French people call potatoes "ground apples"

>french people call potatoes "ground apples"

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Germans call them groung-pears
and Slavs call them jab-something without having a clue as to what that's supposed to mean, as usual

we call tomatoes golden apples

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theyre called earth apples in dutch too

>pomo di oro

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I've never heard that, but some people do call them earth apples (Erdäpfel)

we call butterflies "Mary pose"
they're not even yellow wtf

>the irish for whiskey is "the water of life"
No wonder we're stereotyped so much

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fucking delete this NOW

hahah losers

This is how we call them too.

>In other Indo-European languages, the words for orange allude to the eastern origin of the fruit and can be translated literally as "apple from China".
>Some examples are German Apfelsine (alternative name for Orange and common in northern Germany), Dutch appelsien and sinaasappel, Swedish apelsin, and Norwegian appelsin.[33] A similar case is Puerto Rican Spanish china.[34][35]

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Ground pears here

We have the word patate too. Pomme de terre is just the formal word.

>joder jolines joder tio macho que estoy flipando en colores tio madre mia cani jolines joder onda vital songoanda bejeta tranks la jungla de cristal a todo gas don pepe y los globos el tio golpetazo tu a londres y yo a california
You have no right whatsoever to talk shit, sp*niard.

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>wahh why doesnt spain use 3rd world spanish pendejo carajo que wea no mames papito *jumps border to USA*

we call strawberries "dirt berries"


It's not my fault you use the most retarded variant of the language. Why are sp*niards always so idiotic? Fuck I hate all of you so much.

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kiwis call potatoes brown carrots. yes, that's just how dumb they are

>european spanish vs saltamuros spanish
>thinks saltamuros is less idiotic
theres a reason americans think spanish is awful, mainly your fault

>theres a reason americans think spanish is awful
Yes, because they're pretty fucking stupid to learn anything other than English. Yet they're still tolerable people, unlike you. How do you manage to be even more obnoxious than the Amerifats? Disgusting.

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Those are called "earth bees" here.

I'm starting to think this is always the same butthurt mexican that spams shit about Spain in every single thread.

Are u mad some white spaniard BVULL fucked your gf or what.


>I'm starting to think this is always the same butthurt mexican
el galle detective aaaaaaaj

si si, es el de la imagen de bob esponja fijo
yo le echo 15 años asi a ojo