Russian gf edish
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been off the cigarettes for 2 days now
wonder when the cravings will begin
Is it ACTUALLY coming home lads?
how much do you usually smoke
1/3 of a pack
thought 6'0 was world average
glad im mostly british, have some irish and german in me but that's it
Ronan Keating here AMA
wish nazi girls didn't get tattoos or piercings
wish they'd just look like pic related
england team has more blacks than tunisas
swear i got some viking in me
New video up lads
6ft isnt even average in holland
>thought 6'0 was world average
Fuck off, stupid piece of shit.
i was genuinely once told by my mate 6'2 was the global average and i've believed it ever since
maybe this lad has his cock inside you
She looks like she smells bad
everyone in north east england is part viking thanks to their raids of the coast
most Nazis are white trash so they wouldn't even look like that probably just be ugly women
alri looks like im a lass now
honestly don't care tho, it's not like im hopping countries anytime soon
Unless you are severely deficient in Testosterone or and under 15 years old you should be 6" at LEAST
We need to fight these brainlet misconceptions then girls start believing them and everyone is unhappy
someone didnt receive enough prenatal T in the womb
5'9 and I get mogged by 14 year olds
my ancestors :)
6 inches? you mean 6ft surely?
most viking DNA in the british isles comes from the normans I thought. Viking raids were usually kidnapping and stealing so I doubt it left much of a genetic footprint except for in places like dublin where they had actual towns
gorgeous goal
every fucking teenager is tall these days
so unfair
there is nothing in this world as bad as getting heightmogged by your younger brothers
>tfw 5'8
>brothers all 6'+
Manlet master race!
We're not all Germanic mate (thank God).
sadly true
the best qts are middle class southern English girls who vote Conservative even if they're not actually conservative
did your parents lock you in the basement or something jeez tough break
test has nothing to do with your height its genetic idiot
5'11 and most white girls mog me by several inches here in Manhattan
nah as someone from the north east i can definitely tell i have some viking in me
got pseudo heightmogged by my prom date (same height but she's a girl)
20% of its genetic 20% of its diet the rest is just all testosterone
need to cuddle and shag her
>Leading Nordic ideologist Hans F. K. Günther theorized that the Anglo-Saxons had been more successful than the Germans in maintaining racial purity and that the coastal and island areas of Scotland, Ireland, Cornwall and Wales had received additional Nordic blood through Norse raids and colonization during the Viking Age, and the Anglo-Saxons of East Anglia and Northern England had been under Danish rule in the 9th and 10th centuries.[96] Günther referred to this historical process as Aufnordung ("additional nordification"), which finally culminated in the Norman conquest of England in 1066.[96] Britain was thus a nation created by struggle and the survival of the fittest among the various Aryan peoples of the isles, and was able to pursue global conquest and empire-building because of its superior racial heredity born through this development.[97]
I thought it was from Norse colonies that integrated with their English and Irish neighbours e,g, the Danelaw
>middle class
angry little low t "men"
just shat in a bag outside
that's literally the core of the Conservative Party's base vote, lad
>dude height lmao
ah yes the virgin freaks are arguing about stuff that doesn't matter
t. 5'8 who frequently gets laid
arguing about height is very redditorish
aw great we were having a nice little discussion about why people from Norwich are all 6'2" and you have to bring bloody Nazis into it
>middle class southern English girls who vote Conservative even if they're not actually conservative
the fiancée
sure you do little "man" haha
Yeah it's so 2013 too
height and fashion are the most important thing for males
i'm incredibly jealous
nobody votes for the tories
racial science from the 19th century is not accurate and anyway as I said where they settled has of course DNA but not anywhere they did raids.
Parts of England and Ireland that were settled by Nordic peoples sure, parts that were raided, not likely.
yeah that's what I meant
i don't know, we're all born within 5 years of each other so had pretty much the same childhood
anyone under 6 foot should be castrated
Come and live in manc were all factory bred runts 5’8 is giant here
they've had the most votes in every election since 2010, so i don't think that's true
Height can be determined at birth you retards
im 6ft in shoes and thats all that matters
you're all pakis an alllll so i'll pass lad
i'm going to have 10 little runt children
elections are fake like wrestling
*pisses in your mouth so you absorb my manlet dna and instantly lose 7 inches*
my granddad was 6'3 in the 50's
imagine how many people he mogged on a day to day basis
you'll need a stepladder mate
>elections are fake like wrestling
NEED to see May and BoJo 3D Corbyn though a table
Okay, no nazis:
>Haplogroup I (M170) is a Y-chromosome DNA haplogroup. I-M170 is one of the most numerous haplogroups among European males. It peaks in some Northern European and some South East European countries. It may be associated with unusually tall males, since those in the Dinaric Alps have been reported to be the tallest in the world, with an average male height of the range 180 cm (5 ft 11 in)-182 cm (6 ft 0 in) in the cantons of Bosnia, 184 cm (6 ft 0 in) in Sarajevo, 182 cm (6 ft 0 in)-186 cm (6 ft 1 in) in the cantons of Herzegovina.[2]. As of 2015, the earliest light eyes and light hair of hominid (Homo sapiens) individuals after the long extinct Neanderthals have been documented in 8,000-year-old remains in Motala, Sweden, belonging to subclades of Haplogroup I-M170. An I2a1 carrier was a carrier of red hair and others of genes of blond/light hair, while all the Motala hunter-gatherers were light-skinned and blue-eyed males.
opinions on this photograph?
LMAO not it isn't you're severly deficient in testosterone and raised by a single mother so it made you a short
can't stand hypochondriacs
haven't recieved a message on facebook that wasn't in a groupchat for a month
imagine that being a mother one day
haven't received a facebook message in many years
seems to be objectifying women doesn't it
my last message was today at 1pm
Nah tall cunts are placid it’s the manlets who have the rage
ah yes short man syndrome yes
just bummed the dog
still not asking for it, lad
need a bull named abdull to poz my neghole
may provides the nhs with £20 billion extra and people are still unhappy
she can't win
Pure testosterone more like
Short people use rage instead of testosterone as they are deficient in T
I'm 6'1
they can accurately guess your height when you're still a child
alri martin