Why are right-wing Americans so obsessed with us? (and Sweden)

Why are right-wing Americans so obsessed with us? (and Sweden)

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I'm more obsessed with Germany tbqh

>why do retards do this

That's a really good question. I would say it's just the lack of a language barrier, but that doesn't explain Sweden and there's a serious bitterness to it that I don't understand.

why are left-wing pommies so obsessed with us? (and Mexico)

Because of the type of success that shatters their preconceived notions. Usually they either deny it and make or throw extreme shade/

Some Finn user posted a woman on Bloomberg and a ton of her articles focus on shitting on Sweden hard.

They know theyre wrong so they look for scapegoats.

In their hearts they know sweden is essentially tier 1 on the planet with places like norway.

They (if you consider republishits human) realize in some distant, buried vestige of their subconscious that Sweden is ultimately superior to the US and similarly backwards nations by all relevant, quality-of-life-related metrics, and that this disparity is a result of numerous left-of-center policies that they have been conditioned by the many American right-wing propaganda outlets to hate with an Orwellian fervor.
In essence, success breeds jealousy.

and Japan

Sweden has just kind of become a metaphor for the exaggerated legitimate problems of le degenerate left. Both sides have their apocalyptic issue, its immigration for the right and climate change for the left

>Why are nutjobs obsessed with a totalitarian state?

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right wing americans are subhumans dont try to understand them just watch from a distance and be thankful you have an ocean that separates you from them

Why does LA's flag look like Cameroons?

lol its actually got zig zags

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don't worry about what stupid people do, their rationality will make you more stupid

Its obviously superior, its both whiter and more germanic

They hate Sweden because Sweden is a left-leaning country accepting refugees and objectively one of the best countries in the world.

Why don't Americans celebrate Easter?

we do

Because they legit believe we are third world shitholes due to lack of nuance, sure there are pretty big issues (especially here) but nothing which compares to a place like Detroit for example

Why are left wing brits espeiclaly the guardian and independent readers obssesed and so biased over America

Don't worry Republicans hate detroit more than Sweden

we do you retard

Why are right-wing Americans reading the Guardian and the Independent in the first place?

Are they? They seemed more concerned with their own domestic politics if I'm not honest. Tories are the ones that obsess over being like American republicans and the internal politics of other EU states.

I am not a close minded person?
Are you serious? They are always shitting on us and love featuring le random crazy news from florida. The guardians readers were sad and complaining when we won the world cup with you guys and mexicans.

Dunno mate, seems like if you make a habit of going to the Guardian you want to be offended

Getting offended is better than being clueless about what others think and say.
I've been reading lately indian communist shit fir example.

Mean to quote the bong

haha the state just open you're eyes you live in a communist soviet state just admit it lmao

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I don't know, but I've noticed that Poles also have an obsession for hating Sweden and exaggerate stuff about it.

You are the last vestige of individualism in Europe. Brexit was like a glimmer of hope in a imminently socialist nightmare.

Sweden is what they imagine a multikulti, socialist, ultra gynocentric society must be.

Of course both of these are a little hyperbolic it's just a matter of rooting for the teams more like you.

i don't think they mention the uk that much

They ask for it. Look at the Swede thread that's up. I asked an honest question and all I got were them saying dicks or cocks or some variant of that.

Jewish neocons began circulating the Eurabia meme about France when they refused to support the Iraq War. Since then it's been applied to other European countries for various reasons, most typically to discredit the idea of universal healthcare or gun control ("You want to give pay for poor people to go to the doctor/require background checks to buy an assault rifle? Next thing you know we'd have Muslim no-go zones like in Britain!")

Its another brits can't stop thinking about Americans so they make a dumb thread episode, irony edition

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Sweden is a perfect example of what not to do if you want your country to stay livable. Just do the opposite of what they do. That's the impression I've had after all this years of reading news from across Europe

We love you little buggers
You're country is just BASED
We do
The whaaa…?

I blame the left-media more than the right to be honest. They gave Sweden this bullshit "it's a leftist paradise, check out all our clickbait articles about it!" reputation to which the right-wing people feel the need to dispel so they have to go "it's a leftist hellscape, check out all our clickbait articles about it!"

There's like no nuance to peoples opinion because everyone's opinion is based on clickbait articles and political dogma, good and bad.
Probably similar for Britland.

i don't know shit about swden besides ikea and vikings

what the fuck is wrong with you people

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I'm also obssesed with Mexico.

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Sweden because they are an example of a functional and successful socialist country, Americans cannot accept that so they do mental gymnastics to the point they are scared to enter Sweden despite living in the most dangerous shithole in the west (USA USA USA).

Britain? I dunno probably because you have a functional and successful healthcare system that is considered top in the world.

You probably shouldn't pay any attention to it, Americans get all their news, facts and information from people like Alex Jones, unverifiable and ludicrous sources on the internet, Fox News, etc. Everything they dislike is basically shit their oligarchal overlords want them to dislike, they aren't a very intelligent people.