
earlier today: Thank you all!
The coverage on this is massively scaling up in Brazil:

Sorry again to all Russian citizens, on behalf of Brazilians.

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Other urls found in this thread:,72057,70,449,NOTICIAS,2190-BRASILEIROS-FAZEM-VIDEO-COM-RUSSA-COM-CENAS-MACHISMO-MISOGINIA.aspxário-sobre-brasileiros-que-assediam-mulher-russa.htm

what's the story

pic: attorney of law and former tourism secretary Diego Jatobá

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some guys make a soft banter and you do this sensationalism
pfff... as if anu other haven't done that before

I thought Brazilians were celebrating this as a triumph

They're trying to defend the Russian girl, but the truth is that Russian girls are proud sluts and want to be used as fucktoys, they don't have personalities or feelings.

Youtube comment sections on videos like these are full of Brazilians(or any other kind of people who speak Portuguese?) who mock them for acting like idiots

I would allow him to molest me

They're trying to save face, that's all.,72057,70,449,NOTICIAS,2190-BRASILEIROS-FAZEM-VIDEO-COM-RUSSA-COM-CENAS-MACHISMO-MISOGINIA.aspxário-sobre-brasileiros-que-assediam-mulher-russa.htm

people are considering that as a sexual assault episode

wtf Brazil i hope you be a good huebro and behead them when they get back to brazil, fucking politician scum


Wtf it's just a joke.
Nobody here is offended.

Wait.... are you girl?

We know Russian women are sluts and like to be touched and even fucked by force. It's a woman politician sperging out.

since you post here i don't think you know

Some young fratboy looking fags tricked some chicks into saying "i give you my pussy" and other shit in huezish, and generally acted like douchebags.
People back home went "yo, wtf. Not cool, dude" in various degrees.

We have a prostitution and sex tourism forum that talks about Russian women on a daily basis. Let's just say Russian women have quite the reputation...

Don't apologize m8. You know russians would have done something like that in Brazil too. Just a few years ago we had this russian nazi assaulting our people and calling them monkeys.

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>implying chilangos and amerindians aren't monkeys

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At least he was a schizo

he is actually a hohol iirc

poor girl

He was just trying to enjoy a vacation in Mexico and you guys murdered him!!

he's alive tho

Lol stop forcing this shit dude. Nobody cares. It's just innocent fun.
I used to do that too all the time to foreigners

t. brazilianovich

It's literally just a prank

i'm just busting your balls ivan

>all these people in this thread defending those rapists

tell me again how rape culture isn't real

It's because normie Brazilians who only browse facebook think that Russia is a rigid superpower filled with rules, laws and traditions like tough militaristic people. That's why they're acting like this. Only Brazilians who browse the corners of the internet know the real Russia and how terrible it is.

the point is that we hosted some international events in the last years and we know how frustrating those things can be for those involved in it

>that Russia is a rigid superpower filled with rules, laws and traditions like tough militaristic people.
That's mostly true though

>Only Brazilians who browse the corners of the internet know the real Russia and how terrible it is.
Is this satire?

They just shouted: "PINK PUSSY! PINK PUSSY!"

True however the same could be said for you

Meu Deus, só tem viado e mulher esquerdinha nessa board.

Haven't you noticed most Russian women have a shellshocked face? They're basically dead inside, they're just fuckdolls.

You're just a bitter incel.
And even if they are sluts let them suck dicks in peace, no need to make 12 threads about it every day.



Yes, if Russian women like to be proud prostitutes that's their problem. Russia is famous for being the nation of prostitution anyway.

Concordo. Quer ser meu namorado?