Europe used to be this Aesthetic

>Europe used to be this Aesthetic

What happened?

Attached: Cold_war_europe_military_alliances_map_en.png (1165x1200, 419K)

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Gay Jews
Before AND After

in terms of aesthetic borders, pic related was peak

Attached: Europa_1914.svg.png (1024x1024, 264K)

the only natural borders of europe
prove me wrong

Attached: grossgermanium.jpg (640x480, 18K)

For some reason they invited a lot of ungrateful poor trash and basically fucked their amazing economy up and keep bitching about how they want to leave now that they got enough gibs, this includes the Hellenic Turks, of course.

Attached: 1528862245649.jpg (600x600, 37K)

That guy is American

I just think the borders were aesthetic, no need to throw a fit over that

So Immigrants are the reason the Soviet Union collapsed and Communism fell in Europe?

Attached: download.jpg (247x204, 7K)

This kind of historical revisionism i can get behind.

The disappearing Poland act.


Unironically this

Attached: имперка.jpg (2560x1600, 2.39M)

Attached: clay.png (1621x1045, 759K)


If only this prediction was true...

Attached: Gomberg_map.jpg (3972x2832, 1.71M)

Gib Prussia and Baltics. Rightful russian clay.

Attached: sp.png (384x461, 10K)

*blocks your path*

Attached: Europe_1812_map_en.png (2284x1503, 1.14M)

Looked better before german unification.

Attached: s77eht1w6q5y.png (2788x2299, 2.47M)

No way. Setting up federations all over the place is a terrible idea.



lel, americans

why not? the scandinavian region have very similar culture and history
maybe it could be a federation of federations
>british isles federation (independent ireland + britain)
>western EU federation (Spain, Portugal, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Belgium)
>Fennoscandinavian federation (Norway, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Denmark, Iceland, Faroe Islands)
a three speed europe you could say :)

No that's gay

bloody belgians

Attached: Europe_1815_map_en.png (2284x1503, 1.08M)

Großdeutsche Lösung still best Lösung

Attached: 1517936680980.jpg (855x934, 116K)

Yeah but without all the Polish and Czech land

Here are your true borders. Fuck off.

Ps. It's the dark green, you piece of shit pest specie :)

Attached: East_Francia_843.svg.png (1200x912, 275K)

No, that looks ugly.

Calm down

>that looks ugly.
Just like your people then :)

Especially your fantastic women.

>Hello, this is Poland, we did nothing of importance after defending Vienna against the turks, no gib money, kurwa

Germany benefits more from us being in EU than we do.

Now get the fuck out, leech mongrel.

>to bavaria
is that the gate to bavaria?

Yes, thats the stargate to bavaria.

>you give us money
>you profit
>we steal your cars
>you profit
>kurwa kurwa!