1. ur cuntry

1. ur cuntry
2. are you aware that romanians and gypsys are not the same people?

Attached: románcartman.jpg (365x295, 50K)

Yes i am aware that native romanians are part of the central european masterrace

Who cares?

Yeah no shit

Attached: romanians-actress.jpg (450x584, 61K)

>Central Europe
Guess Kazakhstan is eastern europe then

Yes, but I pretend they are the same

I mean...

Attached: kazakhstan.png (896x764, 82K)

Easy way to tell is to remember that romanians are subhumans but gypsies are worse than literal trash

Yes, but it took a while. The Euros tricked us. Are the Romanians who fill the jails and prisons of Europe Gypsy people or Romanian people?

flag and same what Hungary said Just imagine a country full of shady people who shank each other, steal items from the shelves, and sell stolen televisions and car radios to each other. Also, 50% of population would wear big ass skirts.

1. czechia
2. yes I am

As a Romanian mutt who's been to Romania, no, there the fucking mutts of the country and should leave to Germany to leech off them

Attached: 1529077256803.png (1104x872, 56K)


I really don't have anything against gypsies since at least they don't gun you down at random like niggers and spics do.

They would if they had guns and the human-level intelligence required to operate one

Probably some of both.

1 Maltava
2 Yes

yes but I still use gypsy as an insult when talking to them to piss them off

no because that's false
Only Transylvania is Central European, but then again, it should be independent

Romanians might as well be gypsies from what I've seen


Romanians ARE gypsies

1. Vaslui
2. absolutely
also, see pic

Attached: 1522010996091.png (952x685, 182K)

Dacians lived only in Transylvania

>we wuz dacianz n shit
>no binie

kazakhs confirmed white

Attached: aryans.jpg (2000x1086, 572K)
