
ingerlund edition

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Me? Proud British European

My feelings > your laws and history

ugh, this is the worst part of any sporting events, bigots use it as an excuse to be show off how racist they are. blergh, makes me feel sick just looking at it.

the era of the white man is ending

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playing runescape

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nice mate I just hit 70 ranged and got my black d'hide

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Looks great. Might have to get back into Indian cuisine.

Nice one lad. I'm only level 15 combat level but my magic's already at 30 and I can almost catch lobsters

just nuke india and be done with it

Beautiful track

ive actually known actual white english people to get visibly annoyed at the sight on an england flag

did anyone tell them how problematic this is?!

can't believe they're going to close runescape classic

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birthday tomorrow lads

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Some studies/pols say that like half the UK associates the English flag with racism.

Who else buzzing for antiques roadshow later?

had to do deliveries to retirement homes with mum a few times
grim grim grim grim places full of people whose brain devolved to the level of a 8 years old child and who are made to fill colour books all day amidst chronic pains that even morphine can't solve

the earth desperately need a new super pandemic on the scope of the black plague that doesn't kill me or anyone I like

>more people born in india on one day than live in my entire town

Why is the St Georges flag such a cringey flag and when did we stop using the the union jack at football games?

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beat her, she is denying you your father
that horrid whore bitch slut deserves beating if not a bullet
fuck it, a bullet is too nice, she deserves rape and mutilation for selfishly depriving you of a father

good effort. Do some quests btw, the xp really bumps up your levels a lot early on without grinding. Also fishing is unfortunately shite for money now but I only found that out at l71

business idea: disease that kills everyone but me and my oneitis

Absolutely beautiful.

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>It was probably the biggest shock of moving to England from Australia was finding carpeted bathrooms. And light switches in them that you activated by pulling on a piece of string. And baked beans on bbqs because this was the late 80s and the Brits had sort of got the idea of a bbq from the fry up. Come to think of it there was quite a lot. Needless to say things have improved a great deal from the early episode of Grand Designs where Kevin expressed surprise at the “Australian” open plan living area without a separate kitchen. You’re welcome. All you’ve given us is cricket and a lot of pissed off Aborigines.

absolutely HATE Arrogant Bruce

probably took longer to put all those up than england will stay in the world cup

the english flag is seen as distasteful because england has tried its hardest to ensure that england=UK, not england=part of the UK
That most english nationalist movements and persons are rorkes is secondary to the fact that the english identity is deliberately seen as british instead

Went for a bike ride yesterday and have jock itch now

England is in the world cup but Scotland isn't.

Union Jack is only when the team playing is composed of Wales, Innergland, Scotland, and Norn isn't it? So Olympics I guess.

As to euthanasia I totally agree I think it should be legal and there are circumstances I would opt for it. It's not something I could see my paralysed gran doing though. she's actually happy despite it all. probably has to do with the disease progressing very slowly over more than 30 years, I guess you have time to adapt.

but yeah you should totally be allowed to let a doctor pump you full of sweet drugs and just get off the ol' ride. people shoot themselves in the face or jump off a cliff instead soo..

every 8 year old knows how to use a vpn and change their dns

turtle rec me a store with swanky sweatshirts £150 max

>retirement homes
nothing compared to asylums
they are litterally deformed in there, not human shaped, mentally ill to the point of alienation
was once surrounded by a group of them difformed retards, clutching at my sleeves, looking at me close with eyes wide open
once in a while, one of them kills a nurse

ah yes the malcolm mclaren look

I remember writing that

not really a sweatshirt man tbqh
try cav empt or our legacy

dire choice for your skin tone

*bullies the robot*

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taylor swift is pregnant lads

2bh I kind of do aswell and I'm a bit of a rorke, just see the england flag as very unclassy

white nationalists are usually nonwhite
male feminists are usually misogynists
feminists usually love to be dominated by a patriarch
nonce hunters are usually nonces

colour theory is mostly wank

They'll just introduce a VPN licence.

Anyone ever see good morning Britain when that horrible nigger was on the couch saying the st George flag is racist and England's still got skeletons in it's cupboard the absolute state of this shithole

you can't regulate that

its England not the UK

it really isn't for the ends of the spectrum

Do you think we're progressing towards a matriarchy?

It is weird though because I don't think people have the same association with the Scottish or Welsh flag.


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serious? fuck sake. what's the best f2p money making now? mining?

good luck lmao bunch of old fart legislators that don't have a clue about how any of it works


know an English lad that went to college here for a semester and his mam was a literal meme of a little Englander
she used to say shit like roy keane was in the IRA and she hated the scots for having an indyref. Also she switched unions in her job after she found out they were donating to labour

the one good thing about scotland is that it gets off with imperialism scot (lol) free.
tell anyone you're english and they'll go on about how the british pirates went and set fire to all their dogs, then you say you're scottish and actually honestly Angus MacLeod the dog burner was just another oppressive Englishman and Scotland is a victim of the English empire too and they offer you a pint.

doesn't make up for having to be Scottish though

and all on society's payroll to boot

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not for long, matriarchy doesn't work

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is balumpf finished yet

probs chopping yews

this one is better imo

To enforce that they'll just hand out internet licences.

honestly f2p is just hard to make money, but killing hobgoblins for limpwurt roots and clay/gold mining should get you started


No they certainly dont, Welsh and Scottish nationalism are viewed quite positively compared to English nationalism but thats a whole other kettle of fish

god I love slags

Will there be some good deals on VPNs since suddenly the UK market will be 1000 times bigger?

is killing them giants for their big bones still decent money?

post more

no they won't

would you lads play a singleplayer runescape?

This is a good one

Are Shane


''english nationalism'' doesn't exist, call it what it really boils down to: racist, xenophobic hate speech



You'll need a landline licence before you can buy your internet licence to receive your wank licence.

My GOD Kate Abdo is so PENG

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'english nationalism'' doesn't exist, call it what it really boils down to: being based

nah not really. too slow to kill and too much running to bank
I basically do already I have no friends except this one guy i literally just started playing with after months solo


isn't this just where some lower class vigilante types prey on mentally retarded people?

Probably not. Most of the fun I had playing runescape was scamming other players. Now I just like to chill and fish with my mate while we chat shit

You mean ironman?

So you're saying it's ok to be a nonce if you're a spacker?

pretty much, a lot of the paedosexuals that they 'sting' are just vulnerable adults that have been let down by the system.


this one is pretty funny

Hate that the (English)man won't get to kick the ball until Monday, NEED a proper kick ball session on the weekend.

Fucking love bottom bum

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yeah but without any internet connection at all, so no other players, just even more random AI running around

>you wanted to do em up tha backside didn't ya?
ahhh British people...



honestly don't reckon half these lads know what they're really doing

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Arent most vpns free?

no that's not what I'm saying

look at how those pants just perfectly peel the arsehole apart
bet she's got no problems hunkering down and forcing out a stinking brown log in the women's room during a long night out, probably doesn't even wipe with her cheeks perpetually spread

cant trust non paid ones desu

You stand accused of anally proliferating a 11 year old girl
>I dun not know what I were doing you're honour, just a lonely man me
What can I say? You're free to go. And don't let those Noncehunters catch you again.