Israel is here to stay. Deal with it

Israel is here to stay. Deal with it.

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The core of the zionist idea is that Jews need a separate state because they cannot be assimilated.
Only a fool would disagree.

Israel is shit and israelis are annoying.

They're assimilated here.

Might makes right.
All power to them

I was talking of countries made by a long history, not of ones made by the children of prostitutes and irish prisonners.

core of zionist idea is that Jews need an own state because they can't be sure they won't be slaughtered anywhere else

Why so salty this morning Louis?

That's what i'm saying

The funny thing is that they abandining israel in masse, now they have their country the first thing they do is return to the west again

>not of ones made by the children of prostitutes and irish prisonners.
Don't talk badly about Australia.

And it's Germany's fault. The innate antisemitism in German blood made Israel what it is today, all that Palestinian blood is in German hands in the end.


They should go back to Eastern Europe.

Western Europe should not let them in.

t. Shlomo Shekelstein

well there's a difference between not being able to assimilate (which I disagree) with, and frequently being persecuted for their heritage
Holocaust just accelerated the creation of Israel
and I don't give a fuck about your bullshit view on the Israel-Palestine conflict

israel has won practically every conflict they fought meanwhile you lost 2 world wars and now you're losing the culture war, it's only natural to be jealous

Paper tiger.

No one consider them a threat anymore after this May.

While not being able to assimilate does not necessarily implies being persecuted, being persecuted clearly shows a difficulty to assimilate.

>The core of the zionist idea is that Jews need a separate state because they cannot be assimilated.

It is because Jews are entitled to self-determination in their original homeland.

>abandining israel in masse

Believing Meretz propagana

>It is because Jews are entitled to self-determination in their original homeland.
That is wrong, zionism hasn't always implied going to Palestine

Your original homeland is Poland though.

Palestine is Zion though.

>It is because Jews are entitled to self-determination in their original homeland.


When are you going back to Poland and Brooklyn?

It doesn't bother you the amount of shit you cause just being there? Another land wouldn't work just as well?

Jews are originally from the Middle East and Israel is their homeland, which is also the only democracy in the Middle East.

And so?
New Orleans is pretty far from Orleans
If things had gone differently, there could have been a New Jerusalem in Madagascar.

Poland is the Gola. That is, the diaspora. There are many other places the Jews resided in. There is nothing unique in Poland.
Jews have said "Next year in Jerusalem" in Poland as well.

Only the secular one while the most radical ones are breeding like rabbits
The secular will impose a heavier control of the west while they right will increse their megalimaniac project in the middle east
The real enemies are the secular jews

עַל נַהֲרוֹת בָּבֶל שָׁם יָשַׁבְנוּ, גַּם-בָּכִינוּ, בְּזָכְרֵנוּ אֶת צִיּוֹן.

"On the rivers of Babylon we sat and wept, while remembering Zion".

This was written 2000 years before your people started larping as Palestinians.

I mean, your ancestors all converted there and spread from their like a plague. It's more your homeland than Jerusalem that's for sure. There's not a drop of blood left in most of y'all from the people who left Jerusalem all those years ago.

>When are you going back to Poland and Brooklyn?
He's a Jew not a Lenape.

Shaoul, you are the biggest larpers in history, don't start this.

I am not a fan of blood.
Think about it. You have 8 great-grandparents. 16 great-great grandparents. And so on. Imagine the number of ancestors you have that lived 2000 years. No one is pure-blooded.

I am, however, a fan of identity, memory and tradition. We kept it all for 2000 years. We refused to assimilate, and we always remembered who we are ..

Assimilating is good though.

>2000 year old religious text as the basis for modern policy
Why do retards keep doing this

That's nice and all, but still doesn't really justify ethnically cleansing a land you have no claim on.

Also this

>I mean, your ancestors all converted there and spread from their like a plague.
That must be why Ashkenazi have DNA closer to Greeks and 40% have mitochondrial DNA from one of four Middle Eastern women.

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It may be 2000 years old, but it is recited each time anew. Words have meaning after all. Jews did not weep in the diaspora about Poland or Brooklyn.

The Arabs pretty much gave us a choice in 47/48 to cleanse or to be cleansed ..

I mean you guys did kinda launch an open invasion on their country

A 70 years old invasion?

yes, in gas chamber

You guys didn't get free reign to invade until the whole Hitler thing.

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Purchasing lands and settling in them is not an invasion. It's simply migration. And it two to three decades before Hitler was born.

it started*

Mass immigration that completely changes the demographic makeup of a region is as much an invasion as sending warriors. It's why the ottomans didn't allow it and why Brittain also wasn't keen on it most of the time barring the early 30s. Jewish immigration prior to the brittish taking over was minimal at best.

You're jealous

For real though, this is all your fault Hans. Hitler was a mistake

>Mass immigration that completely changes the demographic makeup of a region is as much an invasion as sending warriors.

No, it's not. Mass migrations occur often. Also today. This migration also spanned over decades, starting from around the 1870's and ending in the 1940's.

Also, Egypt invaded this land in 1834 and many Egyptians settled in it. So why the talking of invasion begin only in the Zionist period?


>It is known that significant Egyptian migration to Palestine happened at the end of the 18th century due to a severe famine in Egypt, and that several waves of Egyptian immigrants came even earlier due to escape natural disasters such as droughts and plagues, government oppression, taxes, and military conscription. Although many Palestinian Arabs also moved to Egypt, Egyptian immigration to Palestine was more dominant. In the 19th century, large numbers of Egyptians fled to Palestine to escape the military conscription and forced labor projects in the Nile Delta under Muhammad Ali. Following the First Egyptian-Ottoman War, which saw the Egyptian conquest of Palestine, more Egyptians were brought to Palestine as forced laborers. Following the Second Egyptian-Ottoman War, which saw Egyptian rule in Palestine terminated, massive numbers of soldiers deserted during the Egyptian army's retreat from Palestine to permanently settle there. Egyptians settled mainly in Jaffa, the Coastal plain, Samaria and in Wadi Ara. In the southern plain there were 19 villages with Egyptian populations, while in Jaffa there were some 500 Egyptian families with a population of over 2,000 people. The largest rural concentration of Egyptian immigrants was in the Sharon region.[37] According to David Grossman, statistics show the number of Egyptian immigrants to Palestine between 1829 and 1841 exceeded 15,000, and he estimated that it was at least 23,000 and possibly up to 30,000.[38] In 1860, there was significant immigration to Safed by Moorish (i.e. Arab-Berber) tribes from Algeria and a small number of Kurds, while some 6,000 Arabs from the Beni Sakhr tribe immigrated to Palestine from what is now Jordan to settle in Tiberias. In addition, considerable numbers of Turks stationed in Palestine to garrison the land settled there.[39]

>In 1878, following Austro-Hungarian occupation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, many Bosnian Muslims, apprehensive of living under Christian rule, emigrated to the Ottoman Empire, and significant numbers went to Palestine, where most adopted the surname Bushnak. To this day, Bushnak remains a common surname among Palestinians of Bosnian origin.[40]

According to the Palestinian narrative it is only wrong when "Zionists" do it.

ah fuck it, we took this land by wits and force and this is the epitome of legitimacy. either take it from us by force or stare in awe.

>Martin Gilbert estimated that 50,000 Arabs immigrated to Mandatory Palestine from neighboring lands between 1919 and 1939 "attracted by the improving agricultural conditions and growing job opportunities, most of them created by the Jews".[45] According to Itzhak Galnoor, although most of the local Arab community's growth was the result of natural increase, Arab immigration to Palestine was significant. Based on his estimates, approximately 100,000 Arabs immigrated to Palestine between 1922 and 1948.[46]

""""""""""""""""""Palestinian""""""""""""""""""""""" People.

Why they are the Palestinians and we're not?

It's only wrong when you end up with an apartheid state with some of the most creative borders in history to avoid the technicality of being such. Nobody would care if you weren't trying to be both Jewish and a democracy, by selectively fucking over a noticably large number of people. Time will come sooner rather than later that you're going to have to annex all the shit in your borders, including the people and Gaza, and find a way to deal with that.

Because you're the oppressors not the oppressed?

This is not an objective point of view. Current events should not effect on how we judge the past. Current Israeli policies matter not to the Jewish migration prior to Israel's establishment.

You were. In Dumas Monte-Cristo, a jew is refered as a Palestinian, at least in original version.

Actually, prior to the establishment of Israel, the Jews living here were "Palestinian Jews" and the Arabs were "Palestinian Arabs". Respectively, the UN Partition Plan spoke of a Jewish State alongside an Arab State.
Over the decades, the Arabs took the name Palestine for themselves. It's good PR.

The past only matters because of the present. Most people don't give a shit that there's tons of south and central Americans in the US because by and large the ones here legally learn English, adopt our culture such as it is and in a generation or so blend right in. It's that you immigrated and set up your own country without really wanting to deal with arabs in it that's the problem, especially past the 6 day war where grabbed a ton of land and didn't want any of the people that came with it.

>Over the decades, the Arabs took the name Palestine for themselves
And you took the Arab State for yourself
They got the name, you got the real deal
Pretty good trade IMO

And regardless of that we have almost 2 million Arabs in Israel, and they are 20%-21% of the population. If Israel will have an Arab majority it will not be Israel anymore. Btw, I also assume that if the US will have a Mexican majority it won't be the US anymore, or at least, a very different US.

>they are 20%-21% of the population. If Israel will have an Arab majority it will not be Israel anymore
Which is why Bibi is pushing the arabs to revolt, so he can have an excuse for a good ol' ethnic cleansing

The important difference being, America isnt cordoning off cities they dont like. America will be what it will be. What you guys have set up in West bank is fucking disgusting m8. Your fantasy state can't continue forever, and you'll either be Jewish but not democratic or democratic and not Jewish. At this point you should just steal model and go from there, ensuring important positions are always held by both parties and even giving a larger voice to your christians while you're at it.

>Jewish but not democratic
its ok you don't have to like it bob

I can't speak on the name of my government, I can only speak for myself. If you're asking me I think the situation in the West Bank should come to an end - that is, we will annex the parts that we're interested in and the Arabs will get the rest, where they will establish their own country or maybe they will join Jordan.

What are the parts we're interested in? The settlements and some strategic areas, like Jordan Valley Rift.
That means the Palestinians will get something like 60%-70% of the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

It's democratic. It just has a slightly different definition of people.

we shall see

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And before someone will ask me why am I so evil suggesting to give the Arabs only 60-70 % of the West Bank - the Arab World is gigantic. I don't feel bad for it.


Israeli-Lebanese state?

i love israel
i a lost tribe member but they dont know it yet

It's not a WE thing. It's a verse out of Psalms. Maybe you have a Bible in your house. It's there.

levantine union

It's not evil, it's just not well thought out. The two state solution is long since a meme, there's nothing but Swiss cheese left in WB and Gaza will never be allowed to exist as a functional state because it's too much of a security risk, so Israel will always have to control it's borders. If you control a people's borders, eventually you're gonna have to take the people as your own, and equals. Any other way just leads to even more stupid bloodshed until one side decides to wipe the other out for good.

What about those hebrew texts applies to you, mr muttoid?

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>Israel is here to stay. Deal with it.

Here, there, what's the difference :^)

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Well, yes. A Palestinian country is indeed a great risk. Especially given the current situation in Lebanon and Gaza, respectively controlled de-facto by Hezbollah and Hamas.
Israel will therefore have to control West Bank's borders.

A One State Solution is very risky as well. Why would the Jews and Arabs get along once a One State is imposed upon them? We had a One State already... Prior to 1947.

also give back golan heights, you took it by force.

I don't know... Ask yourself why Jews in Poland used Hebrew letters for the Yiddish language.

eww, no

No, it's pretty and special, and the Hermon Mountain is there.
And currently being a buffer against Iranian madness.

Better question: why were they using R1a Y chromosomes?

Does Hitler get India if he starts using Sanskrit, you full time semite larper?

you got Jerusalem... it just shows how you're hungry for more land rather than keeping to Jerusalem
hmmm maybe this will be better eh?

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>Any other way just leads to even more stupid bloodshed
The thing is both sides are actually okay with that

Ashkenazim are mixed with Europeans to a certain extent. I already spoke of blood :

>talking about larping
Go back ashk*nazi scum

I mean, we still don't get along great with our blacks and it's been like 70 years since civil rights. That doesn't mean you shouldn't try, or that it's not the only way to eventually end tensions surrounding you guys.

>Does Hitler get India

He'd have gotten the entire world if it weren't for those meddling angl*s.

Golan, Jerusalem, Settlement Blocs, Jordan Rift Valley, Northern Dead Sea.

We don't ask much.


uhm please keep this thread G rated!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Both sides leaders and whackjobs. People's general state is to just live their lives, and that applies to a lot of people on both sides still even with the indoctrination involved from both parties.

sorry, i don't read arabic

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Too bad, because your iron age religion is all about lineages, you Tataroiberian you. :^)

As is inheritance. No claim to the land.

They are just mixed, relax.

Well, the R1a haplogroup is almost exclusively only found among Levites (at nearly 50%), with small traces of it present in Cohenites. Non-Levite Ashkenazim Jews generally have the haplogroup J.

Also, Sanskrit and Aryan culture did not originate from India, they originated in Eastern Europe.

You will need to learn soon, if you're not killed.