Slags edition
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Guardian today had a supplement listing 34,000 migrants who have died trying to enter Europe
wish there were a few more zeros to that number wahey
But about 2 million got in though
the ACMPfu lives in Saransk
hope she's enjoying the world cup
Probably be ok my school was very welsh and the Filipino lad in my year never got any stick except for when he bullied everyone at basketball
nobody is "racist" toward east asians
What's the prime spot for picking a prime English rose?
Fucking hell lads - queen bee or hornetor something just came in the window
They're fucking out for me this year, I'm a marked man
They still trying to call them refugees?
Just got £200 in PIP
What's the right age to have children?
hey i'm a yank and i'm here to say
that i'll be posting on /brit/ today
i like your epic bants and all your dank memes
we used to be at war but now we're on the same team
but before you get mad and make a comment snide
you should know that i have english on my mother's side
so let's have fun together on /brit/ ok
together we can laugh the whole day away!
Imagined a bare naked breast lads
Imam's gonna flip his lid come friday
painfully unfunny
why are british women such mudsharks?
26 through to 32
how to join the IRA
what is
1. Be a knacker who lives up north
2. Be a catalytic converter
Simple as
It keeps happening
fuck white men
fuck borders
fuck drumpf
the normans were not from scandinavia
i hate chinks
Being tolerant is pretty gay
who are your guys's favorite mistresses/dominas?
for me it's bratty bunny.
growing a ganja plant lads
she's getting dicked by 7 Swedish men
Modern Warfare was very clearly the best COD desu. WaW was just a shitty WW2 imitation. First black ops was decent, as was black ops II. can't remember the rest so they can't be that good
BF 1942 > BF 2 > BF 4 > Bad Company 1 > BF 3 > BF WW1
thought mw2 was the worst one
can they add me to the list of migrants who died after being rejected from entering new zealand
wish I could wear skirts
this is one of the greatest threads I've ever seen
not sure if any of you lads are familiar with that one volga german who's always about
calm down there mohammad
that's weird. my school also had a Filipino basketball guy
what was his name?
nothing like blonde hair on brown skin that really gets a personality poppin'
never liked call of duty for being so linear
used to play the battlefield 1942 demo all night
unfortunately i am one
to be fair i dont think i even want a gf or anything
he's kicking around in there?
he's on of those posters that make you realise how many actually mentally ill people are here
The USA is a third world country
need to get a girl pregnant
can you explain why you always post this image or the candles on a birthday cake once or is that an injoke so exclusive only you should be able to get it
Don't believe these girls exist in the UK
Broke Boi
>all these youngrunts who never played BF2 with their best mates
>tfw you'll NEVER expel the imperialist american DOGS from your sacred land EVER again
Dont steal my picture you absolute spaz
where abouts are you supposed to put your willy?
jews are using cultural marxism to make people gay
are there trans animals?
>When you voted for Brexit knowing you could claim an Irish passport if it goes wrong
Puerto Rican scumbags hate white people
find vaginas such as this one to be off putting brothers
like mine neat and tucked JK
very impressive titjob and pussy on there, see few sex changes that good
about to replay modern warfare 2 for the first time since like 2012 or whenever
i can feel the craving, the hunger
okay, now find that chad version
try leaving california
Yes. Obviously.
I live in Kansas
you can do it, i took that screenshot from Russia
I too am tired now
Embracing thoughts of tonight's dreamless sleep
My head is empty
My toes are warm
I am safe from harm
how old are you?
you forgot to misspell europa as evropa
sending my gf a copy of weininger's sex and character
pros and cons?
Zo3y and beto have matching IQs brothers JK
22 and I don't have a gf
feel like time is running out fast
Diane fienstien and Chuck Schumer used to shit on illegal immigrants until 2009
1942 was by far the best. Forgotten Hope, Vietnam, it was all so great. FPS peaked in the early 2000s
23 brother HH
Humans are animals u Irish dog
wish it was 7 nigerians
White genocide resumes
24, it only gets worse
any battlefield play4free man in
fucking bastards why can't they just leave us alone
yeh it's kind of disconcerting seeing how far left the discussion has shifted. genuinely think that when millennials get in power we are going to have western europe without any kind of border controls.
Need to sell up and head to NZ and Aus ASAP
>postgrad student I'm advising has been stuck with his project for over a week
>gets increasingly frustrated and dismayed
>I help him out somewhat and guide him towards a solution a bit
>finally resolves the issue yesterday and gets his project back on track
>is ecstatic, runs straight to my office to share his excitement
>"I'm so happy! It feels like... I don't know... it feels like I found a girlfriend or something!"
look at that thread he went proper schizo
Wun hundred and eiiiightyyyy
i want the british army to play this the day they invade that shithole of ireland
we can't be compared to animals any more, we've transcended that level
If animals were on our IQ and evolutionary level, there'd be gay and trans animals 100%
lads, hit the shift button 5 times in a row ahahaha
Sick of Obama's lies lads
Lads if I ask the barber for a “3 faded to a 1” will he know what I’m talking about
omg wtf looool
snails are hermaphrodite