ITT: post when your country was its biggest.
Here is the United States when we owned by Phillipines and Cuba. If only we got Greenland too :(
ITT: post when your country was its biggest
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one day, my friend. Greenland and iceland too.
Liberals and commies ruined it
Tsar ruined it.
Now now Ivan, you’re allowed to include puppet governments. Why do you think I included Cuba in my picture?
germs ruined it
A couple of decades before you got independence
>Caribbean colonies
>Indian colonies
>African colonies
That's a big empire
Just go down and build a trading post I guess
>not including Finland
What do you mean?
Nah. At the moment of February Revolution front was stable, we literally had one job - sit and wait until Germans surrender. But then stupid liberals began their madness with turning our country into democratic one right during war. They even began to install democracy in army, with elections of officers and other bullshit. No wonder that our army literally stopped existing, crime rates went high, and country began to turn into anarchy. And then reds took the power and you know what happened next.
Of cource there was emperor's fault, he wasn't strong enough.
Wasn’t Bohemia technically the largest you guys were?
Imagine if king George wasn't such an enormous faggot and gave colonists fair taxation, you'd have conquered the entire world by now
Well the revolutions wouldn't have been successful if the Tsar hadn't gone to war over Serbia
Fuck off, Italians are not Romans
Live near Golden Horde capital city
we were in Hungary back then :)
Nigga pls. Batista was toying you.
If we didn't intervene, you guys would rape Serbia, France and others and then in several years come to destroy us anyway.
oh shit but then I can post a picture of the medieval Hungary since we were in it B)
You don't build an empire by being fair m8
Read the map, "ITALIA" .. Rome is in Italy and the Romans were an Italic people.
Fair enough lol
Italians are Longobards, a germanic tribe. Not Italics. Yeah, you've succeeded some Roman culture and parts of their language. Yet still you're not direct successors of Rome.
Why would we? Willy and Nicky were friends, no conflict of interest, both are monarchies ... You literally put your country through ~70 years of communism to help some serbs...
Because the fear of our high command at the time was Russia fully industrializing and becoming unstoppable. Therefore the goal wince the end of the three emperors' league was to crush Russia and create buffer states, look up the treaty of Brest-Litovsk if you're interested
But you were generally very fair with your other subjects, you just shafted the thirteen colonies for no real reason
>Italians are Longobards, a germanic tribe. Not Italics.
No, maybe northern Italy, southern Italy and centre italy is Greco-Roman
Savoy founded Italy so you’re boned unless you live in the south
Beg pardon? We never owned Cuba; it became independent immediately after the S-A War.
It'll be interesting how historians interpret American influence post ww2. Will they consider western Europe as a vasselage or allies to America?
Cuba was never annexed as a unincorporated territory like the Phillipines was and puppet states don't count as part of your country or the map would look a lot different
pure germanic phenotype
different guy, but i think the status of those 13 colonies wasnt actually vastly different from others in the empire. A key difference was that they were more self sufficient than some major colonies so naturally wanted more self governance. It was foolish of the British government at the time to reject those wishes, but i suppose the risk was too great that (at the time) wealthier and more important colonial outposts (such as the caribbean) would want the same
benis :DD
Such nice borders.
it's shrinking
I think there should be a separate distinction for Japan. There's nearly 50,000 troops there, that quite a leap in force from 1,000
Leftovers that nobody else really wanted.
America has never owned Cuba
That's a really nice font
Very impressive
Don't mind if we *yoink* that from you
It was alright I guess nothing fancy though
>when you peace out with as many low war-score provinces as possible
Too good for this world
Noobs, Spanish Empire
Shame a federalized union with nz, aus and canada will never be realized. Could be a major power that could compete with us and the EU
Had one of the worst collapses of any Empire. All it was known for was conquering and enslaving
I'm surprised no Finns have come into the thread to post best empire
Black Legend.
We built universities and cities much more advanced than those of Spain in Europe. You only annihilated Indians throughout the nineteenth century
>Spaniards in Malaya
Red: Spanish Empire in Asia and Oceania.
pink: territories explored and controlled briefly.
Dark purple: territories of Spain during the Iberian Union with Portugal.
Light pink: Territories lost in or after 1717 for the Peace of Utrecht and abandoned in oblivion.
Are you saying Spain was a bad or good empire
As bad as anyone can think that it was the Roman Empire.
Why did you cut Norway in half?
Because brits did a number on us with their propaganda.
Compared to other big empires it wasn't particularly bad.
You guys did better than Portugal and “look Mom no hands” Belgium
>and “look Mom no hands” Belgium
Huh, I expected there to be more troops here
>kurd in netherlands
Grandfather was invited