I want a northern euro gf

I want a north european gf so goddamn much because they're so rare and exotic and also because I have blue eyes and dont want my children to be m*ds. She doesnt even have to be cute,as long as she has blonde/red hair and blue/green eyes. Living in a country thats 80% M*doid is pure torture. Why cant I change places with someone from a majority light eyed country, especially since you guys hate your own women?

>inb4 theyre whores
95% of women in m*doid countries(including mine) have had 200+ sexual partners by age 18.

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fuck off turk


You just went full retard

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>Russian whore on pic

Good taste. Insemen her please.

You can tell your wife to import sperm from a sperm bank and raise her kid

пидopaхи вы зaeбaли нa cвoём кaкoм-тo aнглийcкoм гoвopить

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Better than m*ds

How do I get a nordic gf?

not an argument

How is liking the rarest women in the world retarded?

Leave them alone you disgusting arab

>Bulgarian flag
Just move to Sweden

>nord girls
>emotionally unstable, manic depression is extremely common
>crooked teeth, cringeworthy smiles
>act like complete whores
>alcoholic and unhealthy

>med girls
>healthy both physically and mentally
>have adorable smiles because they're not smokers
>don't act likes whores, dress modestly
>take care of their health and don't have any shitty habits

You ok, OP?

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Just marry a Bulgarian? You're over obsessing about things imo.

ALSO: Don't call yourself a med, b*lgar, the only sea you have a coast with is literally called "THE BLACK SEA" LMAO!

> I want a northern euro gf
> post russin attentionwhore living in italy

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Poor girl, some gypsy has stolen her ass

Pic unrelated


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>have adorable smiles because they're not smokers
Bulgaria has the largest amount of smokers in europe
>don't act likes whores, dress modestly
Youre full of shit, m*d girls introduced the disgusting degenerate nigger fashion trends of the Americas
Not to me because they dont have exotic(northern euro) features

Also you posted a girl with a nordic face. Average m*d girls have massive jew noses

French unironically look more like sandniggers, especially south of Toulouse

The majority of Bulgarian have med features. We are genetically closest to Italians.

>We are genetically closest to Italians.
Lol you wish you Slavic subhuman bastard

Bulgaria very strong
All slav whores belong to Bulrgaria


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>we are most similar to Italians
>no you aren't you dumb slavshit

lmao he's actually retarded