I'll be moving to Canada, possibly Vancouver within the next few months. Any tips, anything I should know before that?

I'll be moving to Canada, possibly Vancouver within the next few months. Any tips, anything I should know before that?

And no, I'm not coming for welfare. I want to work like a regular citizen.

Attached: Vancouver.gif (1272x884, 154K)

How does a Pole afford Vancouver?

You are going to see a lot of Asian qts.

>pole not on welfare
XD Daj Fajka Kurwaaaa Krawat

>T. Live in 80% polish town because polski prisons keep saying to come to my town to start a better life

Be prepared to be made fun of, there is a large minority of Russians and Slavs in the northwest and people here openly racist towards them.

Hope you enjoy it. Btw I've heard that Vancouver has a reputation for being hard to make friends in.

Hope you can speak Chinese :)

Do you go there for ever? You'll never own a house in British Columbia.

kaiden from mass effect was from vancouver, but he was one of the most boring companions in the series

>80% polish town
what, where


Is the opening sequence of ME3 also in Vancouver? I haven't played the game in ages. Anyway based Canadian BioWare

BC is expensive like cray. A good way to make money that a lot of Canadian young adults do, if you come during summer, is work in the fields for wine or grape picking, cherry picking, etc. You can live at farmer's houses and they pay you super good money for doing easy job, like 10 000$ in 2 months, with housing and food is something doable.

What you said is partly a reason why I want to move out of the country. Saving money in Poland, let alone the capital is not an easy feat, especially considering that a median monthly salary amounts to around $680, while the goods and services are becoming increasingly more expensive. The tax-hungry government doesn't make the situation any better.

I'm sorry for any unpleasant experiences you might've had with Poles, but I'm not going to apologize for other people, let alone identify with them just because they speak the same language as I do.

Ouch. I have a distinctly Slavic surname so I guess I wouldn't be able to conceal my ethnic identity well. I wasn't planning on changing it either.

Funny you should say that, I've been intending to learn it for the last couple of months. Maybe now's the perfect time.

The plan is to go there with no intention of returning to the homeland. A small apartment will do.

That's very good to know. I don't mind working in the fields, though I probably won't be coming this summer. Is Toronto any cheaper then?

Seriously man sit and calculate your spendings. A small apartment would cost you 300-400$k
You're paying it off in 20 years if you're lucky.

Bognor Regis south eastern England
Basically little London initIdgaf I'm on benefits too lmao

Vancouver is a small city 100 square km. You might want to look at the suburbs to find cheaper rent. We have a worker shortage so unskilled labour is in demand. Trades and construction are also in demand as well.

Is there a lot of nignogs?

Not a legitimate question in my opinion. If you are racist, this city isn’t for you.

>t. Chang


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>moving into Vancouver
Unless you're a real estate investor from Hong Kong or very rich, this is a bad idea

What about Quebec or Montreal? Don't I need to parle french?

Québec yes
Montréal not that much, but be expected to get insulted by drunk French speakers at 3AM at the bar's exit for only speaking English

Anyway come here, at home Slav man. We love Russians and French is easy as fuck language to learn

I don't think Toronto is that much cheaper. The thing is the least expensive the region is, the less job opportunities there are. So the Maritimes are cheap as fuck and you could buy a big ass land for nothing, but be expected to live on welfare and be bored.

I can't speak for every province but here for example Montréal, Laval and Québec are really expensive, but if you go to Sherbrooke, Trois-Rivières or Saguenay you can have way cheaper rent and still be in a ''big'' city.

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Interesting. Might move there for money and bring the gf along.
Is the heavy industry still going strong there ? I'm a welder and sheet metal worker. I've heard there was some good opportunity there.
Also are there cured meat in Canada ? This is very important

>heavy industry
Yes, I know some steel industries that hire and pay good money in my hometown.

>cured meat
Wtf the fuck is that?

Hahahahahahgaa the poorlaks going to be leeching off the mutts now

Kolejny polaczek co myśli, że będzie go stać na życie w Vancouver.