Anyone here actually has a job?

is it scary?

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quit mine in dec because of all the crypto gains. now i'm fucked.

it's ok, keeps you busy, might give you purpose (if you're not in a dead end min. wage job) and also increase life satisfaction

Like being raped.
During and after.

It's shit especially when your co workers are good little goys

>be chillin in work truck shit posting
>co worker says "let's go sitting around on the clock is like stealing"

I hate boomers

nobody is paying you to shitpost

Been on the clock for an hour now

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i have a job, is it scarry? no. user the best advise i can give is to start working ASAP (fuck off college, i earn more than my bro who has a masters. I have only worked in my field for 2.5 with no previous experience before i got the job. What do i have that my does not have? personality, i am a likable guy, happy ect. The best jobs i have had in my life, have been offered to me. my bro never gets offered jobs he has to find them. those jobs that i found like everyone else have always been shite. But those jobs that were offered to me where always when i was employed anyways. So sadly the best way to start is in a job you wont like much... don't be scared, if you are you wont get offered a better job...
Best of luck user
When you get that pay check, put as much as you can afford into investments, don't go get loans for shite you don't need...

Bullshit, if you're not failing at life, having a job/career is like having rough sex. Can hurt sometimes but it's always worth it.

junior SE here. I like my job. It's what I would do with my time anyways, except I get paid for it.

i am at work at the moment....
you are just to young to get a job like mine

Cashed out a couple years of expenses and quit. Will continue shitcoin trading or get another job.

on the contrary boy

Yes. I work in a small business as an accountant and everyday I push the company to be more efficient and profitable.

You may call me a good goy but neetdom or fucking off to asia is the recipe for mental illness. The mind and body thrive on challenge, social interaction and structure.

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It's only scary if you live like the typical wagecuck

no wife, no kids, no car loan, no mortgage, no rent, no student debt, and a shitload saved in investments? NOTHING is scary about it

This. Debt is scary as fuck. Never go into it, and people will marvel at how calm you are in life.

why all the hate against wagecucking

it's the only way a young person can obtain experience in his profession

Well I graduated computer engineering and working in a small scale tech company that paid 2000$/month and I feel fine with this life y know. As long as y love what y are doing then everything I gud m8

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Fo sho lil nigga. I work at the local texaco. Need some gas nigga? Some smokes? A pepperoni stick? I got you lil nigga

I work from home and the job was scary at first. A lot of people were going to see my work and I was terrified of being judged. You eventually just stop caring though, just like any job.

Controller in a medium sized electronical enterprise.

I am comfy with my relaxing working hours, home office once or twice a week (basically 6 hours of work with watching movies while crunching numbers and balance sheets of subsidiaries), 10 minutes way to work...

Still think about building a small company besides my job. Not because I am unhappy, but because I am not at capacity.

What did your brother go to school for?

I’m a registrar cardiologist. It’s fine, long hours but rewarding. Money good not great. However nothing was worse than the shit tier retail/ waiting jobs I was doing in uni. My fucking god they were abysmal. 30 min break and if you clocked back in 1 over you were written down as late. Can’t even check your phone etc. horrible stuff, but it allowed me to throw like some money into ETH when in 2016 which helped kick things off crypto wise. I’m unironicslly all in on LINK as I don’t have time to trade shitcoins etc.

Some jobs are great, but the biggest factor is the people you work with. They make or break your day and week. If I had advice, avoid women heavy workplaces. They are naturally catty and if left alone just start to give out. The majority forms friendships by giving out about things. Don’t go into med either, not worth the return even if you’re capable. I’m fascinated by the heart which is cool, but I also despise heavily overweight people.


Worked in IT for 3 - 4 years now, really bored of it. Spend the day pretending I'm doing stuff, then stressing when I have to do stuff.

Got £20k in crypto and £17k in index fund. IF BTC goes back to it's ATH I'll have about £70k net worth. Not enough to retire, but maybe I'll take some time off and travel, or invest in property... Though UK buy to let scene is pretty fucked at the moment

>the best advise i can give is to start working ASAP
this hurts me inside, I don't want to ever work


You're not back to 0 unless you seriously fucked up. We're still at the bottom - but if you were in any time before November you're still up. What's the problem? Fucking sell the ath next time.

Buying low and selling high is my job.

Finished school just a few days ago with a Chemical Engineering degree. Didn’t land a job and still in the hunt, not looking too great and I’m really stressing. Moved back in with my parents and every day I can feel the depression kicking in more and more.

Has anyone here tried learning web development? Thinking about trying a coding bootcamp or just self-teaching.

I run tests, so its a low stress job with lots of downtime. Tons of paperwork though and tests can take weeks to finish.

cinematographer-editor here; yes, its hell, i hate working for somebody else, in video production houses the exec.producers always keep all the true gains while they have everybody wagecucking for them.
so i said fuck that, and me and a group of coleagues, each one specialized in one thing or two, made our production team where we are the bosses of ourselves. we developed a good system of work do we never had any issue.
dont work for somebody else. either make people work for you or work with your peers as equals.

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regarding crypto: we love making ico videos ;p

our goal is to get a client to habe us do something like verge-pornhub promo. we are talking with FunFair... thats all i can say ^^!!

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dumb ass went for a political science degree, its a fuckin arts degree. he was fucked before he even started his first day...

the worst part about my job is simply waking up, once i am in i am fine, time passes by QUICK, i do enjoy it (somewhat). you have to get some capital together to start investing in your future...just make sure you don't go and do something stupid like get a loan or a wife that will require you to keep working, that is slavery!

My job is to HODL. My mom says she'll stop buying my tendies soon but that's okay because BTC will reach 20K EOM.

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any insider info on fun?

Rough sex is rapeish. You like it, your problem.

is 25 too late to start trade school brehs

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No my dude, 25 is deffo not to late to improve your life. If you fuck it up (you wont) you still have tonnes of time to recover.
t. 34 year old, no i have never seen a living dinosaur

Was warehouse administrator, lots of labour.
Now I'm the warehouse chief, delegating everything I used to do for others while I post about THE BEST COIN CHAINLINK

OP, I don’t have a job right now, but I’ve pretty much always had one, even had one for a year while in uni because I was offered a job it like the other user said. Been out of uni for about 4 months now trying to make money without it and putting whatever money I make back into investments. It’s really nice. Been so busy that I can’t imagine having a 8-5 job with all the stuff I’ve had to been doing.

I plan on getting a job after my vacation to Hawaii this summer though. I don’t know what field, more than likely marketing or production as it fits my degree. But I always liked working with my hands, wanted to join the cement union or iron and steel union last October while I was still in school but the parents did not like that. Sad.
Follow your dreams for the rest of us user...

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thanks for the encouragement senpai

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If you wanna do it, do it. I’ve heard stories of plummets who make 100K a year because in there areas they’re in such demand, same with roofers.


Keys to the right job:
You're good at it and/or like the work
The organization's goals align with your own morals/ethics
Coworkers are cool or at least tolerable
Compensation is enough for you
You have enough autonomy in how you work (some need more or less)

Literally not true

Not scary in the traditional sense. Scary in the existential sense, just like wtf am I doing here, this is soul-crushing.

Cook here since last year, i was a shut in NEET and nowadays i am almost a normie, still tfw no gf and had luck with coworkers but i can save to buy more crypto and hopefully make it one day.

I work as the one-man IT shop for a Law Firm with 63 employees. I love it.

>4 months after graduation, hundreds of hours of networking, 370+ applicationa
>trying to break into banking, IB, PE, BB, asset management, VC, MBB consulting, big 4 consulting, corp finance etc etc
>still no job

wtf, I know for a fact I can do the work of an investment banker (dude format excel sheets and audit your cell formulas lmao)

im sad

as a student graduating soon this is so scary. the entire system is going to collapse when the millions in student loan debt graduate unable to find jobs thanks to the fucking boomers importing wageslaves from india and africa to fill them all.

Almost lunchtime now

literally working right now

quit my big boy job last year with crypto gains (before things even exploded in december), but never cashed out anything except for enough to pay taxes on day trades.

now i'm basically unemployable (been inexplicably unemployed for a year and burned bridges with my previous organizations) and am riding on crypto to come back or i'm totally fucked.

i don't think my brain could take wage slaving again. unlike a lot of you smarty-pants anons, I only excelled in a career based around sales and people getting, in my humble opinion, bamboozled. I have 0 "hard" skills, and i'm physically challenged to the point that I could never survive in a manual labor based job (constantly sick, no stamina, bad headaches every day).

prob gonna end up kms'ing at some point

Its shit. You basically live for your job regardless of what employment laws may state.

>drop out of school and become NEET
>eventually start own business in my mid-late 20's after doing literally nothing but video games for practically a decade
>no expenses because I live in mom's basement
>business is short lived but still manage to save high double digits / low six figures
>taught myself rudimentary software development as part of this business
>with newfound free time, wrote twitter bot to basically spam people who match certain criteria, thus casting a wide net, and tweeting basically normie software dev memes and funny quips here and there to get attention and make it look like I'm a well-rounded guy with a good sense of humor and at least some technical prowess
>start literally getting DMs on twitter from headhunters and startups looking for cheap labor
>get a job making $60k out of the gate with no degree and no experience, literally getting paid to learn valuable skills in a comfortable environment with other would-be NEETs and autists

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Yes they are.


probably to dumb to


Why are black kids so averse to reading? Books are like kryptonite to them. I’m going to law school. Fuck this.

Been working as a face to face marketeer for the past 2 years and I just want to end it all.

yeah and destroy your body by age 45

Bank teller

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>wanted to do wealth advisement or financial analysis
>ended up in accounting
>tfw a/p job starting monday
>pay is good and there are tons of jobs available but it's boring as shit
>save as much money as possible and do side gigs to get more money
>just to get out asap
Probably I'd like to work for 6 months-1 year, then take a few months as a break to travel. And do it again. Financially it works out and I can still put tons of money away but man. Only thing worse than working is finding a job.
I want to get into one of the big companies where they let you take unlimited (unpaid) time off so you can still come back to your job afterwards. Just travel 2-3 months a year.

Yes its scary, it sucks fucking balls. You have to listen to some faggot profiting of your labor, meanwhile you slowly come to the conclusion that its nuts to live your life like this as opposed to what you've been told all your life that this is a natural progression in a man's life.

Get rich on crypto, or die wagecucking losing your pension in the so many financial crashes.

Is it scary? For the first few months maybe. After that it's mind numbingly boring. Same shit every fucking day. Oh its Friday and the weekend is ahead? Good luck doing anything fun friday evening when you are beat from a workday, and the fucking mandatory socializing after work on friday. Well so what, you have saturday left? Yes the ONE day you have to cram every little thing into because fuck having time during the week, ofcourse you force yourself to have fun. So you drink more than is healthy, now your sunday is fucked as well due to the goddamn hangover.

And then its fucking monday again.

>applied to be a bank teller after college graduation to "get in on ground floor" with a large bank
>was turned down for straight access to the 50k white collar jobs I wanted
>contact HR manager for bank through linkedin
>open bank account at that bank so I can go talk with employees there and drop that I'm looking to work there
>get turned down for lack of customer service experience
>aka fuck your degree; if you never worked at mcdonalds, we don't want you.
Nah though.

You’re going to make it my dude. You’re still young. I was 27 and in a dead end job, until I got sick of it. I started saving up money and living very frugally, saved up enough money to coast on while living with my parents and put in work to figure out what I should do with my life. Went to trade school, now I’m making six figures doing a job I love.

Never give up, dude. You just need to find the motivation to improve and you’ll find the path from there if you make a plan and stick to it.

The only thing scary is my increasing urge to off myself

T. Wagecuck

Getting a job is scary but you have to wagecuck at least a little bit unless you're a trustfund baby. You have to start somewhere if you wanna make it even if it means getting a shitty job.

Was stuck in the retail trap for a few years after getting my econ degree but I just got a job as a manager in a retail bank. It barely feels like a step up from walmart but I'm hoping some of the non-sales skills I'll be getting here will help me land an office gig in credit or corpdev.

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Good post normie

Dick size is inverse to attention span. They literally can’t focus on anything for longer than the length of a rap song.