This is a lower middle-class home in the USA

and it only costs 100 000 dollars.
sure, it's made out of drywall and plywood, but still!

Attached: a.jpg (832x468, 108K)

Other urls found in this thread:,pf_pt/2106145432_zpid/log-homes_att/globalrelevanceex_sort/45.257307,-110.842953,45.155229,-111.022683_rect/12_zm/

How do you insulate your homes?

for me, it's mineral wool, and a nice and thick 20cm layer of it

But what’s it kept inside of?

insulating wool.

Often an outside layer of brick, then a big layer of some sort of wool and then plaster

>lower middle class
>upper middle class
what the fuck are these

That sounds exactly like American homes except instead of plaster it’s usually wood or drywall and isn’t drywall only slightly weaker

This is the average home in the Seattle-area.

Attached: bill_gates.jpg (1200x800, 281K)

That's way too cheap. I'm paying 100k for an apartment with two rooms in a downtown area

it's held onto a concrete wall
usually you have long screws that go all the way into the concrete structure to keep it from falling over

More like this

Attached: 04FAB12A-BE1D-499B-BEDE-40B374C0CD85.jpg (1280x800, 265K)

LMC: plebs with office jobs
UMC: the bourgeoisie

>he is too poor to have a 500 million dollar mansion

Attached: Bill Gates.jpg (2400x1565, 1.49M)

Average affluent neighborhood in Finland

Attached: suvela.jpg (1000x650, 116K)

That's nothing. This is the average affluent home in Norway.

Attached: DSCN1460.jpg (1024x768, 634K)

Amsterdams homicide district

Attached: 6F4F1035-CB66-45DD-959E-5D5AE693E5CB.jpg (1314x876, 1.48M)

A whole house all to yourself, and with a fireplace? You oilniggers don't know how well off you are

This is a lower middle class home in the Netherlands. It is here and another 12 or so middle class homes that you can live rent free if you live on wellfare.

Lower upper middle class mansion in the middle of Stockholm, Sweden.

Attached: Torp-2-700x467[1].jpg (700x467, 146K)

Why do rich people love big windows so much?

Attached: 1524297048052.jpg (1029x990, 441K)

If anything I'd say lower middle class implies blue collar work, or very low-level office. Think "working class" in Europe

It's the architects who do. Big rooms need bigger windows in order to get light.

I was thinking about something like this for a little getaway,pf_pt/2106145432_zpid/log-homes_att/globalrelevanceex_sort/45.257307,-110.842953,45.155229,-111.022683_rect/12_zm/

Attached: ISyfy81rvbpg901000000000.jpg (1024x683, 123K)

We’re all memeing here but I live in a non-relevant Dutch city in a pretty mediocre neighborhood and a completely run down appartment next door was sold for like €350k to some preppy ass people clearly not from around. They didnt even move their own furniture.