Why do non-whites born and raised in the West hate white people, while non-whites born & living in their countries of origin typically love white people?
Why do non-whites born and raised in the West hate white people...
Those children don’t love you, Nigel, it’s just Stockholm syndrome.
they haven't lived among the whiteman meaning they don't fully know his perfidies.
why do you make up random generalizations that aren't based in reality?
he is right
Asian america are prob one of the biggest white wanna-be in the world. stop base your info on Jow Forums.
because they have to interact with white "people"
Diversity + Proximity = Conflict
Go be oppressed in your own country, ungrateful fuck
You think he is an immigrant?
He clearly doesn't belong there
why are you posting pepe?
why are vietnamese so short and angry?
no vietnamese ever called me nigger
idk man algerians from algeria are even worse than algerians from here
same for niggers
maybe it works for asians ? probably because western chinks are all sjws but that's precisely because of integration
Do you think Italy will take him back?
>idk man algerians from algeria are even worse than algerians from here
how is that possible
i thought the ones that were born were REALLY bad
>Why do non-whites born and raised in the West hate white peopl
Cause they're red pilled
>while non-whites born & living in their countries of origin typically love white people?
Hollywood and American media
Mexico will
Why is it always the mutt?
he's woke and muttpilled
Same reason why whites living in multicultural neighbourhoods are more racist than whites living in gated communities.
the upper class is generally francophile
the lower is probably garbage like the ones we have
truest post i've seen in a while.
I don’t even care about race
USA is all about making money
but i imagine the ones currently going to france are probably the upper class? so why would they be worse than the ones born in france?
I love how Italy is so animated.
How do you make money in Fatlandia. You have taxes and pay for fat people tax, boomer tax, nigger and spic children and healthcare tax, Israel wars, etc
At the end you're left with nothing
Why do non-bright posters from Facebook make shit up about race on Jow Forums, whole non-bright posters from reddit just spam the website?
USA has one of the lowest tax rates in the developed world
cultural segregation
You're literally paying for useless fucking shitkin brown wetbacks to come hop over the border and live there with free healthcare and education while shitting out as many diarrhea-coloured babies as they can, you fat dumb piece of shit. And you're paying for morbidly obese Jamal's diabetes medicine, and Shekelstein in Tel Aviv's wars in the Middle East.
The ones in home country know what is to live around their people.
>i imagine the ones currently going to france are probably the upper class
nop, the upper class only come here to study, most return after they get their diplomas
My family runs a small shop. Cash gets 10% off, and guess what income source I don’t show on taxes ;)Also we barely pay taxes, most is on property.
You’ve been on 4chin too long, real life in the States isn’t like memes
most delusional post I've seen in a long while
arabs here are much worse than they are at home because our state is too lenient towards them, they would never behave there like they do here
you can't treat africans like you treat whites.
he's right tho
asians worship white people but asian-americans hate white people
not him but have you ever been to their shitholes ? i have
the only difference is they dress like peasants instead of niggers, but they are the exact same
same lack of manners, always trying to fraud you (for taxi, for food, for rent, for anything, they are all crooks, worse than jews), pickpocket and crime everywhere, general hostility, just as loud, just as obnoxious
even in their own countries they are just as much terrorists as abroad
sure they are treated more harshly but that doesn't fix them
Because people like to imagine that you're all amazing and great and successful but when they talk to you in reality you're just the same as them and they despise you for it I think?
>not him but have you ever been to their shitholes ? i have
Why would you EVER chose to do that?
it reminds me of the colonies
next time i will try to find a job in subsaharan africa, i will buy a hat like this and roleplay as tintin in congo
You sound like a great person to be around
Not being sarcastic
Because children from third world countrys are typically uneducated.
Where can I buy one of those
Asking for a friend
Based and redpilled