Guess their ethnicity.
Guess their ethnicity
Other urls found in this thread:
paki and russian
So this is the beauty of wh*te ''''''women'''''''
He's genuinely hotter than her
Italian and Argentinian
shitskin and slav whore
Me and OP
All Russian girls are whore. Come here if you want wh*te girl.
Ok bro I am coming
which one are you?
Have fun doctor
Russia is fun
Free Russian whores
I'll let OP tell you
Monkey and hohol.
>and Russian
Oblivious fix.
Brazilian/Mexican fucking Russian whore?
Yes. Now. In the Moscow.
Why are not you there?
We're not qualified in WC
Sad. But you can always come here and fuck some Natashas. Welcome.
Indian and Irish. I have seen it.
why are you guys so pathetic at this shit, instead of enjoying it rasheed there looks desperate
stupid nigger he asked to guess the ethnicity. This guy used to have a pornhub channel and lived in london.
I bet Russia's birth rate will look impressive in about 9 months.
Thank you guys. This is exactly what we needed considering our aging population and recently raised retirement age.
Russia loves Foreign Cock.
Brazilians are so niggered they are almost as dark as Indians.
you fapped to it with the same hand you wiped your shit and ate your curry you fucking peasant, confirmed for permavirgin craving pussy, which is not that bad, but you put white pussy on a pedestal as if it wasn't the easiest to get, that's why everyone makes fun of you pajeet
t.buttmad pol nigger from chile.
ti spacco la faccia
Indian and Irish
this is what i siad and this chilean virgin got his ass stuck too deep in his ass
her body and face is a lot grosser in this.
still need to fap anyways.
Dumpster diving
>At least I got muh white girl
ew, this cow is so fat
pajeet looks good, though, nohomo
k i found the video and realized someone is filming it/holding the camera.
holy fuck why does everything gotta be a cuck video.
Why is it always taco niggers and delicias trying to engage Indians in banter? Fucking drug-riddled bean monkeys, go die in a soccer riot
Pinochet was a hero for killing so many of you
Nah pajeet still looks gross
>t. buttblasted Jow Forumstard obese virgin
I am not racist but desu pajeets just look gross
Oh well maybe I am racist for not finding certain men attractive
English, part and parcel.
>I am not racist but
>go die in a soccer riot
why do pajeets think they're higher than us qt latinos on the racial hierarchy?
VERY delusional desu
learn your goddamn place
South Asian and European
>us qt latinos
fuck off pablo lmao
Mexicans don't reproduce with their cousins. You lads have literal spider kids.
se enojaron los cacas no son basados
are you sure you've met mexicans?
both are common but the cousinfucking isn't as gross like india/pakistan where they are engaged when they are kids.
T. Chang microdick patel
>butthurt chilean virgin is still here
Catholics don't marry and reproduce with cousins lad.
I mean it can happen but it isn't approved.
Mexicans and South Americans are the most devout Catholics there are. They don't do it.
I'm just having a laugh why would I be butthurt about?
>are the most devout Catholics
Okay Balts too
says the one whose royal families are riddled with incest
I have literally seen it first hand from mates i know. it actually happens, all the time.
cousin-fucking isn't taboo. you can go find youre 100 pure virgin olive oil catholic, but there's atleast 5 other sluts, just like every other country except islamic hellholes.
that doesn't happen here
are you not the nigger from earlier?
>royal families
>at all indicative of the general population
Your countrymen seem to find white women more attractive, considering the horny dog tier posts and messages they send to them.
Why do you use that word man, seriously
European Aristocracy was fucked because they inbred. Have you seen them? Gene pool shallower than a pool of piss. Please say you're not emulating them MD.
I have doubts about the free thing.
well i dont. so why would i care? by the way white women are treated that way because they are seen as absolute whores
Who got us into WW1?
Inbred retards
sorry bb
i'm sure you know dozens of latinos in canada
African man and Chinese woman
>Please say you're not emulating them
no we are not. i just have really hot cousins
based jap
Sup Curry?
american and american
>well i dont. so why would i care?
Your country as a whole does though. There are people who have sex with dogs, one person doesn't matter.
>by the way white women are treated that way because they are seen as absolute whores
Oh nice, so y'all aren't just sexually frustrated beyond belief, but also absolutely clueless.
"Show bob"
You don't see any other group of people notorious for that sort of activity.
sup nippon how is your day going?
Whomst'd've post this?
i am trying to tell you why they act like act like it and you start chimping out. let me explain. past couple of years, the price of internet has gone down incredibly low. Im talking about 2gb for half a dollar. this has allowed internet access to even the people from poor villages. this increases access to a huge amount of pornography. you can also agree that certain gods chosen people portray white women as absolute whores who will suck dick for a slice of pizza. people here take it as reality and treat white women as such. Furthermore the amount of black on white pornography stagnated the reputation of white women as africans are not even considered human in india. so people consider white women with no absolutely no morals. hope this answers your doubts. oh and ive seen more white girls fucking dogs than any other race to be honest.
Steady on chap. I mean, 30 year old men walk around holding hands and take selfies together. Best friends 4 ever. They're not all rapey.
Okay, they drag the occasional grill off a scooter but that's their culture we should respect it.
what time is it there?
American colloquialism
>american colloquialism
I know that, retard, but it has such a grating effect on my ears.
Well that makes more sense. I apologize for not being more attuned to the Indian condition.
I personally don't watch bestiality, so I can't comment on that, but I will agree that the amount of BLACKED style porn in recent time is suspicious, and not at all representative of the women I know.
It flows very well in casual American speech, and not even with a southern accent.
its okay bby.
How does text grate your ears?
Are you one of those savants that hears text? I mean I don't know if that exists but, some musicians it's said could visualise music. Are you special like that Paki?
European man with indian/nepalese girl
russian girl names are god tier
You subvocalize what you read, you retard. My subvocalized accent changes to that of southern american.
aahaahaa russian and brasilian this is a very funny meem yes i have not seen it enough
How do you subvocalize so hard it grates your ears?