His name?

His name?

Attached: Its_Albert_Einstein_Just_Read_The_Filename.jpg (220x293, 16K)

Alberto Barbosa Einstein

Stolen German name

Albert "ching chong won't last long" Einstein
Albert "nuke the gook" Einstein

Albus Dumbledore

>Albert “you have a squint, you get a splint” Einstein
>Albert "nuke the gook" Einstein
>Albert “ching-chongs won’t last long” Einstein

last words of this man were in German, but the nurse that looked after him didn't understand it...

That's a long name

Albert “I strongly dislike the Chinese” Einstein

Einstein was a jewish fraud who stole the ideas of European scientists.

>gives credit to former scientists
Dumb Jow Forumsfaggot

Alberto Einsteño


t. kikelover

Go die fighting a war for jewish bankers and Israel.

Hassan Kamel Al-Sabbah, famous Lebanese electrical engineer from the 20th century

>His name?
Slim shady

Alppert Ainštaini

Albert "emptying my nine on the city wok line" Einstein

Albert "kill all chinks" Einstein

>this is what Jow Forums actually believes

Angus Onestone
American inventor of electricity

>le jooz did errythang!!
fuck off back to

lao tzu

Arubāto Ainshutain, famous Japanese economist from the 19th century.

Αλβερτος Αινστανος, Greek priest

not even Jow Forums is that dumb, that guy is just a palestinian immigrant

Alberto Contador Velasco, famous spanish bikefag or whatever