Why are so many of them in America rich? I read they also have the highest IQ in America even more so than Ashkenazi American Jews. What the fuck do they even do? I know about he Google and Microsoft CEOs, but apart from that, I don’t see them running too many companies. I’m not even trying to hate, but curious as to how they got into the business sphere so quickly when they were non existent 30-40 years ago.

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Other urls found in this thread:

They are the earliest iterations of Aryans.

Siddhartha Guatama was depicted as blue eyed and fair haired.

The ones from the far north are quite intelligent & a completely different species than the southerners.

its propaganda you dumbass, same goes for the kikes
most likely sub 70 IQ, just a tiny bit higher than your average nigger 65 IQ

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India is a shithole. The rich and/or smart ones leave as soon as they can.

Probability my friend. India has 1.5 billion population. World has 7 billion population. Do the math.

This. Imagine a country of 1 billion. Now send the rich and intelligent ones away because they are tired of hanging out with literal street shitters all the time.

Yep. Called "brain drain" in economics. Source: have a degree in economics. But even one iota of research would find this

Yeah was thinking that as well. At the same time, China still has more people and yet the average American Chinese makes way less and has a lower (though barely lower) average iq than American Jews and Indians.

memes aside they are pretty hard working lol

Because those who make it here with their families are the smart ones, have good family bonds and a support structure which pushes them to succeed. Something that is becoming less a thing for white people, and was never really a thing for blacks.

Going to grad school at a good american computer science school and there are tons of smart indians here working their ass off because they need to get a job here and get sponsored or else they get sent back to the gallows

India is a country of a billion people, where most of them speak English but is largely poverty stricken
As these anons say: The 'good' ones fuck off to the US because they're smart or industrious enough to make their fortune there (or at least comparative to in India). They have a slight edge over East Asians where English is not a common language.

It's also probably you just notice it more, you'd sure as hell notice if there was a Samoan or a thick accented Australian as a CEO of a big company - same with Indians because you're eye isn't as use to seeing them as East Asians or Caucasians (inb4 'Indians are assshhhktually Caucasian').
Anotehr reason might be cultural, India has a long history of maths and over-complicated religions. I have a dumb theory that the reason why so many Jews become Lawyers and Accountants is because learning all the laws and traditions of things like Kosher cuisine and all the forbidden stuff in the Old Testament mentally trains them for professions involving lots of complicated rules, I suspect Indians are the same. The path to enlightenment seems to involve learning weird esoteric words to describe various concepts and states rather than actual meditating.

All the Indians in Ca end up race mixing.

Meh, North Indian here born and bred in the UK. I own a house and I've rented to Indians before. They're not smart, mostly exaggerate their own qualification. I also worked with an Indian and wow, he was terrible but had an MBA. Most reiterate keywords like 'I know Java' or take pride in the companies they work for like 'Accenture'. I would say they're good with Numbers. Socially and sexually awkward with varying ideas of the west.

Physically, they're 'doughy' and aesthetically unpleasing.

me? I need a few crutches in life and thats modafinil and roids. When life gives you lemons..

Don’t be impressed. Majority of Indian’s that move to India are already so filthy rich you can’t even imagine. They live like kings in India, drivers, seevsnts, chefs. Then they use this wealth to buy so many connections. Basically Jews V2. The class divide in India is something else. Don’t tell that to an Indian they’ll, I mentioned it to this Indian chick once and she went batshit insane trying to tell me the poor in India are actually benefiting lmao.

Kek. Describes a couple friends of mine perfectly. One fucker is on his way to race mixing too. Long live the 56%

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selection effects plus a very high degree of genetic stratification.

some groups like the Parsis are up there with the Ashkenazim, themselves a highly genetically bottlenecked population out of Persia.

Because the best and the brightest get selected to come over to the United States first. If there wasn't an ocean between us, all the dumb Pajeets would be crossing over illegally for handouts and we wouldn't be having this discussion about them being smart and rich.

>yet the average American Chinese makes way less and has a lower (though barely lower) average iq than American Jews and Indians
During the goldrush and the building of the transcontinental railroad, you didn't need a degree or a special skill to come over from China to work (and many Chinese did) Those who stayed in the US provided a gateway for relatives from China to come over so you didn't have to be an academic if you have the connections.

this. they are not that smart. deceptive and manipulative though. that may be cultural. + cheap.

All the wealthy families came to the USA after one of them came over in the 70s and bought a ton of hotels. The hotel I work at is owned by a Indian family that has 6 other 60+ room propertys.

The average American is pretty stupid. Most are pretty lazy as well. Guess it's easy to look smart when your not lazy and stupid. Indians reaping the rewards of American stupidity.

hmmm i think there is something to your dumb theory, makes stupid sense.

The Talmud is a giant lawsuit

>take the top 0.0001% of pajeets
>bring them to america
>they work for jews and whites and get 'rich'
how fucking retarded are you

In India, the only way to succeed is to be smart as fuck. There’s too many fuckers there and it’s hard to stand out. India has about 950 million people. Of those, only about 8 million are extremely wealthy. There’s something like 500million peasants there. Only way out is to be a fucking Einstein.


>makes stupid sense.
Yeah, it's more a theory in progress.

kek, with lots of accounts in there too
>two of each uncloven creature, six pairs of...

All these other theories people are giving are bullshit.

Their argument is that only the smartest come move out of India into America or other countries.
This is utter rubbish and has no legs. Only the privileged get to move out of India but even the privileged are smart nonetheless. An average Indian can't afford to send his or her children to America for education. Just use common sense. Look at the per capita income in India.

Truth is that India has too many people with not just high IQ but high EQ too but because of poverty they couldn't get the opportunity to shine. And, as soon as they get an opportunity they do really well.

There are many reasons for this
1. In the Indian society education is considered very important so high emphasis is placed on it. The parents provide a lot of support to children in they formative years.
2. Secondly, there is a spiritual reason which even most Indians aren't aware of. For thousands of years spiritual process has been the highest pursuit in India (only since last 1-2 generations we are seeing more idiotic Indians who are cut off from this. They think they are English). The country as a whole is enjoying the fruits of this high energy field created by spiritual process which has lead to evolution of the Indian brain at a genetic level making them generally more self aware and hence smart. The human brain is naturally smart but due to various conditionings and lack of use of intelligence, people may seem dumb. The spiritual process is about removing the conditionings.

In times to come, you will see more and more Indians doing in various fields. This hasn't even started.

They're good at memorising things, like Chinks. Not good at actually creating things though. That's pretty much it.

You can blame the Indian education system and the general lack of social and financial support for entrepreneurship of innovative nature for that.

Dont forget that the chinks and Indians have bern inventing and discovering a lot of things since thousands of years.

It's only since the industrial revolution and Renaissance that Europe started discovering things.

The fact that the west literally enslaved and plundered the east didn't help. Innovation requires a lot of funding and Indian and Chinese were left poor so the focus for these two large nations became making ends meet rather than innovate.

Things are turning around.

Eg A lot of innovations came from defence industry in the US while somehow Indian defense industry was almost intentionally kept suppressed supposedly by arms sellers. They wanted India to stay as one of the biggest arms buyer in the world (and hence kept the India Pakistan conflict alive) Things are changing now. India too has privatized defense manufacturing. You will see a lot innovation in times to come but Indians are already decades behind so they will take some time to catch up. I just gave defence field as an example.


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Its not that they're intelligent. Its purely numbers. Look how many of the little roaches take low paying jobs. Pushy little fuckers, that's how they make their way to CEO positions from snowflake companies with gender and race quotas.

How many Indians are of government assistance? They’re too proud. They worked too hard to get to this country.

Oh geez, this is the most acurate post in this thread.

I’ve worked with a few dozen over the years and the only ones who do their job properly are the ones who understand and appreciate western culture.

All the rest are breaking the rules, cheating, lying street shitters. It’s worse when they condescend to you as well, especially when you’re in the process of literally terminating their contract.

98% of significan world inventions are by Europeans. Asia accounts for the other 2%, mostly from Japan. China hasn't invented anything since the 13th century, and most of their renowned inventions were militaristic. Slaughtering half your population every few centuries doesn't bode well for innovation.

Name a single thing we use in our lives invented by an Indian. Curry? Even the Indians couldn't formulate that properly until Brits gave them a push.

They stand at just 1% of American population. Pretty low compared to other ethnicities but they are the most successful relatively speaking. Certainly it's not a numbers game.

>had an MBA

An MBA doesn't mean shit. It was originally designed so autists in law firms, pharmaceutical companies, etc. could learn basic business principles, since they hadn't had any formal education on it when they were in college. Now it's just a glorified sheet of paper, like most college degrees, and it's been reduced to little more than writing on case studies. If anyone says they have an MBA, laugh in their face. They spent roughly 100k on shit they could have Googled.

That may just be the US. Here in Australia the numbers are ridiculously high (Sydney specific). There aren't any difficult citizenship tests to enter the country so we get a lot of the lower class ones.

>Name a single thing we use in our lives invented by an Indian.
You won't forget this one - flush toilet!!!

There are many. Want more?
Something as useful as Shampoo, rulers, weighing scale, plough, carbon pigment(ink) , microwave communication, rockets, Chess, Buttons.

Even Gravity was first discovered in India by Aryabhata.

Iron works

Even the fact that there is water on the moon was established by India!

I can go on and on.

I told you, Indians are pretty smart. In times to come you will see their mettle.

Europeans may hold most patents or maybe writing publishing more articles in journals, something which Indians didnt do.
Heck India didn't even patent Yoga! So India will catch up and soon.

Anything in the last 1000 years? Indians were a very different race before you brown people genocided the aryans.

Source of pic?

Not saying everyone in India is smart and motivated. Indeed, many are lazy or try to cut corners or cheat.

I'm only saying that generally speaking Indians are smart. If they are motivated, they do well. If they are lazy or lack integrity then smartness is wasted for sure.

People are saying - it's a big country so you can find a few smart ones. No, it's a big population so you can find few which lack integrity but relatively speaking they are more self aware and smart.

The low end software developers you come across aren't the smartest ones. The smartest ones are the Indian businessmen and traders(not talking about crypto trading) - certain business ethnicities such as Gujaratis, Marwaris... Religious communities like Jains etc. Actually the smartest ones renounce and pursue spirituality, and retreat into solitude. Not talking about the fake ones.

I lived and worked with them.. No they don't have an exceptional high IQ.

the thing they are very good at is cheating and scamming.

Also all of those women fuck an suck themselfs to the top... ALL of them. Speaking from personal experience.

You mean the tetsosterone smiting paraben infested chemical punch? About as shitty of an invention as the fertility destroying plastics.

Last 1000 years?
You do realize the kind of genocide that happened at the hands of Islamic fanatics (mughals among others) and the English!!!!

The fact that we survived itself shows our resilience. Our culture is mostly intact. No other ancient civilization has survived such persecution. You can look at the ruins of the Egyptian, Mesopotamian and other civilizations. Ah even Europe fell into dark times and it's ancient culture and practices were persecuted by Christianity. Lol. No one even knows about the spiritual traditions of the Europeans now. The practitioners were slaughtered or burned at stake. So yeah, so much for being an evolved and innovative society!!!

Whatever Europe did in terms of scientific discoveries and invention, it only did after the Renaissance and industrial civilization. That's just 400-500 years... Okay? And by the way, much of it was fueled by the ambition of conquering the world in the imperial world, not out of genuine interest in the science. Before that the Europeans believed that the sun revolved around the earth. Hahhahahaha

Considering the extraordinary circumstances, there are still many scientific discoveries that happened in India by eminent scientists. But you can't expect a thriving scientific revolution in those circumstances.

Yes, India fell into dark times. My only point is that Indians were smart and are smart.

>brown people genocided the Aryans
What are you talking about??? It's pretty simple.

The indigenous people of the Indian subcontinent were the dravidians.

Few thousand years ago, a population of Aryans from the Caspian sea region migrated - some moved into Europe while others moved into the Indian subcontinent. This new Aryan population pushed the dravidians down south, into the Indian southern peninsula. Slowly both the cultures integrated and they lived peacefully.

There is no such thing as brown people killing Aryans.

The chemical stuff is the invention of the great western civilization.

Shampoos in India were herbal and very healthy. Maybe not as convenient and easily usable as the modern ones but not damaging as the modern shampoos either.

That's another thing - almost all the discoveries made in the west are either damaging to humans or the environment.
From shampoos to plastic... Name anything.

juveniles!!!! Greedy ****** that have no standards or vision. Total retards. You talk about iq? You are retards and with your immaturity you are ruining the planet. You 'discover' something only to realize after a decade how it has damaged the planet. Most of the times the discoveries are carcinogenic. From food to air we breath - everything has turned to poison.

My friend, this is not intelligence, this is dangerous retardation of the highest order.

Ancient Indians made many discoveries but they didn't go ahead with many of them because they had the wisdom to foresee their impact on humans and the environment.

Eg there are scriptures in India which describe in detail how to build aircrafts. But they decided against going that path when they realized that too much air traffic will disturb the Ether which will in turn cause unavoidable psychological problems. Now Ofcourse every damn thing is disturbed so it doesn't matter. And everyone has gone nuts so it seems normal.

t. Salty Manvinder

Ah! A very intelligent remark from a low iq racist punk.

It is indeed pretty simple how you wiped out any the Proto-Europeans that used fo reside on tge Indian Subcontiant, plunging yourself into a perennial dark age. So when you say 'muh ancient Indian secret' just know that your brown blood has nothing in common with the Indians of yesteryear.

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we only take the smart ones. not like mexicans we take

Smart chinase prefers Hongkong (though they dont speak Mandarin but Cantonese) or Singapore. Smart Indians don't have any 1st world territories at home while China boosts some breti gud 1st world enclaves

Lol that's a new level of bullshit. Not sure who makes up this stuff.

But we don't care to have anything common with the Europeans, though your theory is wrong and it's the same Aryan blood. Anyways, Europe is on deathbed my friend. It's past its short-lived age of glory.

You are delusional if you think that Europeans are some superior race and I'm trying to place Indian Aryans next to them. Thanks but no thanks.

The 'ancient Indian secret' still lives in India and its the future of not just India but of the world. And I'm not racist. Everyone should live an enlightened life.

In fact, it's not 'Indian secret'. It's just that it survived in India because Indians are not fanatics so there wasn't a violent persecution.

It's not all about IQ. Foreigners that come to America realize they have an amazing opportunity to make a living so they seize it themselves or make sure their children can do it. This is especially true for Indians, Nigerians, Chinese, and Koreans.

Amusing to see you call others racist then desperately resort to it once you get btfo. You invented the Internet as well, right Patel? I mean it says so in an ancient manuscript..

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Just read the quote by the Howard guy in your picture.

I can understand his repulsion. Somewhere he is right. I won't deny that genetics matter and mixing with anything inferior may give tragic results.

But I have more faith in the 'ancient Indian education system' which was deeply interlaced with spiritual disciplines. So... The condition that India is in today is not so much because of degeneration of genetics because of mixing but because the ancient education system was completely broken and dismantled, and replaced by the English education system which focused on making Indians into clerks rather than wise and powerful beings.

If we bring back that same education system, India can reclaim it's past glory.

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Yeah the Jews suing the goyim

The Aryans migrated to India and intermixed with the local population. That’s why they’re ruled off a caste system where the light skinned Indo Aryan hybrids rule over the darker skinned pure dravidians. Aryans looked NOTHING like a Pajeet does today, purebred Aryans unironically are only found in northwestern Europe where they also migrated but had no native people to interbreed with and so kept the stock pure.

You can look up and verify whatever I claimed Indians invented.

I never said Indians invented the internet so you BTFO.

I'm racist in the sense, I see there are different races with different strengths and weaknesses. I'm not saying all races are same. In that sense I'm racist.

But I don't think anyone race can claim to be superior to another. We are all unique. But if someone claims that, I won't take it lying down.

The niggers of Asia...

>purebred Aryans unironically are only found in northwestern Europe where they also migrated but had no native people to interbreed with and so kept the stock pure.

Mutations =/= purebred, where did you even get this stormnigger shit

You all place too much emphasis on the race of a person.

You think that the dravidians were inferior and Aryans superior?

The dravidians in south India had very powerful kingdoms (for eg, it is said they had powerful ships which traveled all throughout south east Asia for trade and conquests- they built the magnificent temples of angkur vat for eg. It is the largest religious monument in the world) and they had, you can say, the most mystical and powerful spiritual tradition anywhere on the planet.

Agastya was a South Indian sage, he was very short in height and he looked ugly - the antithesis of a so called pure bred Aryan but Agastya was the most powerful and mystical sage ever to be. He invented Tamil language, martial arts, Siddha tradition of medicine, built many many energetically powerful temples. He was a juggernaut.

The south Indian mystical tradition still lives and it is very powerful. It was a South Indian sage who traveled to China and brought martial arts into China and eventually Zen in Japan. These are no ordinary Indian people I'm talking about. These are very rare Indians but fact is that they grew and evolved in the south Indian traditions - had nothing to do with Aryans.

The Aryans of India brought vedas and gods with them, which were pretty similar to Greek gods, but then they realized that the dravidians were pretty powerful too (they worshipped Shiva, who Aryans realized was more powerful than all their gods put together) so both the Aryan and dravidian cultures integrated and lived peacefully.

So who cares about this pure bred Aryan bullshit? This is some nazi propaganda and means nothing!

Yes the Aryans of ancient India were nothing like the brown people of India today but a lot of that has to do with lack of nutrition, poverty, relatively more sun lol, general degradation in morality and integrity, lack of appropriate education system etc.

One shits in streets, one built entire civilizations out of marble thousands of years ago that still stand today.
Dont talk to me about their spirituality or hollowed out log canoes. Scientists say chimps have entered the Stone Age... give chimps another 2000 years or so and they’ll be paddling alongside those shitskin dravidians who even in the current year 4018 will be wearing loincloths and paddling canoes

I live near Microsoft hq in Redmond, WA. There’s so many of them here. They’re all iin Tesla’s or luxury vehicles, have 1 wife 1 kid and all have $700k+ houses.

They’re the cheapest most self absorbed people. They refuse to look you in the eye on walks, they act like they rule whatever activity they’re engaging in, and they’re constantly cooking up curry.

I despise them in my personal life and I fucking hate them in my work life.

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Cry more white-bitch baby. We are happy to dominate every single industry in America, Australia, Britain, Canada, Spain because we can. White people are stupid, black people are stupid, Euros are stupid, Mexicans are stupid, and chinks/gooks are smart but they have to study 5x more than we do.

Just accept that America is like playing a video game on lowest difficulty for Indians.

We don't even have to try to beat everyone else in America.

Even the dumbest Indians in America become millionaires by owning gas stations and motels.

BRB the entire medical field is full of Indians
BRB tech is full of Indians
BRB law is full of Indians
BRB Indians taking over Wall Street
BRB all your businesses, schools, white bitches now all belong to Indians

LMAO white people always comment on the state of India and how the average Indian IQ is low as fuck because illiterate villagers are lumped into that calculation. They have nothing else to come at us with because they know that we completely murder them in every way when given American opportunities.

Enjoy being brainlets, non-Indians. An Indian person in America can accomplish ANYTHING that he or she wants to. It is quite simply the most amazing feeling in the world.

Meanwhile, white people have to "discover" themselves and all this bullshit LMAOOO just LMAOOOO.


you suck! jealous poor snownigger dalit.

>be stupid snownigger store owner of 3 Subways.
>be franchisee of the year for region.
>be Indian Masterrace
>become Subway Development Agents changed and with in 14 months
> force dumb snownigger to sell all 3 locations because white dalit was all of a sudden considered a bad operator (All the while, snownniger stores out performed the market)
>In a period of 14 months Indian master race flip over 40 stores in our Southern California Market .
>All were forced to sell due to "compliance" issues. Most of the stores were above market average.
>The new Subway Development Agent, the Marwaha Group, in its role of Development Agent has the responsibility to do the Compliance Inspections.
>immediate Indian Masterrace Family members were the only approved "buyers" in the 40 locations that flipped.
>Subway Development Agent, the Marwaha Group
>Marwaha Group


>You can look up and verify whatever I claimed Indians invented.
Like I said, the inhabitants of the Indian subcontinent over 1000 years ago bear no resemblance to its current occupants.

It's as laughable as 1.867% white el goblinos americanos in a thousand years deriving national pride from the inventions of white men like Edison or the Wright brothers.

Nepotism, shameless cheating, zero business ethics.

Pajeet act the same way everywhere. They are well suited to the soulless big tech sector.

If an Indian opens up a gas station in America, they don’t have to pay taxes. The system is stacked against us here, that’s tge only reason you can compete.

My god if you people were really so superior you could just make India liveable instead of coming to America and getting jobs handed to you by jews. You really are just as dumb as the average black person if you think the shittiness of India has nothing to do with the people.

u sound like a fag please stop

Educate people to use the toilet

We OWN USA. We have huge collective societies in which they loan each other money, as a group, to buy these stations. Usually it is someone fresh off the boat who applies to be a part of this collective for a percentage of the profits which go to this collective. In my area there are suburbs where all of the streets are named after Hindu masterrace. this is how we RULE white snowniggers. Our modus operandi is to force the original snownigger owners out, with money, and keep maybe one or two of the original "native" staff to make it seem like its still your local, neighborhood shop. You can recognize these shops by thier glass cases selling knives, drug paraphernalia, fidget spinners, incense. BOW DOWN SNOWNIGGERS. WE OWN YOU!

Here's my story:
Pajeeta from rich Pajeeta family I was working for cornered me in the office and started hitting on me once, btfo'd her father in front of me, then asked for my number and never called me. All in the same ~40 minute period. She should have called. She was breathing all heavy and shit towards the end.

fuck off snownigger. WE OWN ALL OF YOU.
all franchisee are now INDIAN

Indian masterrace Franchise Development Agents give favors to ouw own community and relatives, We own all the francises in US/Canada.
My clan has over 40 franchises in Southern Ontario alone
Brampton, Ontario is great for our businesses.

I am in that business, so yes I do know. We come here and the government gives us money to buy businesses. We do pay some of this money back but very little. Also, not only are we getting money from our government for the business, we are tax exempt for 5 years.(Btw, a government IRS website is not going to tell you that) We Indians aren't idiots. We are very smart ppl. Trust me when I tell you we wouldn't fall for that. The commericals you used to see about getting free money for this or that, is very true. We just have to learn to work the system, and we have.
We also receiving welfare. Which, is what we call it when someone receives free money from the government..right? its fine us to come here and get what we need to start a business.(Which is probably more than a food stamp recipient will receive in a lifetime.)

Indian masterrace OWNS snowniggers. We succeeded where the biggest empire (Anglos) failed.

We were the winners of British colonization, as the British left, Indians masterrace took over the colonies with a grip on power and domination that lasts to this day.

>In Guyana, Trinidad and other Caribbean countries, Indians form the ruling class, dominating over Africans and natives. Indians are most powerful and prosperous group. Others become discriminated 2nd class citizens. Anti-Indian resentment sometimes turns violent, but Indians still hold power and dominate.

>Indians in Fiji form the ruling class, dominating over natives. Indians are most powerful and prosperous group. Natives become discriminated 2nd class citizens. Anti-Indian resentment flares and natives try to overthrow Indian rulers in 1987, with military coup, but fail.

>Indians in Africa (Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia, Uganda etc..) form ruling "mafia", dominating over natives. Indians are most powerful and prosperous group. Natives become discriminated 2nd class citizens. Natives in Uganda try to overthrow Indian rulers in 1971, with military coup, but fail as Indians return to power.

Even in Britain, Indians out-witted the natives and are one of the most affluent and prosperous groups.

snowniggers were unable to hold power over Africans and natives in the Caribbeans and elswhere.
Indians masterrace dominate over snowniggers, Africans, with virulent racism and discrimination, yet no one blames Indians for the oppression of Africans/natives in Caribbean or elsewhere.

Indians are not afraid of Natives/Africans and can hold brutal grip over them with no consequences.

Lmao. Are there really that many Indians in the US? I don't think I've ever seen one.

>all franchisee are now INDIAN
o...ok Pajeet settle down we never doubted your ability to run convenience stores and bless your heart you guys are great at that shit. Tell me though why did QT Pajeeta never call me back

sterilize all whites! they are dirty poorfag dalits!

I now do hotel franchising, and its OUR INDUStry. all hotel franchisees are OURS. my cousin worked as a computer programmer for five years, saved up enough to start a hotel, moved to a remote area of Pennsylvania, and had free labor from his extended family he smuggled from India. Now has five hotels.


your stupid white spawn will soon learn how to like tickling our Hindu brown balls with your wet tongue. you are going to learn to love the taste of our Hindu spicey anus ass well, since thats the only thing your tongue will be contacting.




>Every indian masterrace have a large family farm or factory back home.
>All profits get put into cash and shipped over with various relatives to avoid taxes
>Never any paperwork
>Cash goes into the Hawala banking systems and is laundered to buy property
>Property is then "gifted" to family members to avoid more taxes
>Property then traded around family as dowrys avoiding even more tax.
>Always build a cuck shed at the bottom of the garden so they can bring more family members over to start again.
>dalit slaves bought over and never allowed to leave the house.
>women work their vagina out to spit out tons of kids for more "Security" and benefits.


We have taken over Australia, Canada, Britain, Spain, Germany, US

The whites will all become 3rd class citizens!!

Your future is Uganda and Fiji where Hindus are the ruling class that shits on the 3rd class white citizens.

We own your franchises, your companies, your universities, your hospitals, your wall street, your banks, your tech, your hotels, you gas stations, you women, your moms. Its all fuckin OURS

>owns all of these things
>doesn't own a toilet
really makes you think

>monopolize IT companies
>monopolize Medical industry
>monopolize Financial companies
>monopolize on hotels/motels
>monopolize convenience stores
>monopolize fast food
>trucking companies
>construction companies
>petrol stations
>liquor stores
oh, and we are the richest ethnicity in US/Canada/UK

next time you go to your Indian doctor, make sure to bow down and lick his feet, or else your organs will be on a 1st class flight to India

Let me tell you something, I have family all over USA, Texas, California, NY, DC, Boston, GA, WA, FL, VA and elsewhere, there are areas in tose places where the police do not go, and snowniger men never ever go, because they are scared.

There is nowhere in all of USA a Hindu masterrace man will not go, we are talking over a little piece at a time, we already dominate you in your own land, and soon we will push you out forever.

You know it, we know it, the police know it, everybody knows it, it's already happening.


Stolen income from hard working Americans due to nepotism, race replacement politics and Diversity quotas

They are human rats. As soon as one gets in a position of management, all they hire are more regardless of ability.

Over the last 20 years the US IT sector has become dominated by visa workers from India. Once an Indian gets into a management position they hire their family, friends, and wives even if they have little or no tech experience. Many of the contract employment firms in the US are now owned by Indians. Some organizations are almost exclusively Indian. These people speak their native language at work and English speaking workers have difficulty keeping their jobs because of the language barrier.

its not about quality or productivity its about race replacement
the same politics behind open borders, refugees, migrants... you can find a lot of candid opinions on h1-b employees here, especially if you go back a couple of years to their last big layoff. This company has a pretty big problem with them in management positions.

It's true they only hire fellow poo's. When one reaches a supervisor management position they only hire their own kind

The "demand" is from Indians who get into management and only hire other Indians

Indians are more tribal than Jews in the workplace. If there are any Indian managers there start looking for another job ASAP. You won't survive there.

Nepotist smelly assholes.

Don't be coy, everybody knows about the Indian mafia. You are the most nepotistic fucks around.

Diversity quota + bureaucracy. It's actually very difficult to do research anymore, and the best people get weeded out. Many just drop out of society completely. If you think diversity quotas are not DESTROYING SCIENCE go to an science education conference and see what they say. I went to one recently and it was legitimately 2 days of how we need less white males and more everyone else. I'm not strawmanning, they were saying exactly that. One black professor actually said "the reason why the navier-stokes equation hasn't been solved is because there has been too many white men in math and engineering departments for too long". I am not joking he said that.
The problem is the indians that get into management positions, and then refuse to hire anyone but Indians. And since those indians fulfill diversity quotas, they're allowed to stay in those positions, no matter how bad at their jobs they are. It's actually a huge problem here in Silicon Valley, but most companies are wising up to the fact that it's economically worse.

I've worked under two Pooish managers and both of them were involved with bringing in family via illegal means. One even tried to pay me to marry his cousin in India, after which she would come back with me and work for him. 2/2 is quite a coincidence- I can't help but suspect it is widespread and related to OP (and H1Bs).

they aren't smart, it's nepotism. i've worked with plenty of indians too and they are shit tier at everything they do. there's one in particular that managed to get a high paying job offer despite needing visa sponsorship. there's no way that he got the job without a contact.

My boss is indian. This shit is fucking true. He's worthless in nearly every way, but doesn't give a single shit if his employees know. It's like our opinion of him has no value whatsoever to him.
The crew I'm on is basically at a standstill waiting for him to step up, but he just micromanages the hell out of worthless tasks and thinks progress will somehow magically occur.

Yup, I've seen it again and again. Management is politics. Especially when the Indians have a manager, and say their own manager is Indian.

Indians are getting managerial and executive positions really fast. I fucking hate dealing with Indians

the indians who work in the lab with me at uni (for biosciences) are rude and whiny to me, just because im american/not like them.
I fucking hate indians. ruin the workplace environment, always whine, and no sense of shame or decency. Same with Slavs, to be honest.

I have worked with indian """""""engineers"""""".

They are living scum, you can explain them how to do stuff 100 times, they will pretend they got it and inevitably still be able to fuck up. If they manage to climb the ranks they will start thinking they are living demigods and start treating subordinates so bad, the enitre productivity gets fucked up and they get demoted again.
I currently work as a supervisor into a chip plant, first thing i did was firing every single pajeet i could get my hands on (with the exception of a single based sikh bro) and told the manager not to send me any more indians or i'm out.

Worthless curry monkeys

I work in the field of computer science. The poos are what we use for work that we aren't serious about. Corporate hassle is a drag, and I can't get any fucking thing done without triplicating forms upon forms of grade A horse shit that nobody reads. Typically the way things work is like this: White IT people make a beautiful, fast, fluid application in a state that does not include a lot of useless features, this gets sent to the poos where they toss in a fuckton of bloat until it breaks, then we sit and fix and refine until it is fast and fluid again, then back to the poos for more bloat and ruin. This cycle continues forever, it's my job to unfuck poojeet poogramming over and over and over again. So, basically no new software ever gets developed, and every once in a while we lose a vast sum of money due to down time created by the poos. This is, of course, accompanied by massive downsizing, constant fear of lay-offs, and 22 managers per every 1 worker.

where I work, managers get hired out of college for diversity. We have mostly woman bitching at us for things the poos did to the software. I have always completed all my work far before deadlines, I'm not really sure what they do. Are they the ones who have been reading all these fucking forms I have to fill out every time I move or copy a single file on some obscure VM we use for testing? I'm not sure. They just come to us with complaints and problems surrounding our applications.

I think you are confusing dravidians with the tribals in ancient India who were not really part of the society and education system. These people can be called as dalits and other so called lowly castes.

Dravidians I would say are more culturally and aesthetically evolved than any other culture on the planet my friend. Think exquisite art forms such as bharatnatyam, kathakali, carnatic music, think kallari - the mother of all martial arts. Dravidians were one of the first to start agriculture in the history of mankind while most other humans were nomadic hunters and gatherers.

Dravidians don't shit in the streets. Dont be blind racist. Just because they are dark skinned doesn't make them lowly.

diversity politics much?

the same reason you had a muslim president.

the same reason you have non-whites dominating media, entertainment, TV and movies

the same reason you have every business, house, college and job being given to non-whites

universities & corporations have diversity programs and actively seek to recruit more non-whites, it is part of the globalist political agenda

immigration is a ponzi scheme corporations (now run by indians) profit from

I fucking hate Indians. You have no idea how fucking stupid and irate they are in the IT field. Plus they get hired on diversity not on skill. Fuck em.

>get fired and be required to train poojeet replacements
Why be such a cuck? If they want you to train your replacement, just never show up again. Let them pay someone else to train their diversity hires.

Yeah man, poor county with a huge population. We are working on it!

Bullshit, pajeets do the work of maybe one third of a White man. You have to constantly fix their broken shitty code. You could get the same work done with much less people if we didn't have these garbage diversity programs.

whats more sinister than criminal hiring practices is outright race replacement and genocide under the guise of skills shortage and diversity

to the globalists, it doesnt matter that these poo-filled companies flop, the poojet systems fail miserably, the goal is race replacement on par with the migrant crisis

white countries love providing welfare benefits to non-whites and actively recruit "diversity", meanwhile denying pensions and increasing pension age

I saw it happen. My family moved to the Bay Area in '90 and I started working in tech (doing warranty repair for Northrop Grumman) in '95 or so. Did contracts at Sybase, Gap HQ, LVMH, Netscape, Providian & Cadence design and it some point at the Cadence campus, maybe in 99 or so, I just looked around and said "Where they fuck did all these indians come from?"

Literally selling the jobs out from under the feet of skilled Americans to depress wages. If I'd known then what I do now I might have done things I probably shouldn't talk about on a public forum.

A glorious time was had for a few short years tho.

Google hires are like 80% retards 10% Really Smart People 10% Autistic Spergs.

Most of the marketing and "com" teams are really stupid. They're just virtue signaling fags, who talk about how great SF is but aren't from there, and spend most of their time working in Mountain View. They are also mostly overeducated white's and asians, and occasionally you have a couple of really dumbass niggers in there who are obviously there for diversity. They mostly just look busy and pretend to work by "scheduling meetings" and "touch bases." Half they time they don't work and are "working from home" which really taking pictures of salads on IG.

The indians and chinese are for the most part really retarded. They just hangout amongst themselves and are mediocre at their jobs. They work a lot tho. The indians are usually less qualified and really irritating to work with because all indians have this horrible hubris. The chinese tend to be qualified but unimaginative and don't solve the problems unless its very straight forward.

You never hear from the autistic spergs because they're autistic and they normally do dev ops or something and they just live life on call.

There are consulting firms that are 100% H1B visas and only hire pajeets. Look at Collabera run by Hiten Patel - 12,000 employees.
The exploitation of the H1B visa loophole is the main cause of this. There are companies that fired their US programmers and forced them to train their own replacements, threatening to withhold their severance packages if they refused to train the Indians.

Most of the Indian programmers are really slow and only know the bare minimum. All they are good at is following directions. As soon as they have to solve a unique problem or think outside of the box they fall on their face hard.

In fact, I have noticed that about all Asians, whether they be Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, etc. They may excel at studying and getting good grades, but in the real world a white autist always trumps Asian IQ when it comes to logic and problem solving.