I just realized that you could have 1000x'd if you just bought XVG last year and held...

I just realized that you could have 1000x'd if you just bought XVG last year and held. There aren't any more coins like this are there?

Attached: 5103863.jpg (1080x1080, 156K)

No user, if you sold when it was over 20 cents on muh wraith hype like I did you'd be ok

But then I put it all on ven shitcoin

Babb BAX


I don't know about 1000x but theres some 10x's out there. Try and look at the newer penny coins. NCASH might have been one if not for their constant pajeeting and fake partnerships, but STORM seems to be a decent bet.

rdd did 72000000% in a year

Xvg is unironically the best performing crypto of all

whats the next chinese hypescam coin?


old meme is old

the old ones are the best

my moonshot coin has 20x'd over the past week alone and is still only like 9mil marketcap ;) only just starting to pick up steam, im gonna make it boys


if you arent going to name it just shut the fuck up nerd

shilled it here like 10 times over the past few months but retards on this board would just say the logo sucked and it is therefore a shitcoin. so yeah eat shit and die it's a secret

nice larp

Attached: ss+(2018-04-27+at+02.31.48).png (632x242, 6K)

sell now

Banca and bax

RLX SGR IPSX BBN oh and XVG for perhaps even another x1000.

>bought XVG at 10 sats
>sold XVG for 16 sats
>would have been worth millions now

Attached: 22dba74b2aed2eaeef03c789e74be67c.png (711x535, 363K)

COLX is the only other coin where that kind of gain is still possible.

Attached: COLX.png (596x767, 430K)

UUU is a safe bet rn, will go 5-10x in the next few months

>bane tripfaggot hating on a superior meme
unironically kys

Newfag is new

TRTL will 100x by EOY

I unironically bought xvg around 90 sats and sold around 110 lmao

Maybe, but now any remotely promising project gets pumped to hell almost before it starts. It's the same reason why ICOs are less profitable now, they raise too much money from the start and have really not much more room to grow. There's probably a coin right now which will 100x or more and that everyone is overlooking, but people can only guess, and if there's anyone shilling something to you, it's way to late for that one to be "the one".

No one knows! All I can say is I’m thankful some random user shilled it at 5 sats on here last may. I sold in jan for a 150k profit