No troll, out of genuine curiosity, how would you guys rank our healthcare system? I don't really think it's that bad

No troll, out of genuine curiosity, how would you guys rank our healthcare system? I don't really think it's that bad.


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Excellent doctos, shit infrastructure and fundings

be american get fat get shot pay 10000 USD for ambulance get sued

I think it's better than ours. Sometimes here you have to wait for ages, if you want to get a specialist. People don't care about their health, because it's "free" anyways. The healthcare system is the most expensive of all social insurances, and they want more and more money. I prefer to pay for myself, or insure myself and don't want to finance every smoker and drinker with my money.

Amazing doctors, shit system, and shit education system that punishes our doctors as well


If the accident doesn't kill you, the hospital bill will.

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>pay for ambulance
>pay for dentist
>pay for important surgeries
>pay for braces 4k
>pay for medication 3-4 digits


It's fucked up, just in different ways than most country's

You pay here too, even ontop of the ridiculous insurance already. If I count everything together, I easily pay 10k a year to health insurance aswell and I havn't used it much desu.

Smokers and drinkers actually end up paying their fair share through the amount of tax on alcohol and tobacco. Fat people on the other hand...

A few places here place additional taxes on junk food, like sugary drinks.

>paying 700< Euro/month for health insurance

Nice bullshitting bro. Even with highest social status you would never pay more than 700-800 euro.

6/10 but is very different depending on the state

here in Puebla the free health care is bretty gud


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Fake news image

Because of the healthcare here in the US, I almost never went to the doctors for my entire life. Obamacare was first instituted in my mid-twenties, and through it I was finally able to get check-ups. It was then, I had a whole sleuth of medical conditions that went undiagnosed up until then.

Sadly, when Trump tried to dismantle the ACA, my coverage went with it. In addition, clinics in this town no longer accept you unless you have cash upfront.

Yeah, they started doing this in Philadelphia recently (two years? or something).

Anyway, a 20oz bottle of coke is like two dollars and fifty cents. Absolutely bonkers. I'm wasting away here

Its not bad if you actually have insurance t b h

Best medical care in the world, yet you have to suffer atrocious banditry to receive it. It is actually mind-boggling to me that you pay insurance, but then still have to pay additional costs if you suffer any serious injury or illness. That is immoral - no ifs ands or buts.

I respect your physicians and medical schools greatly, but your insurance and pharmaceutical companies own your politicians and rob you blind, and for that I pity you.

I sincerely hope you’re not implying that 2.50 for 20oz is overly expensive

Our health insurance is actually pretty damn good.

>But I'm not rich and don't have insurance

god tier, but it takes too fucking long for a person to get an appointment


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