I'm looking to add another coin to my folio

I'm looking to add another coin to my folio.
Currently holding BTC/XMR and Phore. What else should I buy user?

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Lmao what a bad try to shill phore.

If your portfolio was real you wouldn't ask what to buy user

Get some more Phore, too less :-) Eng, Amb and Poe are good options as well

>he bought it kek


shoo shoo rakesh

phore has by far the worst shillers. feel free to tell me how the coin is up in price, just like all other coins over the past month.

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You can’t even cash out

buy LINK. you only need like 100k to make it and turn your folio into 10 MM

Yeah I was sick of seeing Phore until I read their whitepaper. Now my opinion is very different.

not seen this meme in a while. good effort bringing back a good old calssic

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LARP confirmed.

>durrr this shitcoin belongs in a 2.8mil portfolio with BTC and XMR


bitconnect thank me later

You're right, Phore will be 80% of his portfolio soon after the run.

Nice just bought 100k

sir, everything you say will be used against you

A fucking massive amount of RLX. It went from $0.000450 a few days ago to pic related today.
They also did a bonus air drop for early investors. Real Estate and Economic Development coin. They will be airdropping another pair of new tokens this year to RLX holders.

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Interesting, let me just consult the poodar on this.
Oh boy... yep, it's definitely picking something up. Looks like the OP is a shilling pajeet.

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Whether he’s shilling or not. These are all 3 solid coins. Btc becuase btc. Xmr because xmr. PHR because smart contracts and segwit in a privacy coin is huge. Not sure if you realize this or not. OP will be okay.

unironically iota