How come third worlders think they can just come to first world nations illegally without any repercussions?

How come third worlders think they can just come to first world nations illegally without any repercussions?

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Everybody does it. Mexico has millions of American illegals too

>third worlders

It's your central american friends

They're not my friends

Go fuck your sister, trailer trash

When latinos become the majority, let´s see where you will put your sadism.


Can I live in your country? I don't have kids, I just a better life.

Imagine how the Natives felt when you genocided their people and stole their land. Tough, isn't it.

why first worlders think that they can invade and destroy 3rd world countries without any repercussion?

Can someone give me a quick rundown on why illegal kids are being put into cages and what changed from before?

You guys know that illegal entry into the US is literally a misdemeanour right?

They think that first worlders will feel sorry for them and that their generosity will allow them to come in.

It’s standard practice for the government to detain families, and anybody else, who either tries to enter the country or legally, or claims asylum. In the case of asylum seekers, detention is just so they don’t try to run while they await a hearing from an immigration court to verify the legitimacy of their asylum claim. In the case of illegal entrance to the US, it’s basically holding them for violating the law (which has a max sentence of a few months) and then processing their deportation. Previously, families caught at the border together were detained together, but trump implemented a policy that separates children from their parents because he thinks that it will deter migrants.

That doesn't seem like a good idea to me, but I suspect he's doing it for spectacle to play to his base.

>team trump have floated the idea in the past, John Kelly suggested it in 2017
>Team Trump in May 2018, Team Trump put in a "zero tolerance" policy regarding immigration
>the idea of this policy is that it will prevent future immigrants from entering the US illegally
>the policy has illegal immigrants or asylum seekers children forcibly taken from their parents and either being put in holding cages or temporary foster parents
>most kids don't get the latter
>but the US government has lost track of over 1,500 kids who were put into temp housing
>reports are coming out that the actual number may be much higher

they know that they would make more money and live a better life in america. that's why they risk being shot or detained and will work the shittiest jobs. they're desperate


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If they have education and the employment, can devote themselves to their country.
Stop taking over their employments.

because they're stupid, but trump is an asshole too

Trying to turn this into a general debate on immigration is an attempt to obfuscate the fact that a lot of people are pissed off with this particular policy because they don't want the kids separated from the parents and sent to these facilities. Just because somebody doesn't support Trump ramping up these separations doesn't mean that they're some radical who supports open borders and unrestricted immigration.

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what changed from before? are you fucking kidding. trump started that shit on purpose because he needs support of his trashy voters and to distract from russia investigation


what a goof

damn that's actually fucked up. I thought the parents were right there or something.

no dipshit
its either genocide the spics or deepthroat their dicks


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this is a high-IQ thread, Jow Forumstards and their meme images aren’t welcome