US literally too dumb to understand irony

>High-context cultures prefer communication that is sophisticated, nuanced, and layered. Messages are both spoken and read between the lines.
>Notably, the British, despite being more low-context than many cultures, are far more high-context than the Americans.
>Thus they will often say things with implicit meanings that are contrary to their literal meanings — aka irony — that go right over American heads.
Why are Americans so dumb?

Attached: wow.png (687x307, 52K)

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I always thought Japanese are pretty simple and straight at communinication

Aku suka kau, mari kemari ku lanja minuman sama kueh

sorry dad

Too much German blood.

Typically you see a direct correlation between the age of a country and how high/low context the culture is. The older a country, the higher context.

But how Americans became too dumb to understand irony is still a mystery.

Wow a thread obsessing over America made by a UK flag, what a surprise, didn't see that one coming.

What meme units were used to make this chart and where is the scale?


It means the Japanese like to be two-faced and invite you to their house when they don't want you to come.

it's everyday with the british. It's always "why do americans do x"
It's like my disappointed father

Attached: 79893.jpg (613x445, 91K)

I'm simple person, you know. If somebody invite me to his house, in most cases I'll come, if I have time and the mood for sure.

don't you have another "loisence" thread to make?

Short answer. Diversity

lol that damage control

i've never seen one and I've been browsing here for a week straight. Isn't that a meme on some other board?

This is actually plausible. Can''t rely on contextual clues if you don't really share a context.

>countries with higher context cultures are shitholes

Attached: =D.jpg (768x576, 86K)

denmark is wealthier than the niggerlands

>countries with a culture cannot into economics growth
>South Korea

Yep, that's it, the entire country is dumb.
It definitely has nothing to do with the fact the US is a ton of localities and cultures stuck together.

Like 'different fridge colors' and 'ketchup brand'?

har har har, very funny!

Take southern California vs Minnesota. Very different historical influences, manners of speech, etc. They probably do use the same types of fridges though.

"high context" aka spineless effeminate soyboys who don't mean what they say, just like women

>manners of speech
They both rappers, what's the difference?

So the higher the "context", the more subhuman? Interesting correlation.

Explain Russia. It has by far greater cultural diversity within it's borders.


Does it?
Also, Russia has been a thing in one way or another for something like 1000 years. That's a lot of time for a shared cultural context to be developed.

The US, by comparison, is highly mobile and has only been around for 250 years as an independent entity. Plus, we're not the native people here. There were German, Italian, Irish, etc, who all settled here and needed to communicate. To do that effectively, you had to be direct to the point and not play around with innuendos and implications.

We are so multi culti you can't even begin to comprehend.

Attached: a0bb8636e55232c2b1cc971d08654c1b.jpg (604x403, 58K)

Wearing once a year some fancy clothes is not about being different

Looking at that chart, it looks like it directly relates to social stratification than any degree of cultural complexity, but there's probably more to it.

That's because of the language.
Germanic languages are really fucking primitive compared to slavic, asian or semitic languages.

>We are so multi culti
>83% russians
>5% tatars
>5% ukrainians and belorussians
>7% other

Attached: IMG_20180421_202525_040.jpg (1200x656, 283K)

japs avoid directly saying 'no' at all costs

>australia on par with usa
oh this is why every cunt i talk to doesn't understand what i'm talking about. germany is only slightly higher as well. hmmm

Tell me about Kenya

Americans are only good for factory work, aka, stupid jobs. I know this becuase I’m Hispanic and I supervise a bunch of rednecks white scum. Fuckers don’t known how to press buttons and they have a hard time communicating.

Not really. Soviet era made sure there is only one culture. And after it collapse the culture also did. So the only cultural difference between different groups in Russia is age-related, with people over 40 years being very soviet-oriented in terms of mindset and values and the younger people tend to listen to the same music, watch the same movies and buy the same (chinese fake) brands, mostly american ones.
Modern russia is a perfect example of a cultureless thirdworld subhuman shitholes. All the classical literature, music and art are in the past, modern russia is absolutely empty and impotent culture-wise.

You are good for factory work and slave work.

This post pretty much sums it up.
It's like a russian prostitute wearing some "traditional" clothing elements.

>You are good for factory work
If being lazy and prone to get so drunk everyday that you can't get up are good qualities for that then sure. And most russians are unfortunately like that.

>American professor in charge of quantifying irony

>low context
so that's why they never get food from us

Good enough for factory work. I’m not even joking, you should see the scum I have to deal with.

It goes deeper than that
Don't mix up culture and ethnicity
Still the difference between certain parts of Russia is immence. Even St. Petersburg and Moscow are very distinct, and places like chechnya, Vladivostok, Kaliningrad and yakutia are all like from different planets

Have you watched that movie with that actor who's playing samurai during Boshin war?
Japs showed as two-faced.

Forgot the pic

Attached: parusa3.jpg (900x537, 117K)

>Wow, a Chechen identifies himself as "russian"?
>L-LOOK MOMMY, RUZZIA IS FOR RUZZIANS, MUH 99,9999999999999999999999% RUZZIAN!11!111!11

>US literally too dumb to understand irony
no surprises here

Attached: people_who_believe_the_onion_640_01.jpg (640x449, 53K)

>Don't communicate when sober
>Still better at communicating than anglos and germanics

why is everyone so mean to us?

because you're mean to everyone else (invasions, subterfuge, slave trades etc)

Because of your arrogance.

we just want to be friends
You are on time out for election hacking

You are welcome for not having a hysterical bitch ruining your cunt

>election hacking

Attached: peregruzka.jpg (250x187, 13K)

>actually happens
The fuck

Hopefully one day the working/middle class citizens of the world will realize that we're not all that different, just pawns in (((their))) geopolitical games.

Well, your propaganda will make sure it never happens.

>american education

>we're not all that different
We are pretty much different from protestant one-dimensional euro and korean biorobots.

>sophisticated, nuanced, and layered

>be american
>get shot

Try talking to them sometime? They have thoughts and feelings just like yourself.

Yep. Can't have the people questioning why we're going to enter our 18th year at "war".

So, does this mean that the UK has more shitskins than the USA?

>Try talking to them sometime? They have thoughts and feelings just like yourself.
That's by don't you think about 'different' as a something bad? We ARE different, but that's pretty good actually. Murricans are good at organising things fast and from zero, Russians are good at thinking out of the box and at critical path, Germans are good at precision, accuracy and perfect planning, Asians are good at dumb monotonous work.

This is bullshit. Japs don't get irony at all. They may hide their true feelings in conversation, but they can't into irony or similar shit at all. They take a lot of shit at face value.

Is this the way of ninja?

i too am a communist. for the vanguard, comrade!

That has little to do with their language relying extremely heavily on context, which it does.

It's true. Even in college classes you have to say everything literally or nobody will understand. Most people are incapable of comprehending anything satirical.
God I hate this place

nice thread faggot

I noticed you :3

>Most people are incapable of comprehending anything satirical.
Now I know why murricans love Dostoevsky, Chekhov, Tolstoy and Pushkin so much. They don't understand all the parody and satiric levels of their works.

>High context speak with low meaning content and spend most of their time bieng polite cucks

UK will be majority nonwhite in your lifetime :)

Hmm honey, US already is. So i can imagine it