Original native British were MED BVLLS that migrated from northern Iberia 1000s of years ago...

Original native British were MED BVLLS that migrated from northern Iberia 1000s of years ago, Anglo-Saxons are sissy Ger*Anics keeping the MED BVLL down

Noble MED blood SEETHES through my veins

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My brother

You look like a North African.

if they were bulls why did they get stomped by the norman invasion

Based, same with me and somehow I am supposed to be a c*Ltoid

You look like me wtf

No he doesn't.

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You are medoid.

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Mostly southern english and welsh look like this

Were my Welsh or Cornish R1B brothers at AKA North Iberian MEDS.

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Atlantic Med Bulls builders of the Megaliths.

Attached: Atlantean race.jpg (1843x2409, 1.46M)

>tfw no Ibero-Franco-British Union

i genuinely believe that r1b is the best and most chad haplo in the world

we need to add Italy too, the islands inhabitants from Sardinia and Malta are brothers.
maybe the ancient north african from the atlas mountains too.

>maybe atlas
Shoo nafri.

All the attractive Portuguese are R1B.

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My family's Cornish and DF27. I haven't the foggiest how common that is in Cornwall but it surprised me when I discovered it.

And, yes, when I was in Portugal I was mistaken for a local twice. Once by a tourist asking for directions and the second time by a tour guide.

how dare you insult me goddamn cherokee-yoruba mongrel?
the superior builders of megaliths and masters of the bronze age will invade the americas again and teach you again civilization, like they did for amerindians on central america.

in fact every great civilizations had the help of the mighty ATLANTIS!!!! GLORY TO POSEIDON!!!

>yfw Jow Forums has been so thoroughly memed that they can't see a white man plain as day like OP that europe is chalk full of

>Northern Iberians
pick one

t. mixed paki

nah people look like that
i'm likely 100% english in one county and i do

Ftfy western cuck

t. largest nation is getting cucked by 1000000000000000 (probably) r1b brazilians right now

Yes we are my MED brother.

>And, yes, when I was in Portugal I was mistaken for a local twice. Once by a tourist asking for directions and the second time by a tour guide.


>says the paki mutt

Is that literally the only thing some slovak in switzerland can say

Jordi ENP , are you?

SeeYour people are weak as is your bloodline

Is that why r1b nations have conquered and done far more than any r1a one?

No it's why you're dying out

Lol, thats how most r1b countries have much higher fertility rates with chadder men than r1a ones? You keep coping

>thats how most r1b countries have much higher fertility rates with chadder men than r1a ones?
Yeah by importing shitskins lmao. Jesus Christ the state of you subhumans. Absolutely pathetic.
Weak, dumb cucks willingly giving away your birthright. You will very soon be conquered and replaced as the shitskins you are.

>chadder men
*ngloid please

Cringe. Funnily enough parts of ireland and england where it's 100% homogenous native have the highest fertility rates, same deal as france. You dont know shit. Youre more likely to die out than us any day.
Italian, english, irish, portuguese, spanish guys can easily bang any slovak or polish girl

Repeating this wont uncuck you, soyboy western male.
>highest fertility rates, same deal as france. You dont know shit. Youre more likely to die out than us any day.
Nice cope Mohammed
>Italian, english, irish, portuguese, spanish guys can easily bang any slovak or polish girl
Works both ways when you're a chad. Problem is that most of you arent and never will be. It's outside your culture. Even now you define chaddery as something special or extraordinary. Cuckoldry and betaness has seeped into your very lingo, into the most fundamental aspects of your culture. It now defines who you are. This is how we know you've already lost. This is how you fall

>Repeating this wont uncuck you, soyboy western male.
Half of the r1a eastern euros ive met were weeaboo literal soyboys and the rest were ugly autistic incels. The only chaddish eastern euros are I2 balkaners.
>Nice cope Mohammed
Thanks for the concession
>Works both ways when you're a chad. Problem is that most of you arent and never will be. It's outside your culture. Even now you define chaddery as something special or extraordinary. Cuckoldry and betaness has seeped into your very lingo, into the most fundamental aspects of your culture. It now defines who you are. This is how we know you've already lost. This is how you fall
You need to go to bed pham nobody can even understand you

>t. lyndon larouche lackey from small town texas

>ive met
We can tell eachother anecdotal stories all night long kek. All the r1b males Ive met were ugly weakling pussy incels in school bullied by r1a bulls and have remained incels to this day.
>Thanks for the concession
>this level of cope
Getting a bit sad m8
>WAHHHH! I dont even understand you
No wonder. You wouldnt understand masculinity if it beat you to a pulp.
You sound like a dumb whiny bitch. Must be the estrogen talking

>We can tell eachother anecdotal stories all night long kek. All the r1b males Ive met were ugly weakling pussy incels in school bullied by r1a bulls and have remained incels to this day.
Loads of eastern european kids were bullied in school by anglos and are now poor jobless incels too
>Getting a bit sad m8
Cringe. Ur speaking ur bulls language :DDD
>No wonder. You wouldnt understand masculinity if it beat you to a pulp.
>You sound like a dumb whiny bitch. Must be the estrogen talking
You couldnt beat anyone to a pulp lol. You reek of projection in every way

>Loads of eastern european kids were bullied in school by anglos and are now poor jobless incels too
Like I said. You can keep lying to yourself but you cant lie to me.
>Ur speaking ur bulls language
Dont have a bull. Im just intelligent (manly) enough to know more than one. But dont worry Abdul will make you switch to another one soon enough
>You couldnt beat anyone to a pulp lol.
Not what i said though. But I can see that you're already projecting that very image into your mind. Funny that. Especially considering your following sentence

The swarthy and beady r1b framelet weaklings could never compete against the glorious r1a alpha man.
Engrave this deeply into your mind, lest you forget your place.



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