserve your privileged lifestyle where you have the ability to do more for humanity?
This is what keeps me going.

You don't get to half your time

Then remove +1 doctor and phone, my mistake misread

All drugs (Why ever choose tobacco and booze)
Kitchen (can clean with ingredients)
Mayo Dr

Or switch out the gym for the Library

FF - 4
PC - 6
Gaem - 4
Interwebs - 16
-Consider half-
Med care - 2
Hygiene - 3


have to stay informed

money up front (7 points), which means you can double your money just by buying index funds and aren't exposed to inflation.

Workout room (5p)
kitchen (6p)
doctor with upgrade (3)
phone (3)

>going your entire adult prime without pussy


2 Garden - an abundance of life can keep morale up, fresh veggies
2 Skylight - keep a healthy circadian rhythm, vitamin D
3 White Doc - just in case, also I'd rather not have a pajeet touch me
3 Hygiene - being clean is healthier, feels nicer
4 library - knowledge, entertainment, information for making shit
4 music - I have tinnitus, and I like music
6 kitchen - home cooked food is best food
6 Workshop - I can make shit and keep myself entertained, exercise equipment should be easy to make as well, rendering the gym option useless.

30 points total, I'm taking that 10 million

Half payment +35
Internet -16
Desktop -6
Stocks - 7
Fast food -4
Garden -2

Just bathe in the garden w/ water from the kitchen

you already have a shower it just doesnt have any soap

Whatchu need soap for

>tfw scroll up and realize who i'm dealing with

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Fr you're in a basement with 1 other person
You'll be clean enough just showering and you can use kitchen ingredients to kill germs if you're that bothered by it.
And what's that DR gonna do if you get seriously ill or injured with no drugs to administer

Wait I swap trains for pajeet dr

the gun for sure, you have to be literal chinese monk to not go cray in a box even with all that shit
t.neet monkey but id go crazy if i didnt go outside every once in a while

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Half money +35
Girl -18
Money up front + stock market -7
full kitchen -6
skylight -2
garden -2

easy, would be a wonderful life tbqh

C'mon m8, don't just bounce

You know I'm right, senpai

internet 16
Stocks 7
Microwave with meals 2
Hygiene 3
Skylight 2

Barry Bonds is all you need.


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Just fuck the DR
Doesn't even specify it's male (heavily implied sure)

Girl – 18
Library – 4
Medical care – 3
Money in advance and stock market – 7
Hygiene products – 3

>Starves to death

Half my payout to 5 Mil
Stocks 7p Total =7
Microwave with food 2p Total = 9
Internet 16p Total = 25
Skylight 2p Total = 27
Unlimited Drugs 5p Total =32
Upgraded May clinic doc 3 Total = 35

Half my payout to 5 Mil
Stocks 7p Total =7
Microwave with food 2p Total = 9
Internet 16p Total = 25
Skylight 2p Total = 27
Unlimited Drugs 5p Total =32
Upgraded May clinic doc 3 Total = 35
Dont need a girl because after sex she'll be pretty fucking useless possibly go nuts and try murder you.

Barry Bonds
Train set

Girl - 18
Booze - 5
Garden - 2
Gun - 1
>Implying I'd need 10 years - 0

Attached: 30pointlogic.png (1106x978, 1012K)

>alcohol over literally every drug including alcohol

>Half it to $5 million
Internet - 16p
Full Kitchen - 6p
Garden with greenhouse - 2p
Workout Room - 5p
Pool Table - 1p
Library and study - 4p
Gun with bullets - 1p

Don't think I could survive without the library, workout room and internet. I'd need all 3. The full kitchen would also provide lots of new opportunities. I'd be pretty cozy, could chat with my family via the internet.

Train set (-2)

In reality companionship is by far the number one priority. Go 40 days with no contact to another human soul, look at the calender, and realize you're only 1% of the way through. Yeah, allot of people would take the easy way out.

30 points left
>Sexy 18 year old: Companionship and sexuality taken care of. And guess what, 10 years? We can start a family, why not. Kids will give us something to do.
12 points left
>Functioning microwave: You gotta eat to survive
10 points left
>Garden: Fresh air and natural sunlight are an absolute must
8 points left
>All movies and tv shows: Listen, at the end of the day we're gonna need something to do all day with our time, desperately. Boredom will breed depression.
4 points left
>pool table: This may seem frivilous, but you need something visceral to do, where you use your sense of touch and depth perception.
3 points left
>mayo clinic doctor
We need to stay alive and healthy, and anyway, we need another human being to interact with, even if only seldomly. Might as well spend our extra point upgrading him so our second best friend isn't a pajeet.

Full kitchen - 6
Internet -16
Library- 4
Doctor- 3
Kitten - 6

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Kitchen obviously (6

Surround-Sound obviously (10

Library, Pretty fucking useful for me and the DR (14

Mayo DR to help w/ the drugs and general injuries, also some companionship (17

Unlimited drugs to stay sane and healthy (22

Garden for the trips, sunlight and sanity (24

Workshop for everything else (30

full kitchen 6
skylight 2
music 4
weight room 5
library 4
workshop 6
pool table 1
garden 2

all you need

There's sunlight in the garden m8

replace with the (((doctor))) then

>Pajeet DR shitting in your wounds

replace skylight and pool table to premium doctor

Correct, now why spend 5 points on a gym if you can workout in the workshop

This is a good deal if you are like 15. Mayne even 20. I would be almost 40 after I got out.

It is actually extremely depressing since a lot of us most like spent the majority of the past 10 years effectively sitting in a basement.

Attached: 26.jpg (378x301, 49K)

idk there's honestly nothing else on there that I would want for 5 points or less

What's that DR gonna do if you break a finger? Cut it up/splint it without painkillers?

unlimited booze then

Full Kitchen - 6 points
Top of the line Desktop Computer - 6 points
All Video games - 4 Points
Workout Room - 5 points
Library - 4 points
Mayo Clinic Doctor - 3 points
Skylight - 2 points
Total: 30 points

Why not unlimited drugs, including booze? Far more versatile

lol what a waste of time. when you add them all up, the sum is 40 - that is the joke. cant believe people still fall for this shit lmfao idiots on Jow Forums are in such high frequency it's literally insane

I guess it doesn't rule out painkillers as drugs

kitchen w/ food i want
bideo games

ez. would rather live there now for free

full kitchen 6
music 4
unlimited drugs 5
library 4
workshop 6
mayo doctor 3
garden 2


"A medicine or other substance which has a physiological effect when ingested or otherwise introduced into the body."
Ofc it's a drug user. Drugs are good

could also easily build a pool table myself kek



18 year old, unlimited drugs and a tv
I'm gonna have a good fucking 10 years

>starves to death

Hey man, a hole's a hole after enough time in the basement.

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You guys are missing the point of internet
without social interaction you're going to go insane

There is literally nothing wrong with doing nothing

$0 payout
pool table
hd camera
surround sound system

put on music
turn on camera
rape girl on pool able
strangle her
shoot pajeet
shoot puppy
shoot self

the drugs and booze , gun and pupper. get wasted, blow brains out and let pupper eat my corpes.

this is stupid you have to provide bare minimum such as food and medical care or you will die... you have to offer a luxury alternative as an upgrade you pay with points..

>money up front (7 points), which means you can double your money just by buying index funds and aren't exposed to inflation.
>Workout room (5p)
>kitchen (6p)
>doctor with upgrade (3)
>phone (3)

garden 2p
hygiene products 3p

total: 35 points and 5 mil in socks & bonds. BEST COMBO

$5 mil & 35 pts
kitchen - 6
PC - 6
Internet - 16
Access to shitcoin trading - 7

All-in chainlink - ??? - profit

Well you gotta have food, medical care and have something to do to not lose your mind.

So for me that would be:

Attached: get_hobbies.png (990x1647, 319K)

You going to buy your index funds with a phonecall?

$0 Payout

2x Girls 36 pts
1x Pool table
1x HD camera

Create 10 year porn show, become billionaire

this shit is hard everytime i think im getting stuck so fucking hard

skylight 2
library 4
kitchen 6
girl 18
drugs 5

>gf 18 points
i thought its free if you have a basement

Stock Market 7, Skylight 2, kitchen 6, gym 5, library 4, hygiene 3, radio 2, and pool table 1

Stock Market

and a skylight + microwave

thats 30.