Is Monero Doomed?

- being surpassed by a vapoware
- majority users are criminals
- github has almost no activity

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monero lost alot of its hype when ethereum was planning to add zk-snarks into their coin

why bother with a simple currency coin like monero when you can built a totally anonymous drug / cp exchange untop of the ethereum blockchain

>optional privacy
Into the trash it goes

it works and does what it's supposed to do


Look out for the long term not for a few days or a few month. no matter where do they stand CMC shitcoins is still a shitcoins. I stayed in this long enough to shitcoins raise and fall like shit and no one even remember them anymore

github has almost no activity? someone doesn't know how to read

Clearly this was some weak FUD or just b8.
Probably some Vergen

Honestly, monero threads are so pointless. Everyone knows it's a good coin that works, but the potential for big gains is small. Fudders (usually vergens or some smaller cap priv coin) material is weak as shit and not even funny, no one will sell monero to buy their shitty coin, they could shill their coin to non-moronos yet they prefer to post shitty bait, its honestly tiresome

XMR is about 15% off of it's all time high in sats. You literally picked the worst time to try this fud.

>but the potential for big gains is small
Depends on how long you want to hold imo

Monero is getting a great update later this year though.

I hold some monero for good measure but smaller cap cryptonote coins right now have way more potential for gains. Ofc monero is the safer bet but i like risky bets, you only have to hit one to make it worthwhile

Monero is a total piece of shit.

Literally a redditcoin for moralfags who are brigading this sub on the regular.

If you buy Monero you are a literal cuck

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Weak FUD. Try harder.

I'm mining the piss out of Monero right now... shit is way easier on the rigs than ETH. Low temps, low electricity... fucking set it and forget it. Love some CryptonightV7 - and since the fork it's been on fucking fire. Literally the most profitable normie coin to mine w/ Vega cards.

b/c you don't want turing completeness in your currency for security reasons

mfw there are still brainlets who don't understand this simple concept

literally the same faggot saying the same shit on all monero threads

Best gainers in 2 years will be:

Monero, 0xBitcoin, Ethereum, Omisego

>this sub
Honestly your posts get weirder by the day.

monero will be king in 2 years. The only thing I can’t decide is if I want it to get banned or not. Streisand effect is a helluva drug

I thought turing completeness just meant the program in question can be used like a programming language?

idkshit brah, please educate me

>Is Monero Doomed?
Lets call it

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- The shitcoins will be pumped and eventually dumped like they always do, it will just take time as the pumps happen in waves. FOMO into that crap if you must but some of us are in this for the long haul.
- They said the same thing about bitcoin
- Completely and utterly false, there were pull requests made literally minutes ago.